Sunday, October 10, 2004

Glückliche Menschen haben... | Reise, Reise | Verrückt rumlaufen | Theorien des Lebens

Na also, hallo ihr alle da draussen! Today i went out with the class (reduced to 7 pple only) to go watch Wimbledon...y'all oughta go watch it because it's really a very nice movie...although it seems a bit too perfect, but the camera angles for the matches played were cool...findet ihr nicht? It's one of those movies you go to when you want to feel happier i guess...because movies like that give you some sense of warmth in the cold, cold world. I mean...seeing people like that make you happy too. Es geht nicht nur um Schadenfreude in dieser Welt...Another useful term.

Schadenfreude: The happiness at seeing that jackass finally make a bad bad mistake and suffer the penalty. But then there's that secret little part of you which hopes desperately that that same fate never befalls you.

Anyway. Generally, a feel-good movie which you oughtta go watch if things get too much and you want a break from it all and enter a dream world. Why not?

Got Rammstein's newest album, Reise, Reise...It's the Rammstein style of music, loud metal and lyrics which dig at the base parts of your soul. Sometimes. For example, Mein Teil, which is basically a song about cannibalism (or so i think...the beginning says, 'Suche gut gebauten 18-30jährigen zum Schlachten' yup i guess you all know.) But the best songs are the songs which actually have to do with reisen(German: travel) - Amerika, Moskau...the others, well some are pretty good although really really loud them all...Stein um Stein is quite a disturbing piece which goes on about locking someone in without any means of escape...maybe locking your inner demons in? No idea.

My take? If you're into German metal, you so have to get this.

Anyway, i got home and discovered that i had to run like crazy because i had to get 2 right-sized spanners...the ones me poppa had were simply too large...sigh. Luckily i got to the hardware shop before it closed man...with a couple minutes to spare! *Aufatmen*...Vielleicht soll ich Sonntags nicht rausgehen, ausser Bowling zu gehen oder? Weil dann musst man doch so
verrückt rumlaufen...Aber na ja man kann nix tun, wenn es sich um die Klasse handelt...weil ich mich fast ständig darum bei ihnen beschwere...Soll jetzt verstehen dass sie fast nie Samstags frei sind...Dass unsere Leben zu unterschiedlich voneinander sind...Vielleicht so...

Have this theory of life. What theory? Me and Shane were debating it last night. About subjective views. It's quite a profound truth, that whatever we choose to do we choose also to blank out parts we don't want, or parts which don't fit so well. Don't we? It even applies to religion. Also has to do with what's on Phy's livejournal too. People told her that she's going to Hell because she isn't Christian. If only they understood that they would have to undergo that same amount of suffering and inner reflection to find God...They've forgotten that although Christ suffered on the Cross for humanity, we still must bear our share of suffering to see him. It's not about renouncing your sins before a padre, because ultimately you'll commit them again if you keep going scot-free for that. People would rather see God as an omnipotent being than hanging on the Cross, even though they are one and the same. Just as we never want to be shown the flaws in our decisions, even lashing out vigourously in their defence. Think about it, ihr alle...and i'll be back in 12 days.

And so i leave you with a quote from Thomas Brussig, as he closes Am
kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee: Glückliche Menschen haben ein schlechtes Gedächtnis und reiche Erinnerungen. What it means is that happy people have a poor memory, but enriching memories. And that's NOT nonsense. I'll explain when i write again.


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