Mein Name ist Peon
Sometimes I wonder why people treat you like peons. I just had my peon experience this past week.So boss has returned to lead the X-Men…haha…well, no. But, he is back…which basically meant more work for us poor NSFs…But boss wasn’t the worst…the worst was getting arrowed by that S1 to be the secretary for CO’s Conference…now that, boys and girls, was really the one. Can you imagine being closed in for six hours with PSOs bickering over nothing really? Sigh. They spent the better part of an hour arguing over some manpower issue, which broiled down to naught in the end…I mean…whatthefuckwasthat?! Sigh. Maggerous, these people.My last DOO is on this coming Monday. I can’t believe it! My last duty already…things remaining ’til ORD are just a-countin’ away…but it won’t be just any duty…although the unit is clearing leave, I have to come back and prepare the conference minutes…ahhhh! Maggots! In a sense then, I should be grateful for having this DOO at this otherwise unlucky timeslot, where everyone could just rot at home.I, for one, have a meeting scheduled with jj so that he can screw my ass.Nah, just kidding. He just wants to pass me something which will aid the battalion’s heritage greatly. You really should sign on…it’ll do you a world of good, and the army needs people like you, anyway.Whoopie. I love jj. Don’t you?I’m also afraid of gross overspending this week…I do think I’ll be going shopping soon…my being in THUNDER WARRIOR makes it kinda impossible for me to shop for my CNY clothes…so will any maggots come shopping with me?Been hooked on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas these days. Haha…yes, I am still not a WarCraft freak, despite all the…negative?...influences around me.And here’s to kelvin…I hope you go to WALLABY and die there. Hahaha…no…that wasn’t serious…have a good and safe exercise, come back in one piece, and please buy me BOLS Lychee…pwetty pwease? Jeez. I am such a dawg. And you maggot…if someone like ween offered to send you off…why didn’t you even accept? You are just a maggot. Face it. If she shows up when I go to NZ (chances of which should be slim to none considering I don’t have advertisers…) I will just jump and screech in excitement and watch my friends’ faces turn fucking green. Haw.Speaking of ween…when is everyone meeting up? Keep the weekend of 12, 13, 14 November free…OAC Seniors’ Camp @ Ubin…not to be missed…
Warum tun Leute, was sie tun?
I understand that someone just came back from comms ball of the maggots...well, officers of the 44th FAOCC yesterday. And well, if you do get to read this by some twist of fate, please do not feel offended. I have no intention of offending anyone, although much of this train of thought was sparked off by,
Why do people like to do the things they do? It's a question which even i have asked myself. Why did i decide to smoke? Why do i like drinking? Why do i have a thing for driving fast, even if i'm just a learner? Why do i like the army, contrary to 90% of guys my age? Similarly, why are you willing to put down everything just to go for some activity, even if it's...well...your life? Why? Why? Why?
Are people blind to what others think, what others feel?
I guess it's really a jungle out there. Every man for him/herself, and may the best survive. Everyone expects everyone else out there to be understanding. And when these people finally become fatigued, too fatigued to understand further and instead point out what's wrong, they become sadly accused with lacking what a friend has - namely, patience.
Just as many subtle points get missed - you feel that i should just be nonchalant about you going to comms ball again but i certainly don't feel that way. If it's a once-in-a-lifetime be shared with a special person...well, blame me for being overly romantic? sigh. And things get turned around so that i'm the fool again. Like that Westlife song eons ago which went,
Can't believe that i'm the fool again
i thought this love would never end
How was i to know?
You never told me...
The more important question: Why do people bother to be concerned and worried?
A Declaration
I, 8528003A, (2nd Lieutenant) Wong Guojun, hereby declare that starting 1st November 2005, I shall stop smoking in camp. For the good of all. That means not smoking daily, no more smoke breaks, and all that whatnot.
This doesn't guarantee a total stop, though. Stopping smoking regularly means you won't see me smoking every day. My aim? Reduce it to once a week, on Fridays.
