Friday, March 11, 2005

Ich schreibe mir einen Brief (The Self-Addressed Letter)

Du! Ja...du...frag dich selbst, was schon stattgefunden ist. Don't you see? Was bleibt mir noch übrig? Did you hear the sound of something shattering as your crystal fortress took blow after the crystal façades cracked and shattered...someone grabbed that little beautiful crystal fortress and dashed it brutally to the floor...but i will have to learn to pick up the shards carefully and cherish them one by will take lots of care and nurturing, but will you ever be able to piece back that fortress?

I always suspected, but never believed the power of those words. I thought that they were wildly overrated and overused in TV serials.

'normale Freunden bleiben...'

Und wie hast du reagiert? Eine schnelle Gutenacht, schnell aufgelegt, die Lichte schnell ausgemacht, dich ins Bett gelegt. Luckily you went for a gym workout today...which sent you into the Dreamtime much fell asleep thinking...hey...if she'd be happier...maybe i should disappear...and treat this as one long dream? Then it hit me.

I couldn't. Ich bereue nicht, was ich für sie getan habe...nein das werde ich nie bereuen...but...will i hurt her by refusing to give up? By reminding her that there is always a close friend who waits in the shadows, that her choice will end up hurting either party? Unser Verhältnis wird nie mehr wie zuvor...Be it if we get together in the end or not. Maybe you should get out of her life...before this drags and drags...the question is, can you bring yourself to it?

Vielleicht sollst du tun, als ob du nie existiert hättest...was denn? Ein mysteriöser Abschiedsbrief? I only fear that all the bitterness will flow out of you into a pile of venomous accusations, but to intentionally hurt someone like that, especially someone so close to the heart like her...could you ever do that? I could never ever hurt any of my close friends, much less to say her...never have to put all that selfish pride, no matter how badly bruised, aside...

Maybe you lack the maturity of dealing with this. Maybe you're simply too weak. Maybe you are just human. She said...'solange du dich wohlfühlst...' but...her words somehow took it all away. Wohlfühlen? Hmm. She's still someone who is so close to me, one who i can tell anything and everything, but this, if i ever distanced myself from her, or intentionally avoided contact with her...what would become of us? The worst enemies? Strangers? Or friends, but friends who look at each other and are reminded of an infinite sadness and loss?

Is there still a ray of light? A glimmer of hope? I'm not a very patient person, yet hope tempered my impatience. Still, even the strongest of walls can only take so many blows...

Would she even feel your abscence? She's so so busy...lots of stuff to preoccupy herself busy herself to such an extent that she herself could very well just disappear.

Why'd it all have to come to this?

There's a light in my eyes - it's too bright to see
And a pain in my heart where you would still be
Was I wrong to assume that you were waiting for me
There's a light in your eyes - did you leave that light burning for me..?
~Blessid Union of Souls - Light in your Eyes


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