Sunday, September 05, 2004

Aus dem Dschungel gekommen | Durcheinandersein

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...endlich bin ich wieder zu Hause, aus der Hoelle (not really la) aber es hat doch Spass gemacht! Well. you don't think that certainly when you're out of water, drinking by the capful, with a signals set on your back and trekking up a neverending steep slope. But, when you get all home and dry, everything comes into a different perspective. Life is good, and when you look back, alles ist wie Schall und hazy, yet you went through it...thing is, i doubt i will ever return to LANCER. unless i get FO, of course, which will probably get me killed eventualy...considering my non-fitness. haha! Although i completed the so-called Ironman challenge (signals set for 3 days! up and down the hills and mountains!) and survived on a bare minimum of dessert packages, fruit bars as well as stream water, here i am again. Home, and dry...

Had some days for R&R too...LANCER is a really small place, only the urban centres are developed but otherwise, the country remains as rural as it was. I didn't mean that in a bad way. You have virgin rainforest there, unlike the stuff you get at home. That meant that although it could be a sweltering 32 deg C outside, in the foliage it's a comfy 20+. It can be raining up there but down below you're bone-dry. Stream water is always cooling and really quenches thirst, even when we need to add water purification tablets, it's sweeter than the best of wines...can't say the same of FBO though. Had to pack the bare minimum because of the signals set, and together it still weighed in excess of 40+ kg? There was a slope of gradient etwa 70 degrees and we had to climb grabbing for roots up above and stepping up below. The ground was so loose that it was like...extreme rock climbing without ropes,'s not tiring, really: Adrenaline keeps you running!

Speaking of which, i haven't hit the walls for bloody 8 months. I can't believe it...

Got home and went DFS first...haha...luckily i got friends who don't drink, so i managed to buy 1 litre of Absolut Citron and 1 litre of Bacardi Oro...lotsa drinks at home now...hahaha...that's kinda bad, innit? Burning my liver away at such a tender age...sigh...then i met Sam in town! Yeah thing is that whenever we meet we don't have to do much, don't have to go shopping or to the movies, don't even have to walk around. Sitting down and just enjoying each other's presence is what counts. Really. The closeness of someone who you know will be far, far away in awhile makes it all worth it...

The past few days in camp have been quite crazy. Apart from parade rehearsals (M16 without bayonet! Now how can like that...) and lessons, i just found out how crazy artillery can be because on our first days of lessons we learnt the sine rule, polar coordinates...goodness, so much stuff and so much math and i'm no math genius aye...also had some outfield, but there's gonna be more next week like a 2 days 1 night survey exercise. Outfield again...sigh but hey it's only for 2 days 1 night! Not that long la. It's the survey i'm more insecure about because i don't seem to understand many things at to lay a director...calibration of a director and compass... Basically it's only this much, but much much more is coming...just hope that i can keep up with class and not nod off so much...If not, how to go for BATTLE KING @ CRESCENDO? sigh...

Es gibt bei mir ein Problem...ein Dilemma...Freitagabend ist jemand zu mir gekommen, um bei mir zu uebernachten...ich weiss nicht warum ich sie gelassen habe, mit John bowling zu gehen...danach heimkommen und sie ganz ganz leise aufgewacht...danach das Komputer spielen...koennte ich es nicht besser getan haben? danach die ganze Nacht bei ihr verbringen, beieinander gelegt...wie nah du mir jetzt bist, kann ich nur jetzt schaetzen...ich glaube es wird nicht lange so besonders wenn du wegfliegst...du hast mir 2 Jahren gegeben und dazu sag ich na ja mal schauen...aber machen wir jetzt mal weiter...weiss nur dass es gefaellt mir...DU SELBST gefaellst mir, weiss nicht aber ob es bei dir auch so ist...

If you don't understand that, don't worry. it's not for you to understand.



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