Sunday, September 07, 2003

Der Kampf gegen Langweile | Nichts lernen

Hallo ihr alle da bin ich so weit: I haven't like done any real preparation yet, but still i'm slacking the days away...Is this hubris, the pride before a fall? Well I hope this fall is hard it will shock me back into my senses...really...ploetzlich bin ich wieder da und sonst sowas. anyhow...I'm so bored at home!!! Went to my dad's office yestiddy to mug. MUG. bleah. never mind lah at least you DO get something done...I can hardly get anything done at is as distracting as anything...*sighs* die le....

Anyhow, I shall have to battle boredom and do the following:

1. Kursarbeit schreiben
2. Lernen!!
3. mich ausruhen
4. fit bleiben

Not impossible but i DO have a week and everyone only has 7 days in a week and 24 hours every day...not quite enough! But wells. ciao!


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