Hallo ihr alle da draussen...no, i haven't watched the scarlett johansson movie (although i intend to...yum, yum) but today it was Island Life for the lepers and yours truly! Of course...i will be posting pictures later, you impatient maggots (can't you see the bloody timestamp on this post?! I am tired you know...) but...all i can say is...thanks for beautiful weather which has left me blackened and reddened...(sunburn warning) and thanks for the great company!

Going out with the lepers is always fun because well...you get to catch up with them (tar has this really interesting story, heidi has a new job and as for maybe...err...=X...) and well...everyone wanted to get tanned...but somehow, only heidi and i managed to get black...by some miracle of nature, the other two ladies remained white...despite basking in skin cancer-causing ultraviolet light. And the tanning oil. I swear it works.
And we also had lots of fun...

Like...trying to pull tar in the path of a water jet...

watching a dog paddle across a water body (RCO, anyone?)...
And many many more...just that i haven't transferred the pictures yet, so just be patient and be Zen. The weather was hot enough that once we came back from our suntan session, i went straight for a ice-cold Tiger...of course, it's not good beer...but the Corona i had after my shower kinda made up for it. Haha... But i was still sweating like swine after that. Hmm. Must be the heat. Still...i guess i shouldn't complain, yes? I mean...we'd be moaning and suffering if it rained so...just be thankful.
Blueberry Caipirovska
60ml vodka
10 blueberries
15ml lime juice
15ml sugar syrup
If you know how to make a Caipirovska, you will know how to make this. It's an attractive purple colour, but the original taste is like a Caipirovska. Strong lime overtone. But...the drink really gets smoother as it goes down...because of the blueberries, i suppose. But if you wish to eat up the gunk which is left after you've finished, beware: the berries have already be macerated in alcohol for the duration which you've been drinking the top...so...expect it to taste...etwas anders...still...not half bad at all. And blueberries are good for eating on their own. I thought they'd be sour...but hey what do you know?
Raspberries are next. Anyone willing to buy a box for me? Also bought maraschino cherries. But i'm not baking cakes, ahaha...
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