Saturday, January 31, 2004

Mein Spielplatz: SOC | Lebend rauszukommen

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...Samstag kommt, bin endlich wieder frei...kommt mir gut ins Feierabend (endlich!) na ja...what did we do? Strip/Assemble my M16... *yawn* not that difficult so deeply into my head that i can do it blindfolded i think...but finding the parts will be a problem any decent gun book will tell you, basic stripping of the M16 will give you the charging handle and the bolt carrier group...then u strip the bolt carrier group...too lazy to go into details la. u see the whole thing u will understand under 1 minute? -zzzz- ok la. dun be arrogant...

Spielplatz is German for playground...SOC...Standard Obstacle Course...anyway next time whenever i say [Playground] i mean SOC la ok...yea anyway. clear obstacles and run 1 km in 10:30. not very possible at my current fitness standard. yea anyway the obstacles are:

Low Wall, Step-Off, Gate, Monkey Bars, Low Rope, High Ramp, Parallel Bars, Jacob's Ladder, Horizontal Bar, Swinging Bridge, Balancing Log (in no particular order of coursE)

So....climb and play...playground is a really apt word...after tt got to run some more...*sigh* so unfit how to do...glad to come out alive every weekend. But they will not let you die. you may want to but you can't! hahaha...bleah...sounds like a terrible fate? actually it's not la. haha....cuz sometimes u have fun...sometimes not. Depends on ur luck i guess...Jeux d'Armée...haha...stupid games anyway...

Will report in another time...time to enjoy MY freedom. Meine Freiheit, meine süsse revouir, bonne nuit! Je vous aime...=P mon français est must improve la! haha...wish me luck...

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Und so geht's wieder... | der letzter Samurai

Hallo ihr alle da wird mir nicht gut ins Feierabend kommen...weil ich heute wieder zurück ins Camp muss! Na ja, c'est la vie, j'aime Armée...haha...yea as if!! Anyhow...had a good new year? Hope y'all had fun! And lotsa money too...Unlike me...j'ai pas de l'argent...i have no money...ahaha...and i mean Army allowance also...bleah gotta wait until next then i'll be quite poor...hahaha...but then again, you can't spend that much in camp! haha. Just a tad apprehensive about returning...i hope i can perform better this time in camp...aiming for OCS (yeah like who isn't) so...yeah lor. hope can perform la. Anyway, should be having another long weekend this coming week cuz of Hari Raya Haji...good life in the Army you say? la vie d'armée n'est pas bon...or at least it's good now but you have to make it up sooner or later! I already missed a route march because of will be re-scheduled or wod la...lucky tonite is all admin time so i can relax and get my house in order...i have to kiwi my training boots black too (they're rather muddy...) instead of haywiring all around, flunking area cleaning again, and getting hell....right? als ob man das sich wünschen würde!

Went to catch The Last Samurai yesterday...well it didn't degenerate into a soppy love story, rather the story of how a disillusioned army officer re-learns the way of life by bushido, the Samurai code of honour...and how this man effectively became the last Samurai. I won't give too many details because i think it's worth go and catch it! haha...Then we went Fish & Co. for dinner...haha...can you believe we're this desperate, i got challenged by reuben to get the hp number of this waitress in 2 weeks' time? bleah! Who's scared of who, turtle scared of hammer...... a bit immoral ah...actually not really...i think a lot of guys will want her...=P haha...being ego again...well, i'm gonna return there and suffer, no girls, no nothing, but just physical torture...Endure!

Have you all heard 'Brief' by Xavier Naidoo? It's in German, but for those of you who know the language, get the won't regret it...and here's what the girl says in her letter.

Ich weiss nicht, was ich sagen soll
Bin vor Not ganz stumm
Das, was wir befürchtet haben, ist geschehn und wirft mich um
Vater ist ganz unbeirrbar
Droht mir alles an
Womit man mir Angst einjagen
Und mich lähmen kann
Weiss nicht wie es weitergeht
Kenne keinen Weg heraus
Ich bete nur die schwere Prüfung
Löscht mich nicht vollkommen aus...

