Weg von der Hölle | Tout est magique, à côté... | Mein schwarz-goldenes Ball
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...POP lo!! Actually it was last Friday, but yes i'm so lazy that i only blogged now. So now, i am known as PRIVATE Wong Guojun. How nice. We threw our grenade too...big bang! I like! haha...but when u're gripping that olive-drab spheroid in your hand and twisting the pin, everything seems so unreal...must be the fear factor...then taking cover. A concussive boom. The wall shakes. Then, it clears. Next! haha...sigh. time passes so fast...even the suffering gives way to this grim pleasure that you've walked through BMT...everything around me has become magique...Really...it's like...just magical how we're changed from civilians to soldiers, how much more we've actually seen and learnt...and all the brothers you've made!! When you reflect back, yes it was tough but it was also a magical time! Too bad that we only note the importance of them when it's all gone...sigh...
And i'll be moving on. Come Friday i'll get my posting...OCS or SISPEC? Stay tuned.
Bought my new bowling ball. 13.5 pound Scout Reactive...blue/gold pearl. I really love the way it looks, the way it glimmers seductively...hahaha...no not a chiobu...yes anyway it's reactive, so you can throw a hook with it...But i'm not that proficient yet la...needs practice, although i'm already getting it to hook and i've found my line liao...basically now all i have to do is alter my target and do all that until i learn to put more revs to the ball, then i can pull a bigger hook...looks nicer ba. haha...Progress will come with practice! As i said sometime ago, nothing is impossible!
Leb' den Tag
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Geben Sie mir Ihr Geld, bitte | Am Spielplatz
Hand grenade actually got disrupted because of some bloody jonahs who stole money in malaysia, escaped (good!) but got lost and landed in Tekong...i myself have never thought that criminals could be such idiots and fuck up THAT badly...yes you avoided the police, but you got yourself in trouble with the military...(and a military in a country far better than the one u just fled, IMHO)...out of the fire into bloody HELL i tell u...yes anyway we mobilized hundreds of men, kicked up a big hoo-ha, just to arrest 3 MEN. Goodness. So there goes our hand grenade until some as-yet-unknown date in our block leave when we come back to throw our little green friends away and watch them explode...but the TEDIUM of it all the the very thought of going back to Tekong already turns me off...if i go SISPEC...then Tekong for another 5 months...nvm...haha...come out with my 3 stripes ok...haha...or are they chevrons? Aiya macht nix la...c'est pas important...
Yes. Achievement. PASSED SOC!!! whoo...with a very good timing too i think...9:10 completed. I told you that once i clear my rope, tout est bon yea? haha...proof!
POP soon...pass out pass out!!! GOODBYE RECRUIT...i shall soon be PRIVATE Wong Guojun. Cool. haha...
Hand grenade actually got disrupted because of some bloody jonahs who stole money in malaysia, escaped (good!) but got lost and landed in Tekong...i myself have never thought that criminals could be such idiots and fuck up THAT badly...yes you avoided the police, but you got yourself in trouble with the military...(and a military in a country far better than the one u just fled, IMHO)...out of the fire into bloody HELL i tell u...yes anyway we mobilized hundreds of men, kicked up a big hoo-ha, just to arrest 3 MEN. Goodness. So there goes our hand grenade until some as-yet-unknown date in our block leave when we come back to throw our little green friends away and watch them explode...but the TEDIUM of it all the the very thought of going back to Tekong already turns me off...if i go SISPEC...then Tekong for another 5 months...nvm...haha...come out with my 3 stripes ok...haha...or are they chevrons? Aiya macht nix la...c'est pas important...
Yes. Achievement. PASSED SOC!!! whoo...with a very good timing too i think...9:10 completed. I told you that once i clear my rope, tout est bon yea? haha...proof!
POP soon...pass out pass out!!! GOODBYE RECRUIT...i shall soon be PRIVATE Wong Guojun. Cool. haha...
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Propaganda die 50er!!

Wish i coulda gotten myself a full-sized posted. Haha...Freedom's Bright New Sword: the F-8 Crusader? I admit it's a cool plane...but...FREEDOM! haha.

