Friday, October 17, 2003

Ich bin ein Spion! | Schwaenz nicht die Schule!

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...da bin ich es wieder nach 3 Tagen und ich will euch sagen...Schule macht Scheiss! It's like...helloo, you wake up at 6 am and go to school for like nothing...sorry for sounding like such an ingrate but yeah that's how i's only worth going to school for GP since i made such a big with khoo has kinda lost the meaning of tutorial...bleargh i only go there to get banged and to bang her really is reflective of a teacher's quality i think...i learned a lot more (read: A LOT) under mrs chee...i have come to really respect bio and be much more confident when treating bio in comparison to last year with khoo...kudos to you...really.

Starting to pon school these days. Especially wed...ponned German. Hello, ich muss 2 Stunden davor warten und danach noch 2 Stunden deutsch...wie kann man denn das ertragen?! Deshalb bin ich nach Hause gelaufen und GP geschrieben...but how i heard...i scraped my A1 for german oral...*sighs* so i have to stay in and pia more german...>.<

comments: ein bisschen selbstbewusstlos bei dem Anfang aber es ging langsam immer besser...

I think Wittmeyer has a point there. Whenever i have to present something oder sonst sowas i tend to get really, really, really tensed up...but as the questions come and i can engage the audience, i slowly get more confident...i guess i thrive on discourse....haha....

Been getting back onto Splinter Cell. passed CIA HQ, Kalinatek and now at Embassy 1 liao...but i really not interested in playing liao...losing its meaning. go and study lor. haha....


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