Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Geiz ist geil!

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...hier ist meine neue Motto: Geiz ist geil!! It's like...being ambitious is cool...anyway...i shall follow this saying and apply it...deshalb will ich jetzt alles aufessen! haha. Okay...ponned German on Monday. free double-period, but it didn't mean going home early unfortunately...too bad? No lah...stayed in and did work...Chem S namely...okay in case you don't know, Kelvin Reuben Chun Peng and me have formed the Chem S challenge, since we have like tons of undone questions...1 per day sound good enough? haha...Organic and Inorganic Chem S aren't difficult...what's tough is physical chemistry...which i don't happen to be particularly good at...they even have Physics questions there lor....

N02Q3: Suggest why a small voltage change can only be measured using an electronic voltmeter with very high resistance.

Damn pian ren!! But i guess i answered partly correctly...although i needed some form of's simple circuitry lah...V = IR which i haven't forgotten...i still can quote values ar!! but nevermind. I took Bio in lieu of Physics for a reason. You are probably asking me why now...well...geiz ist geil? =X hahaha~

Played the class' last official floorball match today...quite sad, but we gave it our all...quite violent, but we all had our share of laughs...esp. when we gave 1 goal away and had to drop 30...haha...oh! they've started recording for the class video!! =P

Morgen ist wieder doppel-Deutsch. man...should i pon again? haha. ciao...


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