Friday, April 18, 2003

Hey ihr alle da draussen! Kommt mir gut ins kommt Ostern rum...also. Wie war die Woche? Ich hoffe, dass alles problemlos gelaufen sind...Ich bin froh, da jemand mir endlich geschrieben hat. Danke dir, jie. =) Jetzt ist Zeit zum Faulenzen!!! Weil ich morgen nicht faulenzen darf. ich werd' die ganze Tag beim OAC verbringen...also werde ich total erschoepft sein! Wahrscheinlich komme ich zu Hause und schlafe sofort ein. Nein nein ich werde doch hier!! come and find me!!

What did i do today? Nothing much really...slacked around a bit, then (finally) got myself an A-1H Skyraider to build...soon...well i do need time for my hobbies don't I? and I don't just build models: exercise is my hobby too. hahaha...and this time it's simple enough...wheee~ But i'll have to see when I have the time for it yup.

Had a weird dream last night. The gist of it was: i did something bad and got busted. The Chinese have a saying: ruo yao ren bu zhi, chu fei ji mo wei...(wenn du es lieber geheim behaltet haettest, dann tue es einfach nicht!) I think I'll learn something from this. Nothing secret! Nothing which makes you feel bad! Haha...yeah maybe!!!

Why do I walk around the table when I can't finish the food on it? Can you figure it out??? It is very weird behaviour and certainly not very good table manners. Why why why??? Can you think of a reason which explains this...anomaly?
The chinese saying: chu bu wan dou zhe zou~ =P

Bleah. that was real cold. I miss my jie. I wanna be warm and fuzzy. Draussen blitzt und donnert es. Morgen muss ich in die Schule. Ich will Schlaf. bleah~~~...nites.


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