Sunday, October 30, 2005

Mein Name ist Peon

Sometimes I wonder why people treat you like peons. I just had my peon experience this past week.

So boss has returned to lead the X-Men…haha…well, no. But, he is back…which basically meant more work for us poor NSFs…

But boss wasn’t the worst…the worst was getting arrowed by that S1 to be the secretary for CO’s Conference…now that, boys and girls, was really the one. Can you imagine being closed in for six hours with PSOs bickering over nothing really? Sigh. They spent the better part of an hour arguing over some manpower issue, which broiled down to naught in the end…I mean…whatthefuckwasthat?! Sigh. Maggerous, these people.

My last DOO is on this coming Monday. I can’t believe it! My last duty already…things remaining ’til ORD are just a-countin’ away…but it won’t be just any duty…although the unit is clearing leave, I have to come back and prepare the conference minutes…ahhhh! Maggots! In a sense then, I should be grateful for having this DOO at this otherwise unlucky timeslot, where everyone could just rot at home.

I, for one, have a meeting scheduled with jj so that he can screw my ass.

Nah, just kidding. He just wants to pass me something which will aid the battalion’s heritage greatly. You really should sign on…it’ll do you a world of good, and the army needs people like you, anyway.

Whoopie. I love jj. Don’t you?

I’m also afraid of gross overspending this week…I do think I’ll be going shopping soon…my being in THUNDER WARRIOR makes it kinda impossible for me to shop for my CNY clothes…so will any maggots come shopping with me?

Been hooked on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas these days. Haha…yes, I am still not a WarCraft freak, despite all the…negative?...influences around me.

And here’s to kelvin…I hope you go to WALLABY and die there. Hahaha…no…that wasn’t serious…have a good and safe exercise, come back in one piece, and please buy me BOLS Lychee…pwetty pwease? Jeez. I am such a dawg. And you maggot…if someone like ween offered to send you off…why didn’t you even accept? You are just a maggot. Face it. If she shows up when I go to NZ (chances of which should be slim to none considering I don’t have advertisers…) I will just jump and screech in excitement and watch my friends’ faces turn fucking green. Haw.

Speaking of ween…when is everyone meeting up? Keep the weekend of 12, 13, 14 November free…OAC Seniors’ Camp @ Ubin…not to be missed…


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