Wish i coulda gotten myself a full-sized posted. Haha...Freedom's Bright New Sword: the F-8 Crusader? I admit it's a cool plane...but...FREEDOM! haha.
Nichtstun | Das Psycho-Test | Niederschlag zu Niederschlag...
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...Nichtstun is German for cho boh lan, to do nothing at all...which pretty much sums up this week...super relax!! Especially on Thursday and Friday!! Spent more time SIB (Slacking In Bunk) than training...but then again the first 3 days were quite chiong la ok...the operative word here is 'quite'...but then it rained buckets on sunday, monday, thursday and friday, so we couldn't do jack for these few days...but the rain also made us lethargic to the point that i actually sms-ed a friend saying that i could just curl up in my bunk and DIE...yeah that's how slow-paced life was this week...
Tuesday and Wednesday we went back to the Spielplatz (SOC) for a rundown...which i totally disgusted myself with by my pathetic performance...can die lor. Passing time: 10:29. My time: 13:18. Why? I can't clear the stupid fucking low rope, which keeps slipping out from under me...i normally end up wasting time there and then getting so tired and demoralised that i can't pia finish the remaining 600m...ya anyhow i damn scared i gone fuck for SOC because i wanna pass it...and i only have one more shot, namely: SOC 9, Trial Test...because for SOC 10, i gotta book out for some checkup on the toenail...either i screw the checkup or i miss the real test....can't afford to do either so i better pass the trial...which gives me more stress...because how u cut 3 minutes off your rundown?? it's not easy lor!!! Come to think of it, extremely difficult would be a more befitting term...i won't say "Impossible" because some days back, Adidas posted the following anecdote:
'Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small people who would rather live in the world they are given rather than explore their powers. Impossible is not a fact. Impossible is an opinion. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is NOTHING.'
That struck me. But facing the odds...aiyah i donno la! Will i survive? I'll tell you next week...
Anyhow, had a psychometric test today. They gave me a set of patterns and told me to figure out the last one for myself...Scheiss einfach, wenn ihr mich mal danach fragt...Kein Problem! lalala, das hielte ich als Zeitverschwendung, weil ich doch mit Sam rausgehen wollte... Glücklicherweise hat's nur eine Stunde gedauert...dann wurde ich wieder frei...the afternoon with jie was good, except maybe she got quite bored during bowling (average 90!! Confirm!!) and for the human traffic jam, and for towing her all around looking for my paint...Ich bin ganz ganz dankbar, dass du da warst, jie...hab dich immer lieb und es tut mir Leid, dich am Flughafen abzuschicken...Komm schnell wieder nach Hause ok? Inzwischen...schreib mir! =)
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...Nichtstun is German for cho boh lan, to do nothing at all...which pretty much sums up this week...super relax!! Especially on Thursday and Friday!! Spent more time SIB (Slacking In Bunk) than training...but then again the first 3 days were quite chiong la ok...the operative word here is 'quite'...but then it rained buckets on sunday, monday, thursday and friday, so we couldn't do jack for these few days...but the rain also made us lethargic to the point that i actually sms-ed a friend saying that i could just curl up in my bunk and DIE...yeah that's how slow-paced life was this week...
Tuesday and Wednesday we went back to the Spielplatz (SOC) for a rundown...which i totally disgusted myself with by my pathetic performance...can die lor. Passing time: 10:29. My time: 13:18. Why? I can't clear the stupid fucking low rope, which keeps slipping out from under me...i normally end up wasting time there and then getting so tired and demoralised that i can't pia finish the remaining 600m...ya anyhow i damn scared i gone fuck for SOC because i wanna pass it...and i only have one more shot, namely: SOC 9, Trial Test...because for SOC 10, i gotta book out for some checkup on the toenail...either i screw the checkup or i miss the real test....can't afford to do either so i better pass the trial...which gives me more stress...because how u cut 3 minutes off your rundown?? it's not easy lor!!! Come to think of it, extremely difficult would be a more befitting term...i won't say "Impossible" because some days back, Adidas posted the following anecdote:
'Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small people who would rather live in the world they are given rather than explore their powers. Impossible is not a fact. Impossible is an opinion. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is NOTHING.'
