Sunday, February 19, 2006

Wir sind umgezogen!

Yes, after 3 years and maybe 500 entries or more, it's time to say goodbye. I'm moving!

So, welcome to Die neue Welle - a new wave. A shade of things to come?

Work is still being done, so expect many changes. You can, of course, do me a favour by linking me first.

It's been a good run. But Leb' den Tag is finally moving.

Auf Wiedersehen.
Au revoir.
wir sehen uns nie wieder....!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Kiasuismus und Materialismus

I was just out late-night bowling with kelvin, when he remarked that his momma was telling him to go do something related to accounting for his current part-time (currently, he moves electronical goods.) And i've been reading in the newspapers today about how people in South Korea are only having one kid, caz the living costs are so high (they aren't actually that high, but the need to 'remain relevant' makes it just that high.)

And it kinda makes me worry about what kind of society we're turning into. And the fact that it only affects mostly Oriental societies makes it all the more thought-provoking. Isn't it scary? It scares me. It seems that the populations of South Korea and Singapore will dwindle away to nothingness, the way the current birth rate proceeds. And why? I don't know why, but i have a nagging suspicion it's not going to be H5N1, it's not going to be a nuclear attack on the Istana, it's not gonna be terrorists, but it's gonna be because of ourselves.

Why? Because we have to feed our own materialism, while at the same time ensuring that your kid is better than your neighbour's kid, that your kid isn't some Average Joe (although he probably is - the definition of being avera
ge has indeed shifted...)

Look around you. Let's just take Singapore, for example. Here, there exists a weird brew of heartland kiasuism and the materialism of your average metropolis. First things first.

I never said that kiasuism is a bad thing. Just that here, in this context, it is.

Does it seem that while our leaders are emphasizing on being creative and taking that additional step, parents are actually taking away what gives our generation that very key to being creative, bold and daring? Let's see...i recall someone sending like 6-month-old children to music classes. Isn't that a bit early?! I mean...i know you have dreams of seeing your child conduct die Wiener Philharmoniker, but i think it's plain absurd. Just as absurd is, IMHO, sending 3-year-olds to all sorts of classes all day. I thought children needed time and space to play...(and if you felt that experts said so-and-so, that musical exposure makes your kid smarter, etc, it's also been scientifically proven that the best way for children to learn is to learn it themselves.)

I mean, of course, as parents, you want to see to it that your children have the best upbringing. It's like, natural. I don't blame you, because just about every other parent is also sending their kids to all these classes too. I wonder who started it in the first place. Maybe you can blame the fact on our country being really that small, so you see your kid's best friend doing slightly better and you get worried. And worry begets worry and soon you're wondering if your 3-year-old is going to have a career in 25 years' time.

Our kids are worried that if they get 96 marks out of a 100 for an examination, it's not good enough, because they've been indoctrinated to get 100 out of 100. Or maybe 101 out of 100. There are parents who openly berate their children just because they lost one mark to the class top. What're you trying to prove? That you have superior genetics? Or maybe your kid is just the smartest little dude/-tte around? I recall always wanting to beat up people in JC who whined about missing the top spot for any subject, while everyone else was struggling. I'd have a rage blackout, or as melvyn puts it, the maggots'd just eat my brain...yes i really detested them. But they're products of a system we've created.

Asian communities are becoming increasingly competitive, and although it's good in that it brings out the best in people, it also makes people terribly materialistic. It's like everyone's too pragmatic for their own good. What happened to the dreams? What happened to the aspirations? Oh, of course they still exist, but today's society is suffering from a huge deficit of dreams, i suspect. How many people have told me that i'm stupid/unwise/(insert negative adjective here) not to take a scholarship, and instead go on to pursue the arts, and then vie for my own survival when i graduate? (i'm looking at philosophy, fyi.) How many people have told me that i should go into research, because it pulls a lot of money, instead of going into a career where i can write essays for a living? How many people out there are studying a Science degree, even if they know that it'll not be applied in the future? Aren't you just studying for that piece of parchment? Then why are you studying, if you know it can't enrich you? How many people out there are in MLM, rolling the dice and hoping it doesn't cave in on them, while at the same time getting as many people as possible to join so they can earn more money? Even if they know it's just a grand scam?

