Hallo ihr alle da draussen...finally the dreaded Carnival has kicked off...i had to drag my tired ass off the bed at fucking 0600 this morning. And it's a Sunday, mind you...as if the weekend wasn't tiring enough...(DOO on Friday...) *sigh* but still. I managed to reach Marina South by 0730...quite impressive yes? On time! Of course, those who took the tonner were there already, preparing to action front the TPQ-37...as so, i just prepared my BCP and got ready for the day.
Luckily they'd installed air-conditioning...if not it would've been Hell...maggots. It was perfect Sentosa weather out there la...which i made use of by walking about in the Sun...haha...yeah but i'm not really tanned yet...hrmph. Maggots. Still, i don't care. All was dandy in the BCP...except for the sheer boredom...jeez. i mean, only like 10 people came in from 1000 to 1400?! Please. After that, it was like the entire population of Singapore tried to find their way on board. Maggots. I know it's a Sunday, but...come down earlier la...crowd control can be so difficult can...
And what's more, not even a single peh peh! Sigh. There was one la according to little kuek...but she's underaged...sigh. You paedo. haha...oh! And there was this interesting little story...about Losers.
There was this dude with this ang mor chica who came into the BCP...damn fake, damn chiak kantang...dude, do you think that by putting on a fake accent and by pretending to be what you're not, you'll really impress a girl? She wasn't even impressed...just showed the 'aiyah whatever' face to everyone around...which meant that he must be 1. a retard or 2. lead-skulled. You incompetent maggot. Go and hang yourself. Anyways...he was becoming really quite obnoxious when he suddenly asked the key question. Howitzer is a German word, right? I don't know, and i don't really care too...but then i asked the girl as conversationally as possible...
Hallo, sind Sie Deutscher?
She was quite taken aback...but she was quite impressed by the guy standing in his smart 4 speaking in German! That's something! Think again, maggot! At least you should try to understand what she's talking. Go to the Goethe-Institut...there's plenty of room for retards like you...go and hang yourself! Haha. One up for me! Too bad i didn't get her number. Hrmph. Bah. Ist mir doch scheissegal.
Also made myself some extreme cough syrup!
15ml grenadine syrup
15ml green crème de menthe
15ml light rum
Layer in a shooter glass.
The crème de menthe really makes this taste like cough syrup...But it's the rum which burns first before the mint and then the grenadine comes in to soothe it...that's what i like about all these layered shooters. It's that intense burst of taste followed by the more soothing components (e.g. Bailey's)...yum yum. Tempted to make more! Haha...

Pictures of the week to come! On National Day...when i get home again...-zzzz-...
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