Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Ueber das Klettern | Noch mehr Hausaufgaben bitte | Wu Jian Dao II

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...emelyne said she went climbing today...*nods* ok lah, good for u rite? =D I told you that if no rock shoes then go barefooted sch i climb barefooted one...cuz the stupid rock shoes in njc are so damn small >.< ya the rock shoes at safra fit perfectly. i can climb well lor...if i wear normal shoes (i presume u did la) u will end up slipping all around because your shoes cannot grip...i can grip very well even on very small holds *shenqi* hahaha =) I show you someday lah kies. Betta get ur Level 1...dun get also can climb one, if you think my friends can climb quite zai...let me tell u smth.....

They DON'T have Level 1. =D Of course, I do. =P

Ueber die Hausaufgaben...hahaha...I won't do the Aufsatz today. I still have to complete that stupid what-do-you-call-it Jahresrueckblick oder sonst sowas lah. Then i intend to do 1 more Kommentar...I'll write a lil something about the Oral tomorra, in case Schraudy decides to pull that on us. grrr. I want to kill already. Perhaps i shall nail the German Room shut after A's. Was denkt ihr darueber? I guess it's really good that our German is done before any other paper...we won't have to see her at all during our A's...which isn't too bad. *winks* kekeke...

Went to watch Wu Jian Dao II today...the plot is super seh lor. So many twists....plots within a plot, and how undercover plans can go wrong...It's worth the money, so go and watch it! The plot is GOOD. Coupled with Italian Job, so THIS is Criminal Movie Week....hahaha...wells. ciao!


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