Sunday, September 19, 2004

Zwiebeln-Hass | Abschied nehmen | Zusammenbruch

Hey ihr alle da draussen...why does my title sound so sad and depressing? Well because that's what things have kinda been like for me of late...A busy week in camp has kept my mind off things, but once the night comes and you're lying in bunk, you suddenly realise how downwards things have begun to spiral, spiral....

FDM and FO package has been okay but i'm not confident of passing my gunnery exam because i get confused too easily and apply all the wrong formulae. Like that then jialat already la...too many formulae running around in my limited headspace. Had BCP CPX on wed and i found out that i couldn't calculate anymore after 8 or so missions. Implication? Cannot be GPO lor. Better go to Liaison. haha.

Topic says Zwiebeln-Hass...that's an irrational hate of onions. Experts say they're good for your heart but then when your gal won't even kiss you farewell for the next 5 it really makes you hate them huh? Don't worry, love. I shouldn't be that immature to demand things like that from you...maybe i'm not mature enuff la...still. i HATE onions now. bleah.

Carrying on from above, von ihr Abschied zu nehmen...there you go far far away again and all i can do is say goodbye downstairs at your place last night. I can't even go to the airport. Sad huh. Too bad lor you're flying on thurs night and i will still be in out only on fri night. Just too bad that i'm gonna miss everything by just nice about 24 hours. What to do? i've let you go because i don't want a long-term relationship to hurt us both. go and be happy. i hope you will for me, life carries on. Tell me if your boyfriend abuses you man then i will give him 1x good one...and don't get too jealous if i find a girl! Promise to spend time with you when you get back though...i hope that she (if i've found her yet which is highly unlikely) is forgiving enough...anyway. my CD's! Dang i think i'll have to get a new CD wallet. Listening to so much music lately...

It's been said that music, food and friends are key to survival in camp. How so true. Friends are my army buddies and food well it's never in short supply! But maybe i've been applying this to outside life too...Outside i'm just a lonely person without as many friends as i had in JC to go out and hang around with. So now music is the key and my cure. Don't know how long it will last though. I've sworn off buying music until she returns with my CD's. haha. European music rocks! Think of all the people they've produced: The Rasmus, Jam & Spoon, Laith Al-Deen, Xavier Naidoo, Within Temptation, Kate Ryan, Rammstein, and what have you? Better than what comes out of the US of A because they're just so simple and one-track. Yuck. That's a turn-off to the max.

Zusammenbruch wie 'Alles gehen im Zusammenbruch!" She's leaving. My social circle is beginning to collapse. I flare up at friends. I've begun to withdraw into a shell. It's all about the social thing. Who likes the prospect of booking out to nothing? I mean, yeah i bowl and i've met new people there but then maybe they're only your bowling friends, people who you will congratulate on the most beautiful strike shot you've ever seen. Not that mine aren't la. Ave is in the 135-140 range liao but it should up even more if i cut my ball speed that much more...Anyway, i digress. I've been frustrated because you're going away, you say it's a phase. But then...sigh i don't think i should carry on. I woke up this morning STILL feeling like shit. it's okay lah. you don't have to make up anything to me (except being earlier next time) because it's not your fault. It's nobody's fault that i'm just feeling cruddy these days.

Until Friday...adieu.


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