So help me, whoever is upstairs listening.
This week has been totally hectic.Clearing my IPPT and ICCT this week pretty much contributed to this feeling of having so much to do, despite boss not being around. I think this has made this week pretty shitty too, because I’ve been dragging my tired ass out of the bed at 0715 every morning to go do something xiong.The Itinerary:- Monday – Sparring using over-sized bolsters with john
- Tuesday – ICCT revision of everything. Crash course for all my retarded friends (like fats, forest, yu ru, john, gab, etc.)
- Wednesday – IPPT. Silver! 100 bucks richer. ORD lor.
- Thursday – Mock grading. Woke up to hurl ourselves senseless onto the cushioning in a series of break falls, locks, etc etc.
- Friday – ICCT grading. Passed. Now hopefully there won’t be ACCT.
But the afternoons have been really free and easy…it’s better than a fucking holiday. The non-presence of boss, which translates into the non-presence of arrows, has made the afternoons really relaxing. Hence, I should retract my previous statement.encik hoo is posting out and his replacement, one of the senior specs at the now-defunct School of Artillery during my cadet course, is coming in. Hopefully he’ll have a great run-in period…we’re really very nice guys here at TA Battery, 24th Battalion Singapore Artillery!Been feeling tired these days. Is it the early mornings or the late nights? It could be people like my retarded roomie, melvyn who’s been playing DotA with pornoman and friends until 3 in the morning. I don’t care. I shall sleep in tomorrow and wake up whenever I want to.Considering how I was 100 bucks richer, I decided to go shopping today! Actually, I wanted to get a long-sleeved shirt and maybe nice pants, but…I got distracted…haha got something else instead. Still, spending once in a while still feels good. And I still want to get my clothes. Aye…and I also decided to grab new books…was looking for Sword of Honour by Evelyn Waugh (yes it’s a he) but could only find part II of the trilogy, Officers and Gentlemen. Well…if part II is good, maybe I’ll buy the remaining parts! Haha. It’s like wu jian dao…you read the middle before the past and the future…it’s an interesting way of reading a trilogy, I must assure you, even if I haven’t tried it myself. Haha…I came back from grading on Friday and saw a friendly e-mail from boss. Maggots…work, work. Now there’s more work. Have to plan the FATA Spec Course training programme, but no one knows nuts about this! I don’t know when it starts, when it’s over, how the training is like and the course strength.Sigh. Not enough information.Asking S1 and Mr. D. hasn’t been extremely useful, because they know nothing too. And when these two can’t help you regarding such issues, you know that all is lost.Sigh. ORD lor.Speaking of Mr. D., he is coming to TA Bty! You can’t escape! Haha…He is a walking dictionary of sorts…probably wrote the Oxford Dictionary entry for a dirty sanchez. Well, he has the correct definitions of everything which is wrong…hawhaw…someone groovy to have around, I suppose.Sigh…boss returns next week! At least we’re not going outfield anymore, thanks to the fact that big fucks are visiting us! Soon! Yeah man…time to relax in peace…-R.I.P.-
Moi je m'appelle...Lolita
I have been reading about her lately.Lolita, by vladimir nabokov, chronicles the story of Humbert Humbert, poet and pervert, and his obsession with 12-year-old Dolores Haze, trying to possess her carnally, and then out of so-called love, by attempting to close her off to the world outside, or in his own words, ‘to rid the world of the danger of nymphets.’For those who wish themselves an insight into the world of a very twisted mind, this is a book for you to consider. Although he appears perfectly normal – even gentlemanly and charming, yet the very things he derives pleasure from – the hunger he describes in such florid, rich, tempting words, clearly states that Lolita never knew what she really meant to him – H.H. confessed indirectly in this sense that although he derived serious pleasure from it all, Lolita never really did, and even if he rationalized everything from the so-called viewpoint of the mature adult, that Lolita actually seduced him, it was never true – perhaps she did love him as a child because, simply put, he treated her better than her mother did, but it was only an expression of love she saw in the movies.And what did he do to satiate himself? He married Lolita’s widowed mother, if only to keep Lolita by his side, then indirectly causing her death, for which he feels no sadness whatsoever, then taking Lolita on a trip round the U.S. of A., to prevent Lolita from finding out the truth, and to prevent anyone from ever finding them out. In a sense, he took her on the run from their past – whatever it may have been.Lolita is torn – she wants to lead a normal life, yet the demands of her only kin decree otherwise. She had never known of the repercussions