Sunday, January 01, 2006

Jahresrückblick 2005: Alpha

Strange how I decided to write my Foreword after all’s been done?

Looking back on 2005, it’s been one hell of a year. And who’s going to remember them when they’re long gone? I was reading samantha’s Jahresrückblick and indeed, she spurred me on to writing for this year. And hopefully for many years still. And just like this year has a different meaning for every person, so it is up to us to tell our own tale.

We are part of a never-ending chronicle, for even when we are gone, we are immortalized in memories, pictures, and stories. But that’s for everyone else – this is for ME. One day I’ll come across them again and remember what 2005 was like. I may forget the places, the voices, the colour of your hair, the clothes you wore, but I’ll never forget the feelings that were there.

So presenting to you, without further ado, my 2005 Chronicle. Good reading.


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