Saturday, September 24, 2005

Allein ein Tag verbringen

Allein ein Tag verbringen

Hallo ihr alle da draussen…Sigh. This is the first weekend I’ve spent alone.

And how was it, you all may be asking?

Well…it kinda sucks, that’s for sure…but on the other hand, part of me feels that it’s worth it. For once, a weekend with zero expenditure…but that’s about all the positive points I can think up of right now. I feel strangely empty…moping around the house all day since I came home in the afternoon. reuben called in the afternoon, asking if we should call it off because everyone we invited cancelled on us…and asking if we should try another day. I really marvel at his optimism, because my acid reply was…

‘Well, YOU can try.’

Everyone just thinks that things can be pushed to another day, but well…it’s all fine and good to say so but this day is not going to happen. And suddenly, I don’t care anymore whatever happens. Because ultimately I get the feeling that no matter what you do or how many times you try, people are just going to smile sadly as if they know something you don’t and then try to blow you off. I don’t see why I should care anymore if people are just going to use that feeling of pseudo-business, as kah yee coins it, to push things off. And for all of you out there who don’t appreciate what others do for you, I have just one thing to say…

fuck you, very much.’

So this morning I got up, went for breakfast alone at Serene Centre before going to the bank to settle my debit card. After that, I went for a haircut, out for lunch with my poppa, and then spent the rest of the day rotting at home. Right now I’m drinking a homemade tequila sunrise…the good life you say? Bollocks. I also finished The War of Don Emmanuel’s Nether Parts by louis de bernières…at times hilarious, at times a faithful reminder of the human nature…a must-read for all, I suppose. But then again, now I could be all dressed-up at some high-end bar sipping a mai tai or maybe some cognac on the rocks. Sigh. It’s always the alternative which seems better, isn’t it? And thinking of how I have to go back to OCS to see the maggot cadets commission next Saturday in my No. 1…sigh. No more Saturday! Bleah. Rotten.

Der Traum

I also had a dream. Sigh. Am I thinking too much about these people? I saw myself going out with ween…I was in a long-sleeved shirt, those which aren’t too formal and pants and she was dressed up…and we were in a bar sipping cocktails, chewing on peanuts and waiting for other people to come. Somehow, they never came. What does this mean..? Should I spend time divining over this or just laugh it off? You can’t deny one thing, though…

I miss you. All of you.

But I’m tired. Very tired, and disgusted. Whenever I say something to all of you or try to sell you guys something, I do it knowing that chances of it being realized are actually slim to none. Pathetic? Maybe. On the other hand, maybe it’s time to be a bit more apathetic.

On days like this, I really wish I was DOO…at least it won’t feel so wasted. Bah…but at least I’ve saved up a bit…and I really think I need new pants...and I’m also awaiting The Corrs’ new album, Home…so…

Shopping, anyone?


At 5:12 pm, Blogger quatscherei said...

Well, i'm not into forex yet. Thanks for the compliments, but bugger off.


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