Yeah, it's a break-up song...but very sad should listen to it...slow, sad...*sigh* but then i've never broken up with pple before, just rejected....haha...the strange thing is, everyone thinks i have a gf! Could it be her? (see above) but that would soap style...haha...nevermind, who said dreams never come true. haha...Un rêve de l'amour, puis je me réveille...*sian* weiss nicht wie es weiter geht...Sag ich dir Bescheid...aber was ich glaube ist, dass es mir scheitern wird. hmm. au revoir!

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Delta Dragon | Neujahr

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...i'm FREE at last...i'm currently posted to Delta One...Not bad la but my sergeant keeps farking us...we also have ourselves to blame also la hor...keep farking up...not tt my platoon cannot make it...sometimes we ourselves damn slack...can say we deserve it...i dun mind it...i suppose we get shit now but in the long run we come out better people...Anyway...Delta is a zai name rite...with the zai commander...i really respect him la...commando, airborne, bla bla bla...i can't and won't say're not privy to that information... yea anyhows, a leader by example and i think our platoon respects him too...super fit also...i think i will make him my inspiration to do great things la...for endurance runs he runs at our head and his pace is such tt we outpace the others damn least he's a warrant officer i can respect well....jiayou lor! haha...i think my fitness will improve under him...and will listen to him also...hopefully myself and the platoon as a whole will really wake up our farking idea and make a change...every time kena fuck by sergeant where got song....dammit la...

Anyway...year of the Monkey all you monkeys out there...happy new year ah! haha...get lots of money...and all tt whatnot...Sunday i gotta book in again...fark la...damn sian to book in on Sunday leh...go in and talk pumping, talk cock, sing song, kiwi boots, kena fuck again...wah lanz....sometimes life unfair but c'est la vie lor...haha...juz take wod life throws u...u'll be much tt's tt...just to let u all noe i'm still alive...take care...good night!

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Abschied nehmen

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...morgen geh ich rein...ich verlasse euch hier und geh weg....Seid ihr gut okie? And best of luck in whatever y'all do....take great care and rest assured i will too. So! Jetzt nehm ich Abschied....und so geht's weiter....



Monday, January 12, 2004


Hallo ihr alle da draussen...time's running out...already under the 40-hour mark...haha...before i go to Tekong!!! Yea anyhows how does a dying man spend his remaining days on Earth if he got 2 days of rejuvenated youth? Commit all the sins of liberty...haha...let's see ah. go swim wif Ong and gay shit can't swim of we just helped him to swim...basked in the Sun...(yea we're gonna do a lot more basking anyhow) haha...then after tt we went Orchid ah...also gd mah cuz...the lanes are good...then we meet a coach wor. yea not really la met shaked hands...maybe we get him to train us when we can book out on a regular basis ba...i think can la hor...haha...just wait until got steady cash flow can oredi...and must be flexible time also cuz u neva noe when u have to defend the Motherland....

Tomolo's the day when i say goodbye to everyone...*Abschied nehmen* =( but wod can u do i suspect...haha...gonna be ringing lots of pple up tom so well! wait for my fone okie? =) take care and good night...

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Wo ich wohnen will

Salut! Update on where i wanna live and my future...the aim is to have a place to live in Paris, Venice, Berlin, and some other European goal however is to own an apartment in the Place des Vosges in Paris...because it costs some 2 million ++ Euros? i do doubt however that i will ever be THAT rich to do it...donno wod the future holds...Comment?

Nachdenken, während die Zeit vergeht

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...the past 2 days haven't been going totally smoothly for some injuries like losing a big piece of skin on my palm...but hey although it looked disgusting for the first day, now its healing slowly...will be as good as new soon i have this feeling ayye....Anyhow. Met the class on Thursday for what will probably be our last class gathering (i.e. the gals too) before NS...or perhaps our last class gathering ever...yea no matter how much u guys promise to meet up i'm not that optimistic...but seeing the response for the malaysia trip was quite heart-warming for me...=)...Yes anyhow. had floorball with them (1-handed version is weird for me), then lunch, gelato *sigh* then went kelvin's house for his house-(warming)burning...aiyah actually just another name for a mahjong session...

