Monday, January 31, 2005


Hallo ihr alle da draussend...i was visiting kelvin's and reuben's blogs when i came across something interesting. I don't know why it's like this but i get this strange feeling that we are simply way too alike. Isn't it just plain scary? I guess it happens when three people spend all their weekends together and with no one else, doing the same things, mulling over similiar problems, and chasing similiar ambitions. I'm not saying it's bad or anything - i'm just saying to have discovered it's like a bolt out of the blue...the thing is, among us three i was and still am the wild card. I just feel that way, don't ask me why...i feel the most unpredictable amongst us three. Unpredictable here as in everyday behaviour, not unpredictable as in 'when his dark side rears his ugly head...' And i don't know if this similarity is going to be good or not but i can say one thing: If things turn ugly between us it will be very, very ugly...sigh. They're important people but i really don't know what to think. Maybe it would've been better if we were triplets.

Anyway, one's blog is full of pseudo-poetry and the other is ranting about a love lost. Mine in contrast seems the sunniest of all...why is everyone either falling in love or facing love problems? Where is the love??


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