And kiasuism rears its ugly side again. Coming back to kelvin...obviously he has no qualifications to work in anything to do with accountancy now...but more importantly, shouldn't he work as what he likes now? He won't get a chance to in 5 years' time. Now's the time to see as much as one can, den Tag zu leben, and so on, and so forth! 'Work experience' may be a plus, but it's not compulsory, and certainly inapplicable in this context. People can be so crazily worshipping the Material God, but yet at the same time be bordering on Irrealismus. It's simply amazing.

It's all about money, isn't it? You can come to me with all your florid language, beautiful words and a proposal that's too good to resist, but it's all about money. Let's face it. Money is important and money talks. But the way we have become the servants of money, not money serving us...isn't it sad?

A lot of you will probably say that this post is very biased - i'll admit it is - but perhaps it's time to take a step back and really think. There's definitely some truth inside, and what i'm seeing disturbs me. It scares me. I don't want to be like that. Do you?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The 24 SA / 33rd BTACC Tribute

So here it is. Für alle...One by one, of course.

melvyn - my suck cock buddy. Likes to telephone the guy sleeping in the bed next to him at 1 in the morning just to listen to Dragostea Din Tei. You maggot, you. Always going home, leaving me by my lonesome in that dark cold bunk. And always being so retarded, i think my intelligence drops whenever you're around. But he's got some redeeming qualities...he knows his shit, for one thing...and...err...yeah. May offend people very easily caz of his tone, but rest assured that more often than not, he doesn't mean it. Someone who you can trust, and definitely not stupid (he's singapore's fucking smartest boy, for heck's sake) so...catch you in the United States, buddy! Nice fighting off arrows with you...hahaha...hope boss doesn't read this...

fats - Someone who AWOL-ed from camp since he went to WALLABY. Is cute and humourous (don't you just want to pinch him? Or maybe punch his tum-tum? *bleargh*) Smart enough to pluck out his wisdom teeth one by one, so he gets 20 days of MC. A Meteo Commander who knows his salt, however, so don't mess with this guy. Hobbies include sleeping in johnny and yu ru's bunk, partying, waving at smiling Caucasians from the tour bus, and maybe doing last year's National Day dance. It was fun with you in NZ man...but please don't go mad again. Also has a thing for the song Everlasting Love. HAHAHAHA...

pornoman (sven) - Addicted to pornography. Boasts of a collection of 80 (eighty) gigabytes of porno at home. Why on Earth are you permanently online, maggot? Apart from feeding your addiction to maple story and pornography...i seriously don't know why you're still online. Goes AWOL from time to time, which sends his immediate boss, ryan up the wall and down and up again. Is an expert in camouflage; ask nicely and he'll teach you the best way to slip into the shadows and avoid arrows. But sven is a FG GOD...i mean like, he knows everything about maybe he isn't that bad after all. He's also athletic, to boot! Ladies, do try to grab him...or at least distract him...He may, however, moan out in Japanese if you excite him too much...that is the result of watching too much anime, suspected to be hentai. If you want tons of free anime, you should really get to know him better. Always up-to-date! And if you're really nice, he may slip you a DVD of porn as well (ahem!) so...

forest - My fellow fagger. (So, are we quitting?) One of the two unlucky punks who had to fight FATEP. Also one of the guys who went to BATTLEKING with me. Please don't wake up at, like, 9 a.m. outfield next time. HAHAHA...a good brother who always comes to my bunk to read my magazines, sleep in melvyn's bed, and get free footrot cream. Recently suffering under another epidermal problem. Likes clubbing and living the wild life.

johnny - From NJ with me, john is a pro bowler - watch how his bowling balls perform a wicked hook into the pins, and you'll become a believer...also highly artistic, but he's not cocky at all despite having so many talents! 24 SA's only Sword of Merit...a radar commander like us, but his system only needs like 5 minutes to Action Front and unfair life is! A guy with infinite patience, but don't think you can bully him - he will kick yo ass! I wonder where he is now, though. johnny...johnnycakes...can you hear meeee?

yu ru - someone whose personality is perhaps most like mine. Hochexplosiv and dangerous, tall, dark and enigmatic. Can be damn paikia at times (he shall use his skilful mastery of the Hokkien dialect to make you cease and desist...and with his size, one believes he is fully capable of carrying out his threats) M.I.A. ever since post-WALLABY. Sigh. Eh...can i steal your creatine powder? i wanna size up too you know...(i mean, of course i can steal your powder, i'm just asking you nicely to give me some now.)

