Sunday, July 10, 2005

Mehr Strand-Bildern! | Gott sei Dank, dass...? | Kir | Eine Debatte über Mädels

Hallo ihr alle da promised! More beach pictures! Haha...


Shit lah. The posting pictures shat doesn't work today. Fucked up, how it decides to work one day and then quits on you the next. Haha. the boys and dorothy came by to my place for some mahjong...haha...kelvin almost won something very big...but the key word is almost...haha...the maggot.

And...thank goodness! The relief.

My Cordon Bleu isn't gone yet! Hahaha...Well...i suppose if it began to oxidise already, you'd be able to tell the acid taste...urk. But it's still smooth as silk, baby, and proud of it!

We also tried Kir today...if you thought drinking white wine was classy, think again. This and Kir Royale, where you substitute the white wine with champagne, will probably make you feeling like royalty, or ultra-cosmopolitan...something which makes white wine just that much more a great way!


15ml crème de cassis
top up with white wine

Do as described in a wine goblet...add a maraschino cherry, if you want.

Yum, yum.

Me and kelvin got into a debate about women...sigh. Time to start feeling lonely again. I feel like asking someone for this girl's number, but...everytime i want to, my balls shrink...sigh. K says it's all about mentality. You got to have the mentality to be all garang and's not me man...why on Earth do you think i fell for her after 2 years?! You maggot. Haha. Sigh...

Lonely...i am so lonely...
I have nobody to call my own...


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