Hallo ihr alle da draussen...today has been enjoyable, even if it's a Monday and it's been cold and rainy all morning but only to become tropical in the afternoon. Even if i've been out to lunch, and then a movie. Even if i'm going to book in tonight. Yeah, so many even ifs that...i don't really care anymore. It's been a pretty damn fine day. And well...i haven't reached the stage where man lebt täglich für den Abend...bestimmt noch nicht, sowieso...haha...
I went out to settle some stuff for my debit card application but oh well, seems like i have to go back to the bank to convert my bank account into one operated by signatures...well...i guess it's about bloody time, since i adopted my current signature in the Army and well, i think this will be my permanent one, unless people start faking it...haha...
I then met samantha for lunch! It's really been awhile since i last saw her...and well...she really looks like the young professional nowadays huh? Haha...but in her own words...
'why aren't people like checking out my age when i want to watch some movies?'
Well...haha...if you're 21 and you look 26...it's pretty funky. Just don't look older than you are in like 20 years' time...sigh...speaking of which, i feel really auld too. I feel positvely ancient. What the fuck...and i'm not even twenty yet. But oh well, people aren't checking my credentials when i go watch movies or go pubbing...i guess that's the cool part? haw.
Anyway, back to topic. We went for soup...i had Boston clam chowder...which was really a bit too filling...*burp* but satisfying nonetheless! Then we walked around...talked...observed sam's mosquito bites...and then she had to go back to work. Maggots! Haha...well...she is someone i can spend an entire day with...or 2...or maybe forever...hahahaha...
Then i met ryan to watch this local film, Be With Me...(aiyah, support support a bit lah...) well...i must say that it was a bit too arty-farty...imagine intense periods of boredom, then one segment of two goddesses...then boredom again...but the story it's trying to bring over is heartwarming. The blind, deaf old woman has relied on her faith, and the revelation that she was living well while others had to fend for their very survival to live from day to day despite her disabilities. The old man whose wife had him kill her in the hospital acted so out of love, to end her suffering. However, he was dependent on having someone to love, without whom he was suffering so badly. The good-for-nothing was so infatuated with the girl of his dreams, yet she never noticed him. The hottie who cut off all contact of her friend because of a secret, forbidden kiss they shared loved her, but loved normalcy more than her.
And although ryan found it too arty-farty and made a lot of small talk (yes i think we were, in some way, public nuisances hawhaw) he said...
'well, it's quite heartwarming lah...at least you don't feel like you've paid 7 bucks to watch bullshit.'
And for the hotties in the abovementioned movie, like samantha tan...

But i am serious about your acting. Woot.
Speaking of the above picture, i almost burned myself to death last night. As you can see above, i think that Cointreau is the only liqeuer in my inventory that i can light easily...unfortunately when i was carrying the burning shot glass, some liqeuer spilled over the edge, causing the entire mouth of the shot glass to really flare up! I was terrified sialz...thought the whole fucking shot glass was gonna explode in my hands...luckily i managed to blow it out. Whew. Anyway, there's a problem. I can't even light cognac easily...hrmph. Problems.
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