guo-liang - Probably the smartest in the batch (yes, singapore's smartest boy, you're not really that smart...) and gone over to PGM, which is like, the Dark Side. He was one of the champions (and i mean hero-like champion) who turned down A*Star and their sneering maggoty boss just caz they didn't want to send him to MIT. (That's where he's headed, anyway.) Been out of touch, but thanks for your packs of mint chewing gum. It really does help with cutting down on the fags. Oh, and did i mention this? He's a fellow oatmeal fan like me! (and no, kah yee, i am still NOT fat yet. hrrmph.)

gabriel - you're already going...going...GONE to fucking Oz already! So get lost already! Slack, slack. Always kena caught by S1 for no apparent reason. Exchanged his not going outfield with us with a lot of extra DOO duties. Good on you, mate. At least it made you a pool pro. I mean, look on the bright side! HAHAHA i am SUCH a DAWG.

So much for the maggots in the 33rd BTACC...ORD loh.

Best Friends!

Derek and poh were always bestest buddies.
Derek always believed in lending poh a helping hand (it wasn't important if poh actually needed help.)
Of course, they fought...sometimes...
But there was always plenty of love to go around.
Still best friends, even after poh promoted!

The holy man levitated for the astounded masses. Posted by Picasa

fats' wild night out

Yes, fats got semi-wasted that night out. Taken on the dancefloor@Margaritas, Auckland

St. Valentine's

So, Leute.

How was Valentine's Day? Anyone struck by the arrow of Cupid? Or by the beauty of a woman? Or, as fernando from Emotion 98.3 puts it, by the passion of life? Hehs.

Anyway, here's a huuuuuuge Dankeschön to esther...i hope you had a blast...i certainly did...and it's been, like, how long since yours truly went for Valentine's anyway? Hmmm. Thanks for the ice-cream! Hahaha. And the rest of the details are private...can't make things too juicy here can i? This isn't a fucking y'all who wanna go probe around...well...probe all you want.

But some interesting things we did:

1. Bump into the AE86 driven by takumi in Initial D. OMGWTF!
2. Discover that the name for seafood in continental Europe is more like 'fruits of the sea.' (e.g.: Meeresfrüchte for German) I always said the continental tongues were more romantic!
3. Harry's Harem. Strong. Whoosh! The after-feeling is quite yosh! though. Heh.
4. Ice cream @ Café Cartel.

So after one night of decadent's time to say goodbye.

And i may have offended someone. Well, for the record, i am sorry, even if you may not believe me. (To you, i probably am a lying, cheating thief) I know changing myself will be difficult and i'm more than happy to let time run its course. At a point of time when it finally dawns upon me that it is really that unacceptable (i didn't snatch the phone) i will change. In the meantime, i am really sorry for putting you in such a spot.

The complexities of human relationships! Best to mull over them with a bottle of Corona.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Home, and being damned proud to be there

That statement above kinda summarises everything i felt about today.

So i met reuben for bowling in the morning...which wasn't good, considering i haven't been to an alley for like a gazillion years...but oh well. i guess you need practice for everything. I'm not too depressed...and well for once i didn't get pissed like i used to...i guess i'm mellowing down, and that's healthy, yes?

After that we went to watch was like OMGWTF what a godly movie that was! In what movie do you get:

1. Some semblance of an autobiographical movie
2. Awesome fight scenes
3. A good dose of Vitamin Emo at the right time
4. Guess what...the hero does die!

Out of a scale of like 5 popcorns i think i'll give it 9.8 popcorns. Hmmm.

And it left me with what was, ironically, my secondary school motto. (Ed: for some maggerous reason i still can't type in Chinese characters.) The gist of it is, any organisation must be strong, and its spirit immortal - well...not just applicable to organisations. Why? To be explained later...(s.u.)

I met TA Battery for some ku shin bo dinner! Hahaha...let's see...the last time i went was with babycakes, neo and size...and this time was the same...good (and abundant) food, trash-talking, almost getting tempted into going for mahjong (and losing good money in the process,) and a couple of fags later, boss offered to treat everyone to drinks at dbl O this Saturday!

And being those who always look the gift horse in the mouth, we gamely accepted. HAHAHA!

