Saturday, February 05, 2005

Commissioning Ball @ The Fullerton | Wahre Gefühle

Hallo ihr alle da draussend...correct, from the pictures you saw...commissioning ball was yesterday at The Fullerton's a place which every girl wants to have a ball at...and yes, we did have a grand ball there...too bad that my camera cocked up on me and gave blurry blurry eine Schade...but it's okay i guess...i can get the photos back from the dudes...just get them to send us what they have can already lor...So i must get their e-mail addies soon haha...

Yes but other than that, commissioning ball was like prom, only...way more hip and cool...prom was quite an awkward thing because...guys stuck together and everyone basically still sat in their cliques. Commissioning ball was slightly different...i mean, we still sat with friends (the FATA table...but they put us at the bottom right corner...swine...) but now we felt no qualms about wandering around and we could just mingle with any crowd...which i found good...really good...the whole family feeling was was like all the shit we went through finally crystallised there last night...a warm handshake. Words of encouragement. We've only been apart for 1 week and life seems normal but when you meet them again...that's exactly when it strikes you how much these friends mean to you. We watched the course video and laughed and smiled as the waves of nostalgia just washed over us...all the days in long 4...BATTLE could i forget? How could anyone forget? I guess they will recede into the depths of our memories, yet one meeting will bring them all bubbling forth again like a mountain stream...quite a strange analogy, but i think it was as if all our secrets and memories were locked in ice and one day when we meet...the warmth of it all shall melt this ice and cause them to flow forth like the purest and sweetest of water.

I must admit too that everyone looked way better too than prom...what a bloody mistake then...i wonder what i was doing. Sigh. Flock mentality. Never mind...That was the past...and we can't go back now, can we?

And what a grand night it was! We were talking and talking and talking...yeah well...i guess our dates got a bit bored because like army boys we just talked a lot amongst ourselves, laughing at private jokes...but i guess this time we made it a point not to abandon our dates, something which most of us committed during social night...which i guess was pretty successful...haha...we could talk and forego how we ignored the antipasta just to watch our movie and to talk and talk...haha...*sigh* beautiful memories. to cherish and keep deep within, knowing they'll always be with us...

To everyone connected to the 43rd FAOCC, mercì beaucoup...ohne euch geht es nicht...

And my date? Xiaojun was a queen. Jie dressed her up well...and despite all who believe that she is loud and chor lor...she really really acted in a way befitting royalty...I'm so happy that you came last night and saw little parts of my life...all the good times of course...i'm sure you already know enough about the bad ones =P And i guess we both gave each other something very significant to each said that no one had ever given you something that me...for all the help and care you've shown and given me...this is hardly enough to express what i feel...and last night you finally opened your heart and told me what you felt...hey...there's no pressure for any of us to do anything...think first before we act okay? I'm scared. I always thought i wanted to find someone to be with, but with you...i don't know. I'm going away in 2006 to Germany and...we'll be so far away...but what's true is that...i feel for you too.

As Laith Al-Deen sang in Das weiss ich:

'Dass sich die Erde um sich selbst dreht - ja das weiss ich
Doch ob sie schwindlig wird dabei - das weiss ich nicht
Dass wir geschaffen sind füreinander - ja das weiss ich
Ob wir das irgendwann kapieren - das weiss ich nicht...'

Translation: 'I know that the world rotates around itself, but not if she gets dizzy at it...I know that we were made for one another, but if we ever understand that...'

Sigh...I'm i follow my heart and go all out, or do i follow my reason to avoid the (very) trying times in the future?


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