of that fateful day which led her on the road to sell her body for the soul – selling her body so that H.H. may let her carry on with some semblance of normal life as it is – she thinks she can control him, even if it is him who holds the reins.Countless trysts and a few thousand miles down the road, he begins to feel that he is being followed – by a car whose number plate always changes – and begins to understand that the vestiges of his sanity, having been worn away by the mental and physical torture of the trip and Lolita herself, are finally slipping away…What’s next? I don’t know…I’ll be reading in camp! Haha…it’s really engrossing, and although some parts you will read with the knowledge that something is very, very wrong, it is a book to taste and enjoy to the fullest. If only I knew more French, or knew how to read more into books…maybe I should’ve taken Lit? ah, hecks.
About Megalomania
I must have met with some stroke of luck today. The driving instructor, who I felt to be some tough nut, turned up the radio like some relak jack mat and chitchatted with me all the way throughout the lesson…and he cleared my entire Stage 4 plus final evals! Which means…I can book my fucking test!Goodness…Rocks my soxx man…hawhaw…never knew that 1 and a half hours could mean this much. I was perplexed when he told me to do my best but I guess I understand now! Hahaha…So by the end of November you all will know my fate…Anyway, let’s come back to topic. Today’s lesson was spurred by a certain person feared by many in Khatib Camp. Let’s just call him big-head.So geht’s:Megalomania (n.): A personality disorder characterised by extreme feelings of self-importance, a high need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Also known as narcissistic personality disorder.I can already name some megalomaniacs just thinking of it.Beispiel 1. This particular big-head terrorises the poor species of soldiers known as guards. He is always hovering around the rear gate, especially on this fateful Friday around 1700 hrs, demanding that the hapless Guard 3I/C conduct full-body searches on all book-out personnel. He does not hesitate to put you in your place, especially if his head is larger than yours (which is the case in 99.875% of all cases,) for example, by threatening to send you to your Really Shortest Man and giving you horrible gifts known as extras.It is widely suspected that big-head bases his megalomania on some notions:- He was once the personal bodyguard (gasp!) of a certain big shot
- His crabs are actually served on a plate and covered by two layers
- That he can terrorise at will by virtue of his loud voice and vulgar nature
- That he can literally bite your head off (which is probably very misguided)
But of course, he does give superiors privileges, although he does try to have his way with this species of people known as You Sore Losers. He feels that they are worthless because daily they only eat one chocolate bar while he eats crabs.Ah, wait til the day I wave my pink I/C at him and tell him to fuck off. Fuck off, maggot! Haw.Beispiel 2: This particular ranger who demands that work be done his way. Everything he says is gospel truth and should be followed. If he wants to give you something in a multiple of 7, all you can say is ‘yes, sir.’ He does not hesitate to justify his actions with words which everyone knows is a farce, and he does not hesitate to make one battalion’s worth of officers stay back and slave away because of his dear last-minute changes.This is a prime example of what tough Commando training does to you, especially if you let it go to your head. Thank goodness he is leaving us.-Corona break. *glug, glug*-Beispiel 3: Someone who always appears in the newspapers who has made breaking news by unleashing a scathing attack on the papers about how NS turns men into complaining wusses. A certain head of a scholarly order dedicated to the furthering of research and science for the greater good of Mankind. He will do things his own way and his own way only and is obsessed with respect perhaps for himself. Luckily, he doesn’t have any additional power outside of that. He’d be quite the despot if he were ever to seize political power.Unfortch, some of the things he does is really LPPL, which means he just goes one huge round just to score a hit on himself. You go, yo! Score one for overseas! Ultimately, he can say he doesn’t care and all, but who knows if he’s doing nothing but breeding hostility in the lower ranks. Maybe one day they will unveil a statue in his likeness which will blast off into the Sun, never to return. Hopefully they’ll blast him off into space as well, on a mission to Alpha Centauri, never to return.These 3 people have something in common. They are extremely self-important and wish to be admired. Obviously, somehow they’re not getting that admiration – so they wish probably to make themselves more notorious and control by fear. As for empathy…What empathy?
