Today was (un)eventful...i don't really know how to put one sense, it could have been the longest Saturday i've had in a while...considering that i was awake at a maggerous's got to be the earliest Saturday ever! Well...because i had driving at 0800...which should be the case in the future as well...driving at 0800 means getting up instructor (which is supposed to be part of the group i'm in) looks like the type who will fuck you inside-out if you fuck up...but i guess it's good lah. Sometimes talking won't work...need someone to whack stuff into my thick thick figure that as long as i keep my attitude up, i should have quite a functional relationship with these dudes.
Of course, although this entry means A Story in Pictures, which (mother son) driving instructor would allow a trainee to drive and take pictures of him?! Of course not lah...if that happened, by now i think i should be kena 01 x jialat jialat was basically all the sharp sharp until i can mount curb...never mind...i'm still a noob at driving, you know? Not a pilot like wye hong also...who picks up things super fast...wah...that guy is an expert man.
After that...i was supposed to meet maggot reuben in town for glass shopping...but...he was only having lunch at 1430...maggot! Made me concuss in Kinokuniya for about 2 maggerous hours! But still. Finally bought my martini glasses...yeah...FINALLY, after months of procrastinating...
After that, kelvin joined us and we went pooling! Haha... right?
After that, we went for dinner, then we went for one (yes just one) round of boozing...the maggots ordered cognac on the rocks...yours truly, however, was thoroughly satisfied with a mug of Stella Artois.

The mood was just right, but...

Wrong People! (haha no offence sia)
Why couldn't it be a hot bella bambina or something like that?! Sigh. But it's okay, because...

I owned them at pool! they say, all's well that ends the sun sank into a sea of alcohol (cognac, to be more precise) all i can say is...
Good day!
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