Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Scheisse! | Wenn das Lachen stillt... | Conspiracy Theory : Singapore Bloggers

Sigh. These past 2 days have been fucking shit. This dubious honour of being the Admin OIC for an exercise you're not gonna go up to has really begun to grate on me. Fuck. Part of me wonders why do i still bother to run around making sure everything is okay. I'm not afraid of extras, if that's what you're thinking...i mean, i've already declared tens of times that once the shipment is over (Thursday!! Pull your ass and hurry up!) whatever happens at ROLLING THUNDER is not going to be my fucking pasar anymore.

So why do i still care now?!

I think i just want to do it properly...although so many doors have been slammed in my face...let's see...

1. S4 and danny giving me all sorts of fucked-up last minute stuff (The MAGGOTS!)
2. yizhi getting chickenpox (Of all times...)
3. kingston going AWOL...
4. everyone caught in the fucking hurry-up-and-move-block fever...
5. various less important factors

Especially the S4 and danny! Maggots! It's so amazing how every fucking time i see them, they seem to give me more work to do. Sigh...and what's more...danny hasn't done this shit before...so...it fucked-up...BAD...ack.

I think i've not been a very effective leader in this Admin OIC shenanigan. As derek pointed out, i could have very well appointed a personal assistant from the specs...but i didn't...sure, i made sure i got some specs to help out with the work, like sealing the ops boxes...and it's not that they were very reluctant...just that i didn't delegate enough. Luckily enough i didn't go berserk and award everyone some Khatib vouchers, as uncle Hoo puts it.

I guess that i shall have to learn how to do it lor...to get my subordinates more involved in the planning, than just the doing...of course, not like maggot mok who is simply a fucker.

And there weren't any laughs to de-fuse my wired-up fuse...these past two days have been like...the worst...all of us are dying of work overload. Well, at least i can vouch for mel and me (although mel is on off today, that maggot)...not for fats, who could travel all the fucking way down to 41 SAR with pilot hong to get his fullpack. You swine you. I hope you get admin OIC. But...considering how pro he is at delegation...sigh.

Why am i so fucked up?!

On another possibly more serious note...there has been word that the upcoming Singapore Bloggers' Forum will be the biggest meeting of local bloggers...come july, they will convene in Woodlands...so that the de-masking will begin...

Maggots. All beloved friends and countrymen, i beseech you not to go for the abovementioned Bloggers' Forum. Our loving government will take the opportunity to catalogue us and hunt us down, should we decide to write something which may potentially damage the interests of Lee and Sons, Pte Ltd.

Already once-considered 'safe' people like mr brown, mr miyagi, and others have been 'turned' by the gahmen infidels known as
civil servant sewer serpents into snivelling maggerous scum.

is, of course, further evidence of governmental influence. There have been sponsered drinks, which will undoubtedly be spiked with a little something to loosen your tongues or maybe even a Matrix-esque tracking device! Then you will all be found out, rooted out and mercilessly hunted down!

For all you interested readers, i am
not Deep Throat.

So if i were you, which i already am doing now, i would...

1. Lock the
blast doors
2. Stock up on
a Remington shotgun and 12-gauge ammunition.
3. Buy a
M16A2 with six clips of 5.56mm ammo (in my SBO, no doubt)
4. Install
Patriot missiles.
5. Stun a TPQ-37 to detect any incoming!
6. Prepare for
nuclear holocaust.
7. Remove my picture from www.blogger.com

And if you want, you can always
join the Resistance! Hooray for free speech! Haha. American wankers.

To find out more...visit here.


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