Monday, October 27, 2003

9182/02 | Los geht's mit dem Abitur!

Hallo ihr is the official beginning of my written papers. 9182/02: German Leserverstaendnis, or reading comprehension as you all out there would know it...well. So far i don't think i've lost any marks (e.g. Umformulierung or Wortschatz...) i better not since they're like giveaways...anyway. Das Thema heisst: Zuwanderungspolitik. What does it mean? Well, it's basically gives a sitrep of the immigrant problem in Germany now...definitely more difficult than last year' wasn't too bad lah i must say...the passages were fair but the questions weren't....hello, do you still get reading comprehension questions which ask "How many people were arrested?!" like, -.-? haha...but let's be grateful for 2 points given to you as a gift. Makes sure you don't get 0, in any case....=P

This german written paper has one more significance: with it begin my A's. The written part that is. *sighs* wie die Zeit seems like just 2 weeks ago when i just stepped into NJC and now it's the end?! Time really flies...2 years are nothing...but yet at the very closure of your life at say can look back and say you've seen it all and walked long enough...the human psyche is a masterful piece of engineering, isn't it? adieu...

Oh...did i mention something? the Instruction Room was freezing. i guess it's like that when you only have 6 people, 1 to each desk...but then again i'll never get such a broad nice writing space again! *wails* ahh well. Groesse Erwartungen sind nicht zu verwirklichen. til then...


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