Saturday, May 10, 2003

~Mind over Body~

Hey ihr alle da draussen...i shall condense...2 days into one? Oh wells. first things first. Jiayi, if you ever read this ger...yes, you have this knack of making friends with everyone. if not you wouldn't be friends with me...and even though i don't know who you're referring to i have a good idea (=X) who.....maybe it's the overwhelming tchs population in hcjc i don't know...maybe he would be better if he were in rj or where...i don't know. however it IS unlikely...there IS an improvement of him least he isn't a machine-gun anymore (note: it is only applicable if we are thinking along the same frequency here!!!) ahh wells. i've said my peace and i refuse to comment further...what can i say? Suffice to say that i've (most of our batch) has had such a prejudice in force since sec 2? And they run deep. Trust me.

Moving smoothly on...Freitag war der Tag der groessten Enttaeuschung...bloody hell!! How could they give a half-day on the day when i have my medical checkup?! hao gei bu gei pian pian zai na tian wells. school ended at 2 pm but i got out of there at 11:30 am anyhow...arrived at 1. Results of checkup?? PES A!! pes a. Pes A!!! das ist ja aber unglaublich!! Why you might ask. well. 800 degrees short-sightedness. slightly curved spine. Mild flat-footedness. And the MO (medical officer yup) just signed PES A like it was everyday business. i mean, i'm game for it but....will they turn me into a cyborg or something?? I keep having this feeling that they may implant circuitry into my eyes to keep it perfect forever and ever...and then disguise it as this really cool-looking tattoo. hahahaha...

Today was SNCS Level 1 Sports Climbing. cheem rite? haha...basically it's Level 1 Rock Wall climbing lah....and we're not taught to's something to do with tian fen...(also, etwas, mit dem man begabt ist) we were introduced to the important components of it...Harness. Dynamic rope. Figure-of-Eight knot. Belaying. yupyup then we went's amazing how much you can achieve huh based on willpower and adrenaline...for example, reaching the roof of the right (albeit simpler) wall on your first try?? I got stuck for a bit when the moment i bypassed it i was climbing on adrenaline...i scaled the remainder in like half a minute...=X it's really taxing. on your wrist and your watch is scratched now. so is my other wrist and my right elbow....nice abrasions on both. hahahaha...but then again it's quite cool. Just that my technique, instead of focussing on upper body endurance and strength, just get the technique down secure and i think it'll be seems you push with your legs and not grab with your hands....bleah. i shall have to work on that on wed if the bouldering gym is open. IF.

wells....that's all for the weekend...i hope you all stay healthy and fit!! until next time, au revoir!


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