Sunday, January 25, 2004

Und so geht's wieder... | der letzter Samurai

Hallo ihr alle da wird mir nicht gut ins Feierabend kommen...weil ich heute wieder zurück ins Camp muss! Na ja, c'est la vie, j'aime Armée...haha...yea as if!! Anyhow...had a good new year? Hope y'all had fun! And lotsa money too...Unlike me...j'ai pas de l'argent...i have no money...ahaha...and i mean Army allowance also...bleah gotta wait until next then i'll be quite poor...hahaha...but then again, you can't spend that much in camp! haha. Just a tad apprehensive about returning...i hope i can perform better this time in camp...aiming for OCS (yeah like who isn't) so...yeah lor. hope can perform la. Anyway, should be having another long weekend this coming week cuz of Hari Raya Haji...good life in the Army you say? la vie d'armée n'est pas bon...or at least it's good now but you have to make it up sooner or later! I already missed a route march because of will be re-scheduled or wod la...lucky tonite is all admin time so i can relax and get my house in order...i have to kiwi my training boots black too (they're rather muddy...) instead of haywiring all around, flunking area cleaning again, and getting hell....right? als ob man das sich wünschen würde!

Went to catch The Last Samurai yesterday...well it didn't degenerate into a soppy love story, rather the story of how a disillusioned army officer re-learns the way of life by bushido, the Samurai code of honour...and how this man effectively became the last Samurai. I won't give too many details because i think it's worth go and catch it! haha...Then we went Fish & Co. for dinner...haha...can you believe we're this desperate, i got challenged by reuben to get the hp number of this waitress in 2 weeks' time? bleah! Who's scared of who, turtle scared of hammer...... a bit immoral ah...actually not really...i think a lot of guys will want her...=P haha...being ego again...well, i'm gonna return there and suffer, no girls, no nothing, but just physical torture...Endure!

Have you all heard 'Brief' by Xavier Naidoo? It's in German, but for those of you who know the language, get the won't regret it...and here's what the girl says in her letter.

Ich weiss nicht, was ich sagen soll
Bin vor Not ganz stumm
Das, was wir befürchtet haben, ist geschehn und wirft mich um
Vater ist ganz unbeirrbar
Droht mir alles an
Womit man mir Angst einjagen
Und mich lähmen kann
Weiss nicht wie es weitergeht
Kenne keinen Weg heraus
Ich bete nur die schwere Prüfung
Löscht mich nicht vollkommen aus...

Yeah, it's a break-up song...but very sad should listen to it...slow, sad...*sigh* but then i've never broken up with pple before, just rejected....haha...the strange thing is, everyone thinks i have a gf! Could it be her? (see above) but that would soap style...haha...nevermind, who said dreams never come true. haha...Un rêve de l'amour, puis je me réveille...*sian* weiss nicht wie es weiter geht...Sag ich dir Bescheid...aber was ich glaube ist, dass es mir scheitern wird. hmm. au revoir!


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