The session didn't overnite though lei...ended up getting our shut-eye at wod 2 am? haha...Mr Ong woke up at 5 am to go home...i stayed on and (over)slept...cuz he rang me at 7:40 a.m. to see if i was already at Chinatown (meet him and miss Ong and my daughter for breakfast ma) then i was like..." Just got up." then he was like ok la u buay tong oredi...just when i thought i could go back to sleep, wei song called...Sie machte so viel Lärm dass ich aufstehen musste...als ob ich ausgeschlafen hätte! She was like...aiyo guai lor guai lor...por me so tt i can come down dang it la...why am i so soft? what to do la she's my da-sao oredi...rite? Der Zug war so vollgepackt, dass ich fast nicht atmen konnte...das mein ich ernst...Aber es ist so weil alle die Leute sich an der Arbeit sputen müssen...So 'nen Scheiss oder? haha...

Had breakfast with them then brought them around Chinatown...which was like 60% closed cuz its only 9 am....yea then left them to themselves and went to sleep at me gramma's....woke up, had lunch and then went home...hmm...yea tt's abt it? Seen the quack regarding my ingrown toenail...(cut it out but it still hurts) and he said aiya muz do go in den do...if not they say u lazy...grrr idiotz....aiya...why am i born with so many defects? flatfoot, shortsighted, ingrown toenails, blabla...minor inconveniences but i guess in exchange i got a good brain? and good body too...muscle la! talk cock only! I'm not even handsome. -.-

Heutzutage mach ich mich so viele Gedanken darüber, was in die Zukunft passieren und auch über meine Freunden...obwohl ich das ihnen nie sagen kann, lieb ich sie alle...ich vermiss sie schon so...der Zauber ist schon zu Ende ich glaube...aber na ja was kann man tun? C'est la vie, die Freunden kommen und gehen...das musst man irgendwie akzeptieren...Mit der Zeit vergisst man (Schade) und bei uns ist es so schlimmer als je weil wir fast alles vergessen werden...sogar Deutsch, ich befürchte...(SCHADE!!!!) Und was über die Zukunft? Ich werde versuchen, das Venedig-Plan zu ermöglichen aber wer wird kommen? Ich hoffe, dass JEDER kommt...echt...nach 4 Jahren wird die Sehnsucht die Sehnsucht suchen...und die Freunden die näher zu mir sind...e.g. ween, ong, gay shit low, jie, etc...wie kann ich sie vergessen? Was ich aber tun kann ist zu hoffen, dass sie mich auch nicht vergessen....=( Wieso musst es alles so kommen?

Hab einen Lied von Laith Al-Deen gehört...passend nicht? Obwohl die Reste des Inhalts nicht passt...das passt total...aber ein bissle modifiziert...=P

So ist es mit Leuten, mit der Zeit vergisst man
Die Lächeln, die Stimme, die Farbe der Haare und Augen
Doch genau das will man nicht, man will nichts vergessen
Denn die Wichtigste passieren immer nebenbei...

Tiefsinnig oder? Die Zeit läuft ab und ich hab ungefähr 90 Stunden bevor ich in dem Armee geh...wish me the best of luck!But like everything, its just d'un rêve interminable, the neverending dream called life...considering how fast JC zipped past i guess this will be our friendship! i hope the bonds we forged with all our effort and nurtured with love will survive for ever and ever.

P.S. for the German parts...go translate them urselves here...although they may not be accurate i think you can get a decent idea there....

Monday, January 05, 2004

Le voyage

Salut! Now here i am back from 4 days in malaysia...which happens to be more tropical than Singapore (even though we're nearer to the Equator...unglaublich, was??) haha...ya. anyways. left on 1st jan to the 4th with my friends...let's re-cap eh?

So ging's:

-1st January-

Ayyye. Got up 6:30 a.m. (earliest time for any New Year) and then got ready to go to meet Shane, ween, ong, and Fashion at Dairy Farm there...naf and kamil joined up later...then we hopped on this 170 into malaysia...wah...customs is damn lax =X yaya and then we went up to Larkin and then got on the coach to KL...didn't do much during the coach ride but listen to my CDs, watch Pearl Harbour *yawn* and...sleep? ya. sleep. like everyone was? bleah...yea anyhows. For New Year's Day, i expected there to be less of a Verkehrsstau lor! Kena stuck for like...40 minutes...then just as we broke out the cards for bridge, we were out of the jam...-.- fark lah how can like that...bleah.
Then we like checked into the hotel, slacked some, and went to meet Mr Goh for dinner ah...ya dinner at KLCC...not bad la actually...then guess wod we meet boonz...wandering around KLCC with his family? Apparently he was visiting...ja alles den Zufall ueberlassen...haha...then we like went to Cold Storage (ja echt!) to buy alcohol and a 24-pack of Coke...woah...and the best part was, we finished it in 2 days? yea anyhows. Then we went out...marveling at musical fountain ah. Somehow the Petronas Towers appear so majestic...but i guess every building does it u look at it up close and personal? aye. then we went back to the hotel, bathed....and...

