Sunday, August 10, 2003

Jenseits des Todes | Nach dem Urlaub

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...Finally i'm back from Malaysia after...a couple of days away? Missed national day and okay. anyhow...The fact that i missed Seniors' Farewell is still haunting me and i still wonder if i made the right choice...bleah, it's supposed to get better after this!! heh. Anyway...Went over there, which is really a nice little resort with beautiful facilities...the rooms are conducive for doing homework, for one...and we had nonstop Amazing Race running on AXN...sounds like a big con job, that's why we hardly have cable TV at home -.- hehe.

Anyway, I did some thinking and came up with this: Jenseits des Todes (Beyond Death) It has been observed by those who dowse that there seems to exist a reaction for time beyond death (presumably another dimension?) So, I postulate that after death, in this dimension, we are thrown either backwards or forwards in time, space, location such that our consciousness reawakens in another body in another time, place or location. However, this time-shift destroys all memories we have and we reawaken having no recollection of what happened beforehand. Something like losing your memory after a particularly nasty accident or what...

So, where does all of this leave us? For all you might know, I might be re-living your life in another mostly parallel but slightly different universe...this theory states that time can be moved forward and backward and thus history be constantly changed or rewritten...of course, it needs further testing, for the uninitiated like me, i'm simply putting 1 and 1 and getting 2, i guess...think about it! does it make sense to you? It sounds like it might just work, but i don't really know....=) think about it. good night.


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