Saturday, March 05, 2005

Aufwachen? Ich will's nicht... | Was heisst Leben?

Hallo ihr alle...eine Frage...should i wake up and smell the coffee? I really don't want to...sometimes i wish that i could continue living the dream...i suppose that i will live the dream as long as i can...until the cruel hammer of reality shatters the illusion...and i'm left picking up the pieces...i wonder if this process is hardening my heart, turning it gradually into a crystal with an adamantine lustre...only to have it shatter into glass shards and little motes of a pure, warm white light...i wonder if by then, i will pick them up shard by shard and cherish them in my being, or i will just grab a dustpan and unceremoniously sweep it all away...

Come to think of it...she's already brewing something's already wafting into my Dreamtime...

Caught Hitch's not's not just a's a celebration of life. As the good doctor put it himself...

'Life is not how many breaths you take. Life is every moment which takes your breath away...'

And that's very true, indeed...what will you remember when you're old? What stories will you tell your grandchildren?

The first time you passed SOC. Your first kiss. Piazza San Marco in Venice. Your very first play. An unforgettable date. Chromed bayonets and Number 1. A motorcycle rally through Berlin, with each bike carrying a teddy bear. A grizzled old man teaching his grandson to play football in Venice. The very first time you fired your M16 down-range. Your first view overlooking Haiterbach. Peak caps in the dusk sky. Radar deployment in CRESCENDO. A child reaching for your finger with an outstretched hand. A quadriplegic flying back to the seas of his youth. Angry boaters blocking the Canale Grande to protest against the government. The hallowed monuments of the Jewish Museum. U- und S-Bahnhof Zoologischer Garten. A wall marked with polar opposites near the Hackische Markt. 'Milch und Hönig weit weit weg genommen.' Bowling your high game. Children waving as you drive through their village in a Land Rover. A box of gelato, shared between 7 friends in Venice. A herd of cattle invading your radar deployment ground. Waking up to church bells in a homely little hotel. Little marvels which manage to show that every day is a wonder...

That much, and so much more...THAT, my friends, is life. Not a mundane daily existence...but what you will cherish, what you will remember, a permanently opened window into another world.


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