Saturday, May 21, 2005

Warum steckt man das Gehirn ins Arsch? | Leben wie in den Seifenopern! | Hallo, ich heisse... | Und manche Dingen machen das Leben ein bisschen besser... | Ich brauche mehr Bewegung

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...Mensch, was für eine erschöpfende Woche das war, nee? Und auch eine ganz enttäuschende Woche, so zu sagen...was passiert ist, spreche ich einfach auf dass es nicht so ganz einfach zu verstehen ist...weil es mir lieber ist, dass weniger Leute eigentlich verstehen, was ich hier sage...

Ich will jetzt jemanden anschreien, nämlich, die Leute, die nur ins B
üro sitzen und sich darum streiten, ohne darüber nachzudenken, was darunter passiert. Ich will schreien: Wieso steckt euch das Gehirn ins Arsch?! Scheissköpfe!

Unsere Reise nach CRESCENDO war diese Woche abgesagt und ich weiss nicht eigentlich, warum. Was mir schon erz
ählt worden ist, ist die Tatsache, dass sie nicht genug Flugkarten kriegen konnten. Und das finde ich Scheiss, findet ihr nicht? Was für einen Grund! Sie denken, dass wir nicht heim müssen, dass wir für die ganze 3 Monaten bleiben könnten? Verpiss dich, Arschloch. Sollten wir denn nicht Thais werden?

Es ist alles...ich weiss nicht, wie das auf Deutsch auszudr
ücken...und es heisst....


Jeez. To think that all the work, all the admin shit has gone to nought. Oh no, don't get me mistaken - i still am the Admin OIC. And there will still be a forward shipment up. i will be working for nuts. Fucking wankers upstairs. Sigh. Oh well, i guess i should stop whining and just work. And maybe look forward to BATTLE KING and THUNDER WARRIOR, which i volunteered for. Today i went up to my boss-to-be and said...

'Sir, i want to go to THUNDER WARRIOR.'

Haha...and he said...'so you go' so...yay? Hmm.

Why does watching Chase keep reminding me of her and what i should (not) have done? Maggots! Keeps bringing me back to the same old dilemma. Sigh...To think i did what gabriel did and wished her all the best. Sigh. But let's not hang back there. Staying in really makes you watch lots of TV...just like how Thursdays have become my TV nights...hahaha...first Chase, then O.C. so...not really that bad lor. Still. Life like a soap...?

And yes if you all will read my tagboard...there is this person...named chris...but pay attention, maggots, it's only a short, if you don't know much about me...i'll let you in on a bit more...

1. my colours now are
green, black, brown and khaki
2. references to my wife are normally inferred to be my M16.
3. i like making drinks, pooling, and lazing around.
4. Life as an occifer isn't easy.
5. Sometimes i sing in German.
6. i call certain deserving people maggots.
7. for now, i am quite vulgar...wait for my Civilian Conversion Course before i change la...

Lastly...hello! Haha. If you want my mail, please send to: are welcome...are you from Singapore or just a blog-hopper from afar?

Good news! wee chong bought my kahlúa and my absolut raspberri! Life does get better, even after all the maggerous things which happen.

I am appalled by my level of (non-)fitness. Ran for 5 klicks yesterday for the Life Run...yes...running for your life...yesss...and i was so wasted, i think i concussed the day away., because boss wanted to take the maggots for a run (somehow he does this with all new personnel coming into the Battery) and i went running too!

In Long No.4. Haha.

Kwok said i was crazy to perform such self-inflicted suffering...but hey...if you're not going to train yourself, who's gonna train you? Sometimes, the only person you can ever, ever learn to trust is...yourself.

Unless you're schizophrenic, that is.


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