So today is national day. many national days we've had i guess this year i will be exactly half as old as my country...haha...isn't it interesting to know? The place which brought us up, with all the friends and people we've come to know and love, all the memories we've come to cherish, all that's still yet to's also a gentle reminder that while we bask in the golden light of youth, time leaves no one behind. i can still remember long ago, when i'd watch the aircraft perform a bomb-burst over the National Stadium in salute and then spread out over my grandma's house. I can remember how being able to take part in the NDP was considered to be one of the proudest moments of one's NS life.
I guess we reckoned without all the background work which goes on. And i guess that they were right, after all...although it really can be a bitch, it makes one feel special. Proud. And tired, may i add but still. i still believe strongly that our unit shouldn't be doing this, given how thinly stretched we already are...especially if we're doing it so that someone can score points...but i guess that's just another flaw in the system. NSFs have no choice, i guess...
Today has been pretty hectic for me...was complex DOO again yesterday...and handling all the arms meant that i could only get out of Khatib around 1000...then i went home, thinking i could sleep it way, baby! It grew all dark and cloudy for about 15 minutes, making me cease-fire the clothing for like absolutely fucking nothing, and then a gust of wind blew one of my mom's glass vases over, shattering it...all this when i was the only champion at home...maggots man! Never enough sai kang for one day! Sigh.
My momma is impressed that i can now bloody clean up the mess. Hrmph. I've been doing this since last year...haha.
Anyway! Carnival pictures!

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