Saturday, June 28, 2003

Vorbereitung auf die Pruefungen | Lektuere ueber das Schicksal =P

Hallo?? Geht das Titel?? Okay anyhow. someone once said "Every flower has its seed, every creature its destiny." If my source is correct, it came from an extraterrestrial intelligence which conversed directly with someone on Earth through someone under hypnosis...Isn't this statement true? As creatures of this existence we all have our own destiny to find and fulfill...The word. Destiny. Das Schicksal. It seems that every language has a special word for it. The fact that an extraterrestrial said this - what does it mean? Do they understand us to that extent that they know that we all contribute to a greater destiny, a greater Good? Or are they responsible for us being here? Certainly, they know much more than what we know...Or is there another place beyond this existence? Ich lese weiter vor: "Weep not for those who have fulfilled their earthly obligation, but rejoice that they have escaped that charge of material suffering. As the flower dies, the seed is born and so shall it be for all things." Isn't that cheem? To say the least it would be very very philosophical...even religious. Perhaps there IS an intelligence out there which knows better about where we go after death or about mankind's ultimate destiny...Perhaps death is but transcendence into another dimension? I'll talk about that shortly...notice i used mankind statt humanity?
It is my opinion that humanity is sprinkled throughout the Universe, and mankind is just one of many forms....

Ever heard of dowsing?'s an experiment of dowsing you might want to know about...let's say you have a pendulum consisting of a wooden bob and a length of string which you can vary. Nature has devised this method of classifying substances, according to the length at which the pendulum will gyrate, and then the number of gyrations i.e., how many times it moves in a circular motion...for example, it will gyrate over lead and silver at 22 inches but at a different number of gyrations...However, there is a physical limit for all values which occurs at 40 inches. This is the length for anger and death. However, it has been proven that pendulum gyrations occur beyond 40 inches, however at a certain displacement. If the pendulum gyrates at x inches, it will gyrate again at (40+x) inches. simple enough to understand?? I don't think so...cuz ich versteh das auch nicht ganz genau...i'm stupid lar hor. haha...Our dimension has no response for time. However. the concept of time causes a response at 60 inches. So beyond this world, time becomes significant...or not? I have no idea. But this may be proof that alternate dimensions exist....or a world beyond death...a world explored by the aforementioned intelligent beings?

*whew* okay that was a bit hard to digest...moving on...common tests are here with the end of the holidays...I just finished a hardcore session of mugging which cleared all my Organic Chemistry topics...yay. so proud. =X hahaha...As such I won't be online until Wednesday at least...I really am that arrogant regarding German huh? Ich hab kein Plan, Deutsch zu lernen. maybe a bit lah. If listening to German radio and news counts as preparation then i've done a lot liao...Listening to the radio all day. hahahaha...*yawns* that's why i'm giving you something hard to digest...probably take 4 days to digest (natuerlich mit ein bisschen von Durchfall und Uebergeben...=X) yess!!! Wish me luck!! au revoir =P


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