Tuesday, May 06, 2003

*pre-NAPFA stress* hallo ihr alle da draussen...i have NAPFA tomolo!! so stressful sial...haix....hopefully i will fly tomorrow...hahaha...-.- okay, i am fantasizing again...Luftschlosser bauen!! okay. haha....and how are you all?? Hope everything's still great and the world's still turning for y'all....I am so stressed out okay....I can't believe that i can't pass Level 6 of the pull-up Challenge!! Ich erklaere mal....

Basically, you need a minimum of 2 players. Every player takes turns to do pullups in a level fashion (i.e., Level 1 = 1 pullup, Level 2 = 2, und so weiter...) I can't pass Level 6!!!! AUGH!!! -grrrr-....When i do the Challenge with the OAC folks, wow...they have the power lor. puts me under pressure but then again that's the key to higher performance isn't it??

I was reading more of The Interpretation of Dreams... Dreaming and Insanity. Because dreams are so insane and because insane folk act as though people act in dreams - without regard for themselves nor for morals...so, are dreams but temporary periods of insanity within our sleep? Is insanity just a long, long never-ending dream? Certainly, some patients of Freud have claimed that their periods of mental illness were like a bad dream...So, what say you all?

Bleargh. wish me luck for tomorra! ciao.


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