Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Über Ärzte: Teil II | Früchtensaft? Cassis Comfort

Was reading the newspapers when i came across this article about this case 4 years ago.

An NSF corporal died of a rare flesh-eating bacteria in hospital after complaining of general unwellness, fever, and weakness. Apparently, he was transferred about in hospital and a doctor was even overheard to be talking to him about malingering...such that ultimately, he died under very uncertain circumstances. His family members reopened the case to find out more, to know more than just the coroner's report.

Ask any doctor this question: What are your obligations?

To save lives? No doubt. To render medical assistance? Certainly. But many quacks, in dealing with NSFs...have a certain mindset change...namely, that the personnel involved may be malingering. To start with, i believe that there are people who are malingering outside. Cases where they'd rather book out and see a doc than see their friendly (or issit fuckly) camp MO. Those fuckers deserve to be caught and hung by the balls. But how does one determine if a person is malingering? Some certainly don't base their judgements on medical evidence!

I went to the Krankenhaus (Deutsch: hospital) today looking for a solution. All i got was a delay. Can tell that the dottore wasn't really that interested in paying any serious attention to me. Had the impression that he just thought i was another soldier who COULDN'T GIVE 2 MORE FUCKS. Totally bo ka lan...didn't even bother to go and feel the toe...which is a bit spongy some places. You mofo. I guess you thought you were being nice by giving a malingering soldier more slack time, but i for one do not look too kindly upon slacking! I just wanted to get it over and done with. And who's gonna complain? Even if we did complain...it's your word against mine. Already a foregone conclusion. Bah...Don't think because you've been through NS, means that you are a fucking know-all guru! Maybe you had a fucked-up PC or something which hinted to you that occifers are fucked up but well surprise...i hope not to be one of those.

Maggots. I can trust my combat medics over some doctors. At least they make the effort to attend to the person first...and it's only after 2 times or so before they begin to even suspect foul play...And if it really is foul play, they don't dick around by giving extensions to status, re-appointments, pushing the ball to someone else's court...they go straight for the drip. Now that's a solution.

Cassis Comfort

Try this - let the fruit flavours run wild!

30ml Southern Comfort
30ml crème de cassis
75ml orange juice
75ml grapefruit juice

Build over ice in a Collins glass and stir...but i'd recommend shaking. Crème de cassis is unusually dense and will stay at the bottom...and i must say it requires quite some stirring to even achieve some semblance of mixture. But if you stir it, you get some sunrise kind of effect...as in...the colour is graduated...but it's all red. Haha...want to know what i mean? Pictures to come!


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