Sunday, January 16, 2005

An der Ende steht immer ein Anfang | Mein Schwert | À ton image

Hallo ihr alle da here is the beginning of the end...the closing of a chapter in our lives but yet the beginning of another great adventure...the ending of cadet days. Just as every chapter in a book has its ending, so does that very ending herald yet the beginning of another chapter. Ours is the never-ending book named Life. It's interesting to see how all our lives are all just a little part of a never-ending story - sometimes beautiful, sometimes insane; sometimes saccharine, yet sometimes bitter. So nothing is ever in vain.

In 7 days' time i will stand on the parade square at SAFTI MI and commission with about 300 more of us. The culmination of 42 weeks of blood, sweat and tears will be then. Until then...we shall all grit our teeth and carry on despite the crushing pain of the leather boots, the blisters, the sweat and odour, and all that doubling around the parade square by the SSM.

Yet part of me still doesn't want to commission yet. It's that nagging little voice at the back of your head voicing out all your doubts - that i'm not ready, that i'm not going to be good at commanding at all. I look at Kelvin and marvel at how he can inspire his men. I doubt i will ever be anywhere near him. Maybe he should be in OCS. For me, what lies ahead is yet another journey of self-discovery and learning. To learn how to lead, to excel, and to overcome.

Perhaps it should be fitting that i am bestowed a ceremonial sword to keep me safe when i embark on this journey. It symbolises all that i cherish and hold dear to myself. Just like any weapon will offer one security when one steps into unexplored realms, maybe this sword will be a thing to hang on to when i face my insecurities. Something which reminds me of what i have to do and which can lend me strength and confidence. It has that much symbolic meaning, ladies and gentlemen...A source of such pride...

Watched a movie today named
À ton image... French for In your image...surprisingly, me, kelvin and reuben watched it and it somehow left us 3 feeling distinctly disturbed. It isn't a film for the weak-hearted, highly impressionable, the mediocre or the uninitiated. It's a movie which will keep you guessing, where every little detail can suddenly become very, very significant later on. And the shock ending, where the mother's history reared its ugly head yet again in a spectacular finale.

What's in the film which got 3 people who regularly laughed at the pathetic, clichéed efforts of Hollywood at gore and horror so perturbed? Imagine a woman who unwittingly clones herself and gets herself impregnated with her clone. The child is the spitting image of her mother, but wait...along with that comes along mom's memories. Mom's conscience, an inner voice which surfaces as intuition in the little girl. The voice of an adult running around in a young girl's skull - The conscience, pain and suffering of 40 years in the brain of a girl of only 4. But the girl grows up and begins to grasp what is going on - becoming one tortured by the hideous monster within.

I think that's enough of a spoiler. It's a really haunting should watch it! But try to understand the underlying meaning.

A new beginning awaits. It's been a long time a-waitin'...time to step through the portal into a brave new world...


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