Two days back, i conducted the BTACC TPQ-36 deployment drill. No, it didn't evolve into a tekan session (like some of you believed it would) although it showed a lot about these cadets.
1. No sense of fucking urgency.
2. Safety breaches taught, re-hashed, punished and yet they commit it again.
3. Commanders not being able to control their section.
4. Failing to echo.
Goodness. Is this the 34th BTACC?! It's quite amazing, really. During my course, although we were under-strength, somehow we pushed each other into meeting the timings. I admit that deployment drills were what caused us to gel as a team...and whenever i felt a rage blackout coming on, it was because i was mad at myself. Mad at letting my friends down. It's all these which make us better people, i figure...
Ryan (that's 3SG Ryan) brought up an interesting point...it's only when cadets/trainees begin to fuck each other that the deployment drill has begun to reach its zenith...because that's when you learn the most, and that's when you begin to realise that you had better buck up and perform as a team if you're to even make it. Truth to tell, the deployment never really reached that stage. It only approached it...hopefully, FIREBALL will be somewhat different. I've seen what they can do and sadly, fats and sven were right. If they know what's in store for them...i don't really care if they know or not. Our job is to train them. That and nothing more.
melvyn also brought up a point...that only the demons begin to show themselves after nightfall...interesting, no? I can't exactly fathom why, but well...if even joshua can fuck the cadets...it must be some pretty powerful demons indeed. Bah.
anthony also pissed me off...by wanting desperately to cut the deployment drill by 2200. I still don't know why the fuck for. It's like he presumes that i will fucking own the cadets so he is forced into pulling rank and stopping early for their parade rehearsals tomorrow. Please lah. They are cadets. And by being easy on them...it's not going to help one.single.fucking.bit! I was really insulted. So it means that i've commissioned for nothing? That the bars on my shoulders are nothing but a farce? I thought you could trust me more than that...you can see their deployment for yourself. They are obviously not there yet. And what are you going to do? Step in during FIREBALL? Their officers on course are already more than enough protection...so...
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