Monday, June 09, 2003

:Ich schlafe, aber ich bin noch muede:

Hey ihr alle da draussen...wie geht's euch?? Nach 2 Tagen von Bewegung bin ich noch muede (ich hab immerhin 10 stunden geschlafen und es reicht nicht!) Well, after 1-star kayaking i spent the next day at Pulau Ubin (just a small island really...) cycling!! It's fun but exhausting...never did true all-terrain before was quite extreme larhs. *bounce bounce bounce*...almost had an accident! hahaha...trotzdem bin ich hier, fit, gelenk and gesund!! hahaha...

I am still exhausted. I cannot explain why...maybe it's all the lack of sleep catching up...what if i went to sleep and never woke up?? i don't know...i believe someone is out there but then again it's a belief and one can never be sure...and according to maslov, my needs haven't been all satisfied so if i were to die i would face fear rather than inner peace...that makes sense doesn't it? *sighs*...but i still have a whole life ahead of me...i guess just enjoy and cherish...was denkt ihr dazu? leave your comments!! hehe...

Ooh...if you have any good music from the 80's preferably disco, tell me...i'm getting mp3s to drop into my vice city mp3 player...should be all 80's dun't y'all think?? thanks! i am signing off. good bye, good hunting!! Excelsior!


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