Sunday, May 01, 2005

Heute kaufe ich mir neue Platten | Coach Carter | Gin & It (the reason why i don't like vermouth)

Hallo ihr alle da i went out and blew another load of cash...but i guess it's not that bad. Bought 2 CDs - Safe in a Crazy World by Corrinne May...yes i am finally supporting local well as Naughty but Nice by Sarah Connor...also bought the Band of Brothers VCD collection...which was really quite cheap...i mean, 12 discs for just $29?! That's like, dirt cheap...But still, i really shouldn't be spending like that, should i? Okay, it's not particularly exorbitant, or what, but still...hecks!

Have to save up soon. Next weekend will be a great opportunity. kah yee is going to buy back a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream for me so...yes, i will have to save up! Speaking of which, i think wee chong is going to get kahlĂșa for me too, save, save! Strangely, it hasn't struck me to buy tequila or the like...sigh. I guess the collection of liqeuers will never come to an end. Reuben told me that he can get a 750ml bottle of Jim Beam White Label for just $15. Maggots! And to think we are always begging our friends to buy duty-free liqeuer for us! But oh well. He says that it doesn't happen that often, anyway.

Yeah, since when did the blue moon show itself? When it does, i think i'll get my bourbon at such a cheap price.

Watched Coach Carter today...this is one coach with nonsense intolerance...but i really admire the way he inspires his team. My style is just a shadow, but i think i will really try to emulate his fashion of leadership and teaching. Goodness. My trainees were whacked into realising that if they couldn't work together, they'd just do it again, and again. But i guess some parts are similiar, like addressing them as gentlemen (especially outfield, but then i'm always fucking them) or explaining things to them in a steadily rising voice. Hmm. Oh wells. But i guess i'm not like him at all. Still, different world, different circumstances. If only the movie came out before the 36 deployment drill. Haha. TA Bty has nothing more to do with the trade course (except for the radar theory examination, that is.)

Just finished listening to corrinne may. Her CD is ab-fab (for the uninitiated, absolutely fabulous after that UK sitcom) with that angel-like voice, lyrics which are simple yet touching, and music which stirs the soul. Sigh...I like.

I think i will never like the taste of vermouth. True, it's just a fortified wine - but it tastes sometimes too sweet/spicy for me...Just had a Gin and It - the It is an abbreviation of Italy, the origin of tastes like a martini, only with an even stronger vermouth prescence.

Gin and It

30 ml gin
30 ml sweet vermouth

Build over ice in a mixing glass. Stir and then strain into a chilled glass.

I should learn how to appreciate martinis and the family. And not gulp them down like shooters. Aye.


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