Friday, March 18, 2005

Mathe wieder erfinden | Es ist lohn, Dingen zu tun, obwohl man später sich dumm fühlt

Hallo ihe alle da Friday is here again...isn't it amazing? Yet another week has flashed past without my perceiving it...sigh sometimes i look back and scare myself. Not to say that i've slacked a week away...noooo far from that! Since i booked in on Wednesday morning...i've done quite a lot...time to re-cap...

Wednesday morning. Got into the office to see Mok fussing over the stuff which Boss gave the 4 of us to do. Sigh...see...even the collective number of bars we have still get crushed by 1 x Captain...but anyway...yes so mok was debating over some difficult mathematical concept to melvyn (mind you i gave all my math back to Mr Chin in NJC) and then because we had a deadline to meet, so the 4 of us just put together what we knew about sine, cosine, tangent functions (which amounts to precious little) and got to work. It took a lot of time convincing each other how a particular formula would work, trying to find a way to compensate for the TPQ-36 which screwed up at THUNDER WARRIOR earlier this year. Anyway, i just discovered how much i like to suan mok! It's a new hobby...suan mok! It's not very good lah but still...who asked him to be so por to the Boss Man but William Tell-ish (i.e. the Arrow King) to in me and mel lah...he doesn't touch JJ...then...JJ is better in that he takes the time to teach us and well...he's generally more approachable than Mok. Make that a lot more approachable. Add that to Mok's not-so-high standing with the specs...well i guess i don't have to paint more to the picture.

Anyway...the important part is...i discovered math again!!

*happy smile*

Then on and melvyn conducted SOC...i think as newbies both of us were strung a bit tight...mel was running all about...i was a bit slack but still it kinda caught on too...anyhows...mok failed again! and promptly got suan-ed by me...unbelievable...he has the Boss Man, our sergeant-major, and a fellow coursemate running with him and he still fails! Even gave up running. What a wanker. Mok is a positive example of what not to be like...even Wee Chong, this locator, outran him...because he had someone to push him. But at least he did not bloody give up.

I've been thinking of something. I want to tell my specs and men, once i've gotten to know them enough, that during outfields (e.g. FATEP/overseas) they can very well drop the 'Sir' thing and call me by name. I feel that it makes the whole thing work better because the line between the officer and the NCOs/men is dropped, so they feel that you're one of them also...i don't know if it's going to work though so...mal schauen...

And today. I basically did nothing until the afternoon, when i attended the co-ordination meeting for an upcoming Artillery visit. Goodness...the co-ordination required! Then i escaped early to go for my Basic Theory easy i think it's impossible to fail, i just hope that i don't fail...carelessness can rear its ugly head...anytime...after which i went to eat because i thought i was supposed to meet someone at 2000. I waited until 2045, made a few phone calls, and everything, until she called to say she was at the Esplanade. What the fish...i was quite pissed because i felt like an idiot...but maybe she clean forgot, and i guess that if that person is worth your waiting 45 minutes, then i's worth it because you only get to see this person once or twice a year, but then...sigh. i still feel dumb. no one likes to stand and wait for ages only for nothing, i guess...

Never mind ba. Weekend's here! What shall i do? I want to buy shoes which i can go out in, maybe running shoes (i'll worry about those later) and glasses...did i tell you guys that i intend to learn how to make cocktails? Be an informal bartender? As in...knowing the techniques and recipes, but without the flair and showmanship of a true's an art in itself i guess...wish me luck then!


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