Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Temple of Lek and Retarded Inspectors

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...sigh. I really hate my unit now. Not the people who do the day-to-day work, but those people who are running the whole show. Namely, a certain god of thunder. Sigh. I shall just refer to him as 'god' (as i'm sure he'll love to be referred to as such) in this post...

The Ops Room has already become the Temple of Lek...whoever who goes in there has to either pay homage or risk getting slapped with many x sai kang...i wonder how the monks of this liar of evil (gabriel and jeremy) manage to survive. Oh well...one beats girls and the other...well...is a little addled as well so...i don't know what to think. Sigh. How does one stay mentally sound when there's someone like that breathing down your neck?

So the GSI (General Safety Inspectorate) audit has just landed in front of our battalion line and they have demanded that we take them to our leader. So many things have transpired that have shown the...true colours of people whom we thought we could respect. It shows that ultimately, this is all just a show. We must make everything picture-perfect so that the big fucks can cover their poxy hides. And god is no different. Some stunts he tried:
  • Demanding stand-by bunk from officers. And he expects cadet standard!
  • Making us change and change the lesson plan format. Even after signing it. Poor sven. Poor us.
  • Gathering us and telling us that it wasn't because of the GSI Inspection. I didn't know someone could be that...hypocritical? Hello, you're being all worked-up only when the Inspection is coming up. I don't see you becoming so pissed over day-to-day admin.
Sigh. If gods became maggots i'd understand why. And we can't do anything about it because he has one crab and we only have bars! Bah...what a retard. Such to an extent that even boss decided to switch to post-out mode and just fuck off from camp, giving me and mel a free Sakae dinner in the meantime for 'satisfactory work performance.' Aye.

For those regulars, please don't let your career dominate what it means to lead. You don't have to wayang so much. It's okay to wayang in front of the Inspectorate, but you can jolly well be honest with your junior officers. Not as if they'll paotoh you...they'll be thankful for your uprightness. And you won't leave them talking behind your back.

The GSI Inspectors are another class of retards from god. They are just retarded! Even formation safety went to fight them. They want Risk Assessment for everything - literally everything - even the toilets!

'Okay gentlemen, take a 5 minute toilet break. I am your conducting officer. Now for your safety brief. Everyone got 7 hours of sleep? Water paraded? Please take note of the slippery floor as it could be a falling hazard. Please do not pull out the hand dryer and throw it into the toilet bowl as it could be an electrical hazard. yadda yadda yadda...'

What the fuck?!

Formation safety went up to him and said that maybe they should conduct this more intelligently. For once...you go, safety! Haha.

Maybe they should abolish National Service...because everything is unsafe...if we want to set down so much safety that we can just push all the responsibility to the hands of fate, maybe we should just let them live their lives. It'll be easier not to tarnish the reputation of the SAF anyway.


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