Pre-Brunei Stress | Hiatus
Hallo ihr alle da many months are gone and now i'm finally finally back...Tonight i fly to Brunei for EX SOCJOT (Support Officer Jungle Orientation Training) or smth like that...sigh...gonna die there...but hey at least i'll be home in 9 days...probably with a horrible case of footrot and a very rotten toenail. The bloody surgeon dinnae do a good job removing that aye...horrid isn't it? It's still gross and stuff, but at least things are looking up...
Been posted to arty after all the 3 months which have passed without an update. I basically spent these weekends mit den Kumpeln, weil die Freiheit doch so kurz ist, man musst irgendwie damit rechnen, oder? Anyhow, been bowling lots, average is improving steadily but i'm looking at a new toy at the end of the year, should be either a Brunswick Red Alert Plus or a Storm Depth Charge...I don't know la, today i practiced with this uncle who taught me kinda how to improve my breakpoint (i.e. make it kinda snappier) because my hook is still very gentle...and i thought it was only the ball (Scout Reactive on medium-oily lanes) but he says that the ball still gotta sit kinda on the fingers before i twist and lift slightly. "Good backswing but poor follow-through" was his comment. Ah well. Those guys play on Friday nights which i will be more able to take part these days because i get more friday night book outs...haha...hopefully i'll improve enough to play the Red Alert Plus as it should (good length, snappy backend) now that would be great i i'm playing only a gentle hook from 2nd arrow driving into the pocket...not that its bad, but something flashier would be nice. haha...
Samantha's back with 2 more albums from Germany: Triptomatic Fairytales 3003 and Zeichen der Zeit...both absolutely fantastic with great tracks...haha if only you guys got such things in Singapore, now that's music! Na ja, kann nix tun...what's more important is her very prescence. It's so good to have you home again...Bloss Woerter koennen nicht beschreiben, wie ich dich vermisse...wie die ganze Welt dich vermisst! I miss your laughter, your smile, yourself, and your glad to see you again but here i am about to go to Brunei. Brooo-nei. least she'll still be around when i get home. First person i'm gonna go out with (on the 31st itself i figure) is gonna be her...wie wichtig sie mir ist, oder? yeah...
mehmeh: hey...nice of you to drop by sia...hehe...:P take care ya...
Also got a great book to recommend you guys. Go get Stargazing by Peter it in camp and you won't regret's worth it because it tells a story of a life everyone wants...a life which i want. Reading it in camp, suddenly life seems better. Having a soulmate to call every night also helps. Du weisst, wer du bist...ich bin dafuer so dankbar, denn ohne Dich geht es nicht...
Just take care...when will i update again? No idea! Don't know myself!! Seid gut, ihr alle...ciao!
Leb' den Tag
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Breathe. Smile. Cry. Run. Fly. Laugh. Love. Loss. Anger. Wonder. LIVE.
previously, on the x-men:
- Wir sind umgezogen!
- Kiasuismus und Materialismus
- The 24 SA / 33rd BTACC Tribute
- Best Friends!
- The holy man levitated for the astounded masses.
- fats' wild night out
- St. Valentine's
- Home, and being damned proud to be there
- maorified!
-''s OVER!
- Cong is my army buddy, always garang
- Emelyne my xiao and only you
- Samantha jie and the trials of uni life
- Phyllis bubbly you need to laugh more!
- Jiayi the sunshine girl who defines friendship
- Taryn whose heart is bigger than her size
- Xiu my cousin's cousin's cousin...?
- Heidi ruler of the Leper Kolonie
- Munchie: beauty queen. No shit!
- Zentenism. It's not a religion. It's a way of life.
- Ween or Princess Sarah. Not ben ben anymore
- Reuben just got happily married to a terrorist
- Jason, actually. Catch him here!
- JJ my upperstudy, 'knows no shame'-rongjun
- Ryan looks damn boi but he's a psychotherapist
- Die Leper Kolonie Population: 6
- Ken Kwan was pineappletartz
- Rongjun values(-d) brotherhood above all
- Woon: regular in the making
- Jun Kiat the garangest signaller on Earth
- Bilder...von mir
- Students' Sketchpad. Ah, the good ol' days...
- Why the Internet is bad for you
- The Translator for you non-german speakers.
- April 2003
- May 2003
- June 2003
- July 2003
- August 2003
- September 2003
- October 2003
- November 2003
- December 2003
- January 2004
- February 2004
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honour rolls