Saturday, June 21, 2003

Die Vergiftung

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...bin krank geworden!! Durch Essensvergiftung, wie der Arzt mir erzaehlt hab ich Durchfall und hab mich auch paar mal uebergeben...keine Ahnung, ich wuensch mir dass ich schnell wieder fit wird!! *sighs* food poisoning. i donno what caused it because i have been eating so much in the past 2 days...'tis just a really sucky feeling where you're hungry but your stomach is kinda bloated so you can't eat?? Respiration by bacteria creates CO2 maybe. just another theory. I have taken to studying Statistics....Probability. bleargh. It's not as simple as in secondary school...well...I guess i'm not in Kansas anymore!! *frowns*

Okay been sleeping lots today too. A tip: rehydrate really need the water to prevent dehydration from setting in....i know it feels like shit drinking more water still gotta do it. okay?? alles klar, bye!


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