Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Screwdrivers and Monkey Wrenches... | The Night Sky

Have you all looked at the night sky and wondered at those little distant points of light against the velvet night? It's a pity that in most parts of Singapore, the high density of streetlamps and traffic both conspire to produce this phenomenon called light pollution...

light pollution (n.): A phenomenon whereby high ambient light causes stars in the night sky to become relatively fainter and difficult to discern. Frustrates amateur astronomers and stargazers.

But anyway, Orion is always very prominent in the night sky, look for his belt surrounded by the trapezium...a close, straight line of 3 stars...supposedly, according to melvyn's thai driver during BATTLE KING, you can trace a line Northwards when you use Orion's Belt...but as to the veracity of that claim...is yet to be proven true or false...

It's a very different issue in CRESCENDO or WALLABY or elsewhere where it's more rural; in fact, it's very different already in quiet areas like Murai or Pasir Laba as we deployed there at night during SAFARI. There are actually a lot of stars; the night sky never seemed so cluttered in Singapore! And i didn't believe it until i went to the gun deployment ground and saw it for my own eyes. Beautiful. Like random diamonds sprinkled across a black velvet cushion. Maybe i should get a telescope and observe stars for their colours and all that. I've read that the Jewel Box, an open star cluster located in Crux, the Southern Cross, is a magnificent collection of young, hot stars with a bright red star in the middle known as ? Crucis...sigh...such absolute beauty, if we'd only had the opportunity to stop, look and marvel.

Anyway...today i have one (or two) recipes for you...i'm sure most of you have heard of a screwdriver...have you heard of a monkey wrench?


1 part vodka
4 parts orange juice
build and stir over ice

A monkey wrench, in comparison, is similiar to a screwdriver, but replace vodka with rum and orange juice with grapefruit juice. If you don't like grapefruit because of its inherent bitterness, well...the rum does help to mellow the bitterness a little, although it's still something to contend with. Enjoy!


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