Sunday, May 08, 2005

Neue Armbanduhr! | Nicht ausgeschlafen | Diejenige...existiert sie überhaupt? | Ein 'Chase'-Leben | Alabama Slammer #1

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...DOO is really tiring because you don't get enough rest. That's a fact. But considering i slept rather soundly last night...sigh. It must've been waking up at 0630 to send the DSO and DOO reports...never been up and about so early on a Sunday before. Maggots. I guess there's a first to everything! I still can't believe how i dragged myself up, brushed my teeth, changed and went back down to work. Dang. I guess i was too zombiefied to notice this morning.

When i got home, i sat around a bit and then hit the sack...while listening to Stronger by kate ryan...perhaps it's due to the fact that it was raining. Been raining the entire day. But it's the kind of rain which i actually like, even though every part of me craves for Sonnenschein so that i can go running and get tanned good and proper. It was just a heavy torrential shower with neither lightning nor thunder. And i like that. Imagine someone weeping and weeping over something/someone long gone, knowing that it's not gonna come back...but never once did this person lash out in anger...she just wept, and wept, while her tears cleansed her world...and once she stopped crying, everything was new. Everything smelt fresh. Alive. Sigh...

So i slept and stirred while the lyrics to the songs Je Lance un Appel and the Promise you Made washed over me...sometimes i like this...listening to songs while i'm in this very lucid state...can't explain why. Just like it.

Afternoon brought a poppa brought me and my maggot brother out...we went to buy watches! Haha. Well, it's about time for me, considering that i don't have a dress watch...only those cheap casio watches (which really aren't that bad - useful outfield!) which i was never really inclined to wear out...although it cost a bomb. $385!! But if it lasts, i guess it should be worth it...

Why was my brother a maggot? Because he couldn't see why yours truly should get a watch. And he clamoured for one himself. Maggots! I mean, who's he to complain that it's not fair when he had everything (a computer, handphones, et cetera) 6 years earlier than i had, plus a more lax upbringing discipline-wise, and i don't complain?! Maggots! Can't take it...I really felt like fucking him in the car...but...aiyah.

Faktup!!! The youth of today! (As if i were some octagenarian...haha.)

Was talking to ivy jie this morning. She's still waiting for the One...somehow this concept of 'the One' has grown quite fuzzy for me...i don't really know if i believe in it anymore...i guess i lost a lot of faith in the old lovey-dovey crap since April. I guess it's like that...simply put:

The higher your expectations and hopes and the nearer you were to your goal, the harder you fall.

Do you guys watch Chase? My life is a bit like gabriel's...Just that in Chase, ellie wasn't really ready to marry that maggot fiancé of hers...but in my case...she just left. Maybe that's why i'm a loyal Chase supporter...been watching every Thursday 2030! Aye, go watch, you maggots! Haha.

Who said that life was never like the TV shows?

Just mixed the Alabama Slammer #1...apparently there's many ways to make an Alabama Slammer, but this is just one of's...bittersweet. The taste of the orange juice is there, although slightly bittered by the can taste a hint of peach from the Southern Comfort, as well as a catch a light taste of the grenadine syrup. So here's how to make it...

Alabama Slammer #1

30ml Vodka
30ml Southern Comfort
~7ml grenadine
60ml orange juice

Build in a shaker over ice. Shake, then strain over ice.



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