Monday, May 23, 2005

Angel Dew | Die Mahjong-Marathon | Mein Bar ist fast komplett! | Aloha-Woche

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...finally, as of yesterday, i finally got my Bailey's Irish Cream...which is...honestly speaking...just creamy! Haha. More on that later. Anyway, i met kah yee at KAP in the morning to get my Bailey's, as well as stock up on supplies which i thought would be Rose's Lime Juice Cordial...hahaha...turns out, it actually wasn't. And expensive, to boot! But...hecks lah. Never know when you could use it, and you can take it with sparkling water as a simple refreshing drink to combat the heat...da draussen ist es heute ist doch Hitzezeit aber mit dem blauen es alles wunderschön! Maybe i'll go running later. It's my latest craze, anyway.

Anyway, not to digress. I bought so much stuff because the dudes and K.'s terrorist were coming over for a mahjong marathon! We played for about...5 hours? Won a bit, but lost a bit too. kelvin was the biggest maggot. Always trying to collect the shi-san yao (13 irregulars, or something to that effect, for the uninitiated) but failing and then pissing us off by clinging on to tiles we needed desperately. Maggot. But it is a way to play mahjong...haha...a way to force people to change their game plan and maybe play into your hands...interesting, still. Haven't touched the tiles in it was fun to play. Haha...

I wanted to play on at kelvin's place but the maggot wanted to watch a movie instead. Hecks lah. I was quite...sian at first but hey, the movie turned out to be one of the best anime flicks around! The characters vaguely resembled those you find in Grand Theft Auto or XIII, if you play those games...the movie's name is Innocence...actually it's a movie which is more like a puzzle...

Maggots. Dark clouds gathering. Although it's still sunny...i donno for how long more. Maggots! Bleah.

...anyway, coming have to think...and make your own inferences...add to that deeply philosophical statements which hint at something subtle...i'll get that thing from reuben soon. It's very much worth the 2 gigs of space.

After that, we went to sleep...lights out and talked cock...why do we always end up talking about women? Sigh. And all the maggerous problems of our lives. It's sad enough already. Sigh. I think i owe xiaojun a lot of explaining. Maybe i'll ask her out this Friday to clear the air. After all, the coming week is Aloha week! But it's quite maggerous to travel to and fro from my house (in Bukit Batok) to Aloha resort (in fucking Loyang) daily...hopefully there's mahjong there so if there is maybe i'll try to convince the dudes to play overnight...then at least i won't be travelling until i peng san...if should be 2 hours to and fro! Oh jeez...Shack, also means's time to get out in the sun, slather on sun-tan oil and get bronzed! I want. I like. =)

Drinking is becoming quite the problem at my house. It's not that we're alcoholics - but my alcohol is disappearing too quickly! Thanks to those maggots who drink and drink. reuben, stop thinking of Chivas Regal on the rocks always. And i know i make a wicked Caïpirinha and Caïpirissima, but...don't need to be so kua zhang! Haha. Bleah. Running out of Bacardi Oro. Maggots.

But, we tried layering... in a shooter called Angel Dew...

Angel Dew

Layer in order:

30ml Bénédictine
30ml Bailey's Irish Cream

Yes, the bottom half is golden while cream floats on top...And make no mistake...this is one sweet but spicy shooter! Good thing is that the Bailey's is really smooth and helps to temper the spice somewhat...and what's more, its aftertaste is ab-fab! Think of a mixture of honey, spices, and dairy cream. Whooo...wicked.

Pictures to come!


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