Thursday, August 14, 2003

Bio-Arbeit | Blutspende | Wie die Hoffnung langsam weggeht

Hulloe yoo all out there...had a bio test today...on was easy to say the least...well let's say that genetics is more my cup of's so logical...perhaps. haha. I'm confident that I won't fail this time (unlike the common test, where i very nearly did...) anyway, nothing will stop me now...hahaha ich bin total unstoppbar!! so cnmi man. haha. Can Not Make It. haha. cheyy~ but i hope to score well for this one...if not, the Greatness is not within me...very sad fact hor? Then it shall not be Words of Greatness writing to you anymore...haha...Hyper-inflated ego?? Maybe. The ego protects the weaker inner self by producing is but a psychological defence. Tear it down and you can destroy the soul. That's why i would say...Achtung!!

Blood drive in school today. Went down to give blood...about 1 packet...not donating in a year made it kinda strange to go and donate again...gave one big bag of feels good to know that you're actually helping someone and yea it could very well save someone's life huh?? =)

Jetzt geht es um seems that there are precious little scholarships which actually ship you off to Germany to study...probably do Chem, Chemieinginuer or what lah...Biochemie is of course the favourite but like no one in Singapore ever considers Germany...all go UK and US like so many gingerbread men. I would just like to ask you one question. What on Earth is wrong with Germany?! You all simply overlook it because it's not popular. Let me tell you this. UK is backwards by about 20 years and the US, while good, is it the best? I know I'm known for taking risks like this, but how can you take the risk when you're got no support at all? I wish the powers that be just open their eyes for awhile and see that it's not just these 2 go there and come back. 1 kind. Like gingerbread men who look exactly alike. Same mindset. Same qualifications. Is it really true that we Singaporeans don't dare to take risk? I'm tempted to disagree but that's what I see.


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