-2nd January : The Prank

...since every day starts from midnight i'm gonna try to write in that style...not write from blocks of consciousness...yea anyway after 12 we turned all the lights out and began to tell ghost stories...gee...telling stories can freak pple out so bad ah...ok la i muz admit ah. i kena freak out by some ghost stories before...i guess the effect is greater when you're in the place itself? (got really freaked out by tchs ghost stories in tchs) but then again i tell them in the safety of the hotel they also kena freaked...ya. especially about the poker card story...if u're alone with me and we're playing cards next time...i'll tell u lor ok. lol ya anyway moving on now...drank quite a lot too but drank more coke i guess...u gotta go to work on a 24-pack immediately even if there's 10 people in ur party...? yea in the end everything broke down into a very philosophical argument regarding religion and everything...i thought i could only be complex and philosophical with folks like mr ong and gay shit low...i guess i never envisioned being able to do this with the entire class ah. haha...

The next morning we woke up like damn late (11am) then we went Sunway Dry Lagoon...that's where the prank unfolded...yea anyhows let's not digress first...the dry lagoon really wasn't very dry ah cuz of the wet rides...made my shoes smell like shit and all that whatnot...yea but the rides were fun! haha if we could spend an afternoon there i suppose its ok la or wod? wheeeee~ *bleargh* la i didn't we went Sunway Pyramid...there was this chiobu ice-skater...haha...ayyyye candy. haha...then had dinner, yadda yadda then went back to the hotel for The Prank...Well regarding the Prank i'm not gonna tell you anything, but it was a bad joke and something which really tested if we cared for the prankers...come on. ween cried. Bad joke? make that really bad. haha. but it was TV-worthy...dude although i was a victim of the prank, someday i won't be so surprised to see the masterminds on punked...and i swear okay...hahaha...oops? no hard feelings lor. Somehow i didn't react as strongly as i felt i would? yea anyways...then we went sleeping ah....-zzzzz-

-3rd January-

Hit the gym...haha haven't pumped iron for like 5 months since August? yea anyway i think i'm growing soft and gay but yea that's juz how i feels...then we went to Midvalley after checking out of the place...Cosmic Bowling? *bleargh* Even though i listen to dance and trance, the music they played there SUCKED. Headache? No problem. No problem in giving us one that is. Yea anyhow i figure that Cosmic Bowling would be better if the music changed from hardcore techno to dance/trance which i listen repetitive beats and at least someone SINGING on the bloody tune...this kind of music at least brings about a mood whereas techno sounds like DJ's on amphetamines...yea anyhow the fluorescent balls looked cool haha although it became kinda impossible to aim? you gotta aim via the pins then...didn't do beautifully anyways two 100+ games...not bad for me liao ah...hehe...yea gonna go train bowling professionally liao, maybe enter a few if get recognised then my NS will just be daily bowling sessions lor. haha...aye i mean it...think else ah. ah ya. mr ong, gay shit low and ween are in on it...see how lor...

Then we took the midnight train back down to wod a bloody long ride...they just spent the time telling ghost stories which freak pple out while i told tons of racist jokes...on a MALAYSIAN TRAIN...du dumme Arschloch...wonder why i didn't get my ass kicked yea anyhows then got some private business settled then got some shut-eye...

-4th January-

Arrived like at 5:30 a.m.?? got over to juan's house where we slept some, slacked some, then woke up and went holiday plaza for shopping...? yea actually didn't do much i do recall sitting for an hour or so at Coffee Bean then had a HUGE seafood dinner before going home....


Hallo wieder...coming back, i really wonder when and where i'll meet these people again...perhaps in the crowded Venice airport terminal? Perhaps at the Ferrovia train station? Perhaps in NJC when we get our results? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. There's a song by the No Angels called Reason. All these reasons and so much more will be why i will never forget you. Venice awaits. in 4 to 5 years. I'm looking forward to it. are you all already? the way we could have fun like's a shade of things to come! take care.