Monday, December 05, 2005

One Fun Night : Priceless.

I am now the poorest fucker on Earth.

I bought horz’ iPod Video 2nd hand…considering how it’s only 3 weeks old…and well considering how he’s rich enough to run off and buy something else…that little maggot.

So now I’m 500 bucks down.

Add that to last night. Myself, reuben, K., weng soon, ah cheng, horz, no fear and kamil hit Acid Bar for drinks and catching up! Actually, we invited everyone but as again, they just cancelled their prescence collectively. Bah. The fact that heidi and maybe showed up kinda makes me wonder what they’re doing…it’s like, hello, it’s time to get a life…but then again, once one girl cancels, that’s it. Don’t have to expect too much already. Sad man.

Sadly, no one gives us face…they only give shane (our ex-class rep) face…donno why man…as if we have less cred (cannot be rite…) but whatever. Let her organize the next one. I’m just gonna listen. Haha. Oh well…I wanna stand on the rooftop and shout at them to wake up, we are the only guys free to organize and well, they turn a blind eye to things.

Okay, okay…enough bitching already.

Anyway, somehow something went wrong, which maneuvered me to become The Boss…somehow ended up opening 1 bottle of Belvedere’s vodka and then flaming drinks and the like. We even tried going to hell…which is basically a shot of Bacardi 151…it did burn like Hell but no way…not yet…haha…Sigh. Another 400 bucks gone. See, isabelle? We’re all the same in the end! Hawhaw.

What was most interesting was all the stuff we catched up on. Sigh. Don’t you just love prodding weng soon? I mean, what can 5 army dudes and a bangla troublemaker do to a polite civilian? Apart from total ownage, that is…

Anyway, on to the highlight of the night.

Heidi was quite enthralled by me and reuben drinking flaming drinks and she got quite tempted into trying one. So I treated her to a Waterfall…her very first flaming drink…the catch was, while our drinks were brought to us, she had to go to the Bar to drink it. Basically, what they do is pour flaming brandy down a bottle of Galliano (which is very tall, for the uninitiated – its designed that way) into a cocktail glass of sambuca. She did look quite afraid, but what with the whole bar egging her on…

Good on ya! This is the most fucking garang girl for yesterday! Applause…a Flaming Lamborghini for you next time. Or are you treating us?

We gotta do this again. Everybody! Only, let’s be wiser and inform shane. I don’t mind drinking. As long as I’m not The Boss again. Cannot be me again la…can die sia!


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