But it kinda left me thinking. It was like the TA Battery of old: everyone was there, talking trash, eating left me feeling like after so long, TA was actually one huge family after all. I'm sorry if your opinions differ, but TA is the battery who gums the best, who has the most fun overseas, and where be you an officer, sergeant, or enlisted rank, you are just part of a family. I'll be brutally honest (and maybe i'll get extras if someone sells me out) in saying this:

I do think the whole fatarian family concept is bollocks. It's like PGM is daddy, mommy and the spoilt brat older sister and we're all the young abused little siblings. Bah.

But TA as a family? The spirit should have its roots somewhere, i figure...or maybe it's just a post-FATEP thing. Everyone does deserve a treat for all the effort put in and fact lemuel wanted to treat them, but luckily this came along. Not very nice burning a hole in his wallet the size of his wallet and then some, if you know what i mean...but i truly felt like i was home.

So this is to TA Battery. We'll always be family...see you guys in ICT! And well...

P.S. and kuek...if you read this...WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST NIGHT.

Happy Valentine's, maggots! maorified! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 11, 2006''s OVER!

So FATEP ended today. I can’t say how relieved I am that I’m not outfield swatting at mosquitoes at some God-forsaken place in Lim Chu Kang, but I can’t say that I don’t feel a pang of sadness at having to say this.

So the chapter of our lives in the Army are drawing to a close, and just like forest, who went around congratulating everyone who was ORD-ing, I can’t help but wonder at how fast time has flown past. It was just yesterday that I first set foot in the now-defunct School of Artillery, Khatib Camp…into a world of fresh unknown faces and complex mathematical algorithms which I thought I’d never see until uni.

It was just yesterday that I set foot in 24th Battalion, Singapore Artillery, with the 3 white bars upon my shoulders. I remember the nights before deployment drills/exercises where we’d all stay in, eat instant noodles, and turn in early. I remember mel prank-calling forest time and time again. I remember the bitching sessions we had against somebody. I also remember late-night bowling with johnnycakes, whose whereabouts are currently unknown.

I remember commissioning on that parade square one year back just as clearly as I remembered almost every single day of my trip to New Zealand, which was less than one month ago…Isn’t it amazing how you remember things so crystal-clearly? I remember turning out a batch of almost-ideal men any commander could wish for. I remember not being able to do the same for the cadets.

And all the free sightseeing trips the SAF has put me on…like the ones to Thailand (which were spent swatting the stupid mosquitoes and sweating it out under the sauna-ish conditions,) NZ (which was like heaven OMGWTF I loved the shelter…) and well, Brunei (Jungle Mania! ‘Nuff said!) they enriched me and I’m sure all who went for it.

But what I’m gonna miss most are the people. The FATA Specs, especially. Considering how they’re the same batch as mel and myself, we managed to establish a rapport amongst ourselves and ensured that we worked smoothly. Sure, we’ve had our differences – but what’s important is that we were able to put them behind us. People like derek, eric, kuek, ryan, kenneth, neo, yang wee, lui, marc, and omg did I leave anyone out? I guess they’re all who are left.

I’ll gladly go for reservist training with these people…and of course my current locators. I mean…why the fuck not man…they’re one of the best people you could come across.

FATEP was…well…interesting (nearing the end, that is…) yours truly, for one, didn’t do anything much at all as the TPQ 37 controller…I just helped lemuel as support for his missions and cueing him to do certain stuff. I do know, however, that I slept very little (only on the move, and then some, but I didn’t grab any Z’s at night generally) and got raped by the moz at Lim Chu Kang. Oh…and those fucking Commandos were damn scary lah! Zzz…its like…from the initiation of their attack to the conclusion it took only like, 5 minutes?! Zai zai. Really nothing to say man. Power overwhelming. They concentrated their fire on storming any one weak point in our local defence, which was already spread thin…so basically once they got through, the rest was just history. Sigh. We only had a life expectancy of like...5 minutes. Hardly impressive, but oh well, guess it teaches us a lesson…

Since artillery-hunting radars are gonna be hunted by special forces, it’s good to go for reservist, but not good to go for war.

Haha…I sound so fucking unpatriotic. I figure someone’s gonna read this and get me arrested.

And FATEP was interesting caz of one more thing…just before the exercise was cut, we (the TPQ 37 Section) got the chance to go and attack R&S…hahaha…so we all turned green (yes me too) and went to punish those maggots. Hahaha…that was really quite fun…especially when they thought we were Commandos…OMGWTF…we can change our berets loh…but come to think of it, if so many of us weren’t in ORD mood, I doubt we would’ve done it in such a way.

So we went out with a bang!

And yeah guys, you all did a damn bloody good job. HOO-AH!

Now repeat after me…ORD LOH!

Damn. I’m gonna miss all of you. Like crazy. I can’t believe it’s all over.

wild horses grazing in this part of middle earth... Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 10, 2006

the graduating class took a picture on their final outing to New Zealand. Posted by Picasa

psyching ourselves up before taking the great leap... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I is K'ung-Fu Master!

'Nuff said, punk-ass bitch! HAIIIII-YAH!

Convert. Now.

Do you feel that life is meaningless at times? Do you feel unappreciated? Do you feel that no one cares where you go to and whatever will befall you? Do you feel forsaken by God, or have you forsaken him? (you know you will burn in Hell if you do declare so) Do you wonder about the why's of orthodox religion?

Then come here.

The realm of ZENTENISM awaits. It's not a religion. It's a way of life.

*that's 50 bucks you owe me, maggot.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

(Heaven Knows) No Frontiers

If life is a river and your heart is a boat
And just like a water baby, baby born to float
And if life is a wild wind that blows way on high
And your heart is Amelia dying to fly
Heaven knows no frontiers and I've seen heaven in your eyes

And if life is a bar room in which we must wait
'Round the man with his fingers on the ivory gates
Where we sing until dawn of our fears and our fates
And we stack all the dead men in self addressed crates

In your eyes faint as the singing of a lark
That somehow this black night
Feels warmer for the spark
Warmer for the spark
To hold us 'til the day
When fear will lose its grip
And heaven has its ways
Heaven knows no frontiers
And I've seen heaven in your eyes

If your life is a rough bed of brambles and nails
And your spirit's a slave to man's whips and man's jails

Where you thirst and you hunger for justice and right
And your heart is a pure flame of man's constant night

In your eyes faint as the singing of a lark
That somehow this black night
Feels warmer for the spark
Warmer for the spark
To hold us 'til the day when fear will lose its grip
And heaven has its ways
When all will harmonise
And you know what's in our hearts
The dream will realize
Heaven knows no frontiers
And I've seen heaven in your eyes…

For all those who matter. I’ve seen heaven in your eyes.

ngararatuatara cooking pool. once used by indigenous maoris for boiling shellfish for consumption... Posted by Picasa

me.melvyn.lemuel.jason.rickson.thepetrolboy. Posted by Picasa

and there was light. Posted by Picasa suck cock buddy. MELVYN TAN! (and yes i spelt your name correctly. i'm the only guy who bothers.) Posted by Picasa

tired and overworked slaves. sigh. Posted by Picasa

About Outfield and the People One Meets

Hallo ihr alle da draussen. What a fuckly two days outfield it’s been! Sorry for being such a bitch, guys, but I felt that it was really quite unnecessary…don’t you all agree? I mean, so yeah, we go outfield, we deploy, then once we settle into field routine, I have to go around performing the FATEP I tests for individual proficiency. Sigh. Me. Sitting around testing the specs and men on directors, blablabla. Apart from that, there wasn’t an awful lot of stuff to do…but sleep (which I sadly COULDN’T do,) talk cock with the guys, and bitch about the weather.

And yes I was trying to cut down on the fags. Turns up I didn’t use that much anyway. Yosh!

Thank goodness boss decided to let us return to camp at around 8 a.m., so we high-tailed it back to the Xenon Garage, where we conducted the final phases of our FATEP I proficiency tests. Mel and me then escaped back to bunk for a much-needed shower and some rest.

Did I tell you we swopped radars? Means that melvyn and yours truly went to each other’s radars…I think boss is kinda getting affected by robin…becoming a bit space…sigh. It was some kind of fresh exposure to a new team, new dynamics, as well as a slightly different method of doing things. Perhaps taken in a positive way, it allowed me to observe new things and then maybe see if I can get jason to integrate them into his own section’s SOP. That ought to be a great idea…if we had like 3 months left til FATEP. We’ve only got, like, 5 fucking days! Haw.

Lemuel is picking up fast. He’s certainly improved tons since THUNDER WARRIOR…it’s not to say that jason isn’t there…he is, too…both of our understudies have come a long way. The wonders a single live-tracking exercise can bring you! I ran the training by letting lemuel take over the running of the section…I mean, FATEP is like, fucking next week. If not now, then when? I can’t be spoonfeeding them now. Of course, I’ll help where needed, like with the FATEP I evaluations.

Robin is becoming someone I’m coming to detest…a lot, if I must say so…okay, he has experience and all, but well…if you want to be a sidewalk superintendent or something, it’s even better if you’re not there…many people don’t understand the way he ticks. I’ve tried and I must say I still don’t really understand his motivations. I think I only understand about 25% of his intentions. But still. He should go write a book entitled How to Lose Friends and Respect. Sigh.

I also have someone to thank for entertaining me for about an hour and a half ween. Thank you for your advice! Right now, I still don’t know what I’ll like – but I guess I’ll know once I begin my studies yes? And I’ll do my darndest best not to look back and regret. As for jobs…there’s jobs for everyone, yes? Still, THANK YOU. You made my day! Seriously.

CO gave us our certificates of promotion yesterday…strange how I didn’t feel anything. Perhaps I was too tired. Still shacked out from yesterday, even if I got like 10 hours’ sleep. Yawn…it’s a great feeling to concuss!

So now I have 5 more days of outfield before I can disappear in peace, never to return…ORD LOH! *throws 11B in the air*

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Fun in Uniform!

Did i just mention that i am promoted with effect today?!


I swear the next picture i take will be with my pink i/c.

a keepsake from NZ...can't say i didn't do my best for bilateral ties!

Ein Ruf nach Hilfe

Hello everyone again…how was CNY? Did you get lots of ang pows? Lots of cash? If you did, you’d better not tell me before I make you contribute to the LTA Guojun promotion fund. Anyway, coming back to what’s been going on.

And wait a minute. Did I just say LTA? OMGWTF I’ve been promoted! Haw.

Anyway, today’s post is not just a post, but also an appeal. It seems that the blood bank is running on a very short supply of blood. It was estimated that although the blood bank operates on an ideal amount of 3-5 days’ worth of blood, lately supply has dropped to only 1-3 days’ worth. And it’s worrying, no?

So my appeal: Give blood, you maggots!

Been also caught up in this little moral/ethical conflict. You see…taryn approached me not long ago with a request for B+ blood group donors, to save someone afflicted with leukaemia…and I happily agreed to helping out…I mean, I’m not regretting agreeing to help; if you can give blood to save someone, all the more you should – it’s the right thing to do – but you see, there’s this little glitch.

It seems that my ex-biology teacher, a lady who really taught with flair and patience and under whose tutelage my biology really improved in leaps and bounds from, well, Nichtswissen until I finally clinched my A during my A’s, is currently suffering from that very same disease as well…gladys just sent me an SMS telling me of it, with of course, the request for B+ blood. Therein lies the conflict.

Do I give to a benefactor of mine, or do I stick to my promise to taryn? Granted, both are good deeds, but naturally you’d be more inclined to render help to someone who gave you help before too, stimmt? It’s not to say that I’m belittling anyone’s predicament…it’s really a bad state to be in…but one has to make a choice…what do I do…

Why are there so many ethical conflicts in my life now?! I don’t even know how to ‘do the right thing’ anymore. It’s so complex!

And in the meantime, if your blood group is B+ and you are a willing eligible donor (which means you are at least 16 years of age and have parental permission or are 18 and above), please take heed of the following notice:

My ex-biology teacher, Mrs. Che, is suffering from leukaemia and needs B+ blood. If you can donate, please contact Mr. Davidson:

Please go for it. The gift of life is something so precious, and yet it’ll only take a few minutes of your precious time! If you require parental consent forms, I think you can get them from the BloodBank@HSA, or you can call that person involved and check with him if he can get you any forms.

And for that, I could say, danke schön, mille grazie, mercì beaucoup, and so many more ways, I could give you a bearhug or a kiss, but deep down you won’t really need all of this. You’ll feel good enough in the knowledge that you’ve helped someone. And don’t forget: if you give now, people will give back to you in times of need as well.

(Ed: it's all been cleared up. We've been talking about the same person all along. Some kind of minor miracle. Hmmm.)