Thursday, June 26, 2003

Vorwarnung | Splinter Cell

Hallo hallo ihr alle da draussen...wie geht's?? Ich hab diese schlimme Vorwarnung...i'm gonna be sick again....been sneezing for like the past whole day...*atchooo* owwww~ *rubs nose* tian ah....eme start school again le. poor ger....jia you ok?? must must...for kor's sake. hahaha =P

Ich war heute in der Schule!!! Morgens am 10 Uhr...went to school to do chem n maths. Maths ah...does one question of probability count?? Hey, ich bin ziemlich stolz drauf!! Then...did 2 Chem S chem. I think I am becoming pretty....adept at doing them....i mean, okay i sound like a jackass but i do them instead of hitting the notes... well i have to think...really think hard because some things are just so discreet you need to open your *bigbig* eyes to see it...brain-teasers. i like!! hahaha....then went for Maths lect...*sneezes* where *sneezes again* we did the common test paper for last year...I wish this year the emphasis was on Statistix not on Pure Math...i'm so dead because of can't cram 15 months' work in 2 days!! I'm just focussing on year 2 topics. Screw year 1 topics. really. Vergessen! Weggelassen!

Samantha, if you read this...tut mir Leid, jie aber ich hab's doch versucht! Vergib mir. =(

Moving on to better things...I FINALLY got Splinter Cell running! =D after numerous attempts and 2 driver changes for the graphics card. And what can I say? It's a really cool game! But the emphasis on stealth is waaaay too high. I can handle it's like...Keep everything quiet, shooting should be a last resort....but then again that's what makes it cool i suppose. One man against an can't expect to kill them all can you? A stealthy in and a quick out would be your best chances. Like a ghost...aber kein Poltergeist!! *grins* Oh no. there goes my hopes of studying. *sighs*


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