Meine eigene Gedanken: Religion
Sometimes I wonder how religion works.Yes, let’s have a warning first. This may be offensive.What is religion? To me, religion is like any other organized group of people who share common beliefs. It only happens that religion tends to have membership in the millions. Sadly, even though religion is supposed to embody certain ideals like that of purity of thought, religion has ironically been always a victim of political machinations. The Church in the 14th and 15th centuries was fraught with intrigue and hidden danger. A case study for you:The Great Schism was essentially politically motivated, resulting in two Antipopes being brought into so-called ‘legitimate’ Papacy because they were rightfully elected by the legitimate leaders of the Church. Only when they realized that they could not depose Urban VI without incurring the wrath of Rome did they elect Antipope Clement VII in Avignon.More?The Church was able to flourish early on because of their monopoly of education. It consolidated its power in tradition, not in how one is personally accountable to God. The Church’s Bibles are selectively compiled, excluding ‘secret’ Gospels deemed detrimental to Church doctrine. It was only during the Reformation, with the advent of the printing press, did Luther push for the mass-production of Bibles to become widely available, since he believed that there should be no proxy to God. This, of course, led to a huge decentralization of the power of the Church.If religion teaches becoming united under one God, and is strictly non-violent, why are there atrocities which are happening even today?So often has religion suffered under megalomaniacs. Islam is a shining example for what’s happening lately. Terrorists, acting under the will of God, are going around blowing themselves, as well as whoever may be around them, to sightless atoms. Why? Do they really believe that martyrdom (even if it’s for a forsaken cause) is a back door to Heaven? Why are terrorist heads exhorting people to do ‘God’s will’ and fight, even if it’s ethically incorrect? Just because they can quote a few select verses from their religious text, and bend the meaning to their will – does that mean that they have the right to?Does this point seem in direct conflict with what I said above? But think about it. If religion teaches you something which deep down, you know is wrong, would you still do it? Something must be wrong with either the religion itself (highly unlikely) or the person who interpreted it as such (much more likely.) Just give it some thought.And let’s not forget other examples, like the persecution of the Templars or the bloody, bloody Crusades. Let’s not forget how Pope Clement V was manipulated into apprehending all Templars in France, which resulted in their untimely demise, despite him having secretly pardoned them in 1314, just so that King Philip IV of France could seize their properties – just google ‘the Templars’ and you will see in their history that they were exceptionally well-to-do, and this whole shenanigan could well have been the result of a loan which Philip requested but didn’t get.So what’s your take on religion now?
yours truly just felt like spouting some vulgarities.fuck! chao jibai! lan jiao! bastard! prick! dickhead! twat!Okay, that’s about enough.Sigh. This week has just left me feeling like the abovementioned words like every 5 minutes. So the maggots…err…officers are in the house already and it feels like it’s time to ORD in peace.Balls!Our boss just churned out an all-new FATEP training schedule and me and melvyn are in the thick of it. What the fuck. Nao hiahz! What to do sial…I mean, with anthony and king gone, we don’t really have a choice, do we? Sigh. Maggots! Well…I guess I shouldn’t bitch too much about this, should i? Although it really is kinda cruddy, seeing