That struck me. But facing the odds...aiyah i donno la! Will i survive? I'll tell you next week...
Anyhow, had a psychometric test today. They gave me a set of patterns and told me to figure out the last one for myself...Scheiss einfach, wenn ihr mich mal danach fragt...Kein Problem! lalala, das hielte ich als Zeitverschwendung, weil ich doch mit Sam rausgehen wollte... Glücklicherweise hat's nur eine Stunde gedauert...dann wurde ich wieder frei...the afternoon with jie was good, except maybe she got quite bored during bowling (average 90!! Confirm!!) and for the human traffic jam, and for towing her all around looking for my paint...Ich bin ganz ganz dankbar, dass du da warst, jie...hab dich immer lieb und es tut mir Leid, dich am Flughafen abzuschicken...Komm schnell wieder nach Hause ok? Inzwischen...schreib mir! =)
Sunday, March 07, 2004
SIT Test | Wochenende macht Scheiss! | Langweile
Hallo ihr alle da draussen, as promised, here i am again...to update you on my week in camp...basically we had SIT test...it's a situational test to see how you react to some situations and missions...basically i was the knot man...do all knots...haha...ok la...wonder how i got rated. For how moi rated others, let's just say i was as fair as i could, if you never really spoke up, i'm sorry, but how am i then to judge you? And for those wayangers, you got your just desserts...
Anyway. I find the book out weekends really shittified, because liberty is now such a privilege to us that we simply have to maximise it. Problem now is, there's really no one you can maximise it with...gals aren't free. So how? Go out with the guys loh...but then guys also dun really know what to do except eat eat eat...and go bowling...ya bowled with them today...found out that i'm actually becoming quite consistent (stagnating around 100 la damn low can) but then chun peng said last nite that i'm becoming smoother...haha...Smooth Operator~~~ ok whatever lets move on haha...the thing is. If we're to book out to rest and relax, how can you relax if no one goes out with you?? It's a terrible feeling to see everyone going out but poor old you has to stay home because you're either too sick of hanging out with a bunch of botaks, or maybe a cap reminds you too much of your Smart 4 jockey cap so you can't wear it, or maybe the gals simply aren't free and you're unattached. It's a really very sad situation...at times like this you wonder if you can just kena confined in tekong...maybe then you'll cherish your book out more...
I'm kinda bored in bunk and at home...so i bought 'Power' by Bertrand Russell...if it's a good read, i'll tell you. In the meantime, have fun, and regarding the results: good or bad life has to go on...as u can see i still have to book in tomolow...right? Be good and be safe.
Hallo ihr alle da draussen, as promised, here i am again...to update you on my week in camp...basically we had SIT test...it's a situational test to see how you react to some situations and missions...basically i was the knot man...do all knots...haha...ok la...wonder how i got rated. For how moi rated others, let's just say i was as fair as i could, if you never really spoke up, i'm sorry, but how am i then to judge you? And for those wayangers, you got your just desserts...
Anyway. I find the book out weekends really shittified, because liberty is now such a privilege to us that we simply have to maximise it. Problem now is, there's really no one you can maximise it with...gals aren't free. So how? Go out with the guys loh...but then guys also dun really know what to do except eat eat eat...and go bowling...ya bowled with them today...found out that i'm actually becoming quite consistent (stagnating around 100 la damn low can) but then chun peng said last nite that i'm becoming smoother...haha...Smooth Operator~~~ ok whatever lets move on haha...the thing is. If we're to book out to rest and relax, how can you relax if no one goes out with you?? It's a terrible feeling to see everyone going out but poor old you has to stay home because you're either too sick of hanging out with a bunch of botaks, or maybe a cap reminds you too much of your Smart 4 jockey cap so you can't wear it, or maybe the gals simply aren't free and you're unattached. It's a really very sad situation...at times like this you wonder if you can just kena confined in tekong...maybe then you'll cherish your book out more...
I'm kinda bored in bunk and at home...so i bought 'Power' by Bertrand Russell...if it's a good read, i'll tell you. In the meantime, have fun, and regarding the results: good or bad life has to go on...as u can see i still have to book in tomolow...right? Be good and be safe.