Sunday, December 26, 2004

Scharfschützer zu werden | Was ich mich eigentlich frage

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...about to be going to book in in an hour's time or so...what's coming up next week? Apart from New Year (duh) and the supposed New Year's Eve bash...which i don't know if it will come through...because there's this big issue called food and i don't know how it will be resolved. I mean, given the current preparations, my house is better suited as a pubbing spot than for fooding...for all the alcoholics in the world (i do need Reuben to bring me reinforcements, though) - so i really hope this works out! Ween also asked if she should ask OAC along...i mean, why not? if they want to come, my doors are wide open! Everyone could use the opportunity to meet new people or catch up with others! Really.

Alex - Es ist wunderschön, etwas von dir zu hören...because we've been so out of day i shall return and visit you! I hope...

I have live range for the next 3 days coming up...I hope my M16 doesn't IA. I hope to get my marksmanship. So i can have 200 more bucks to spend, and also have the crossed rifles on my No.1...i don't mind, really! haha.

As if anyone would, come to think of it...Marksmanship isn't really that impossible! Komm! Du schaffst es! Das Schiessen geht ganz einfach...22 von 28 und du wirst einen Scharfschützer...come on man!

To you: You know who you are...i think i wrote you your letter too early. What a surprise for Christmas, huh? I really don't know how to help you, even if i feel that i should...tell me how? You really should feel guilty, even if he's being plain unreasonable. Sometimes you should really listen to your inner star and be more affirmative, rather than crying yourself to sleep over the holidays. It's really not worth it to torture everyone like this. Sigh. Please do something...because it's your life and all i can do is give advice. I can't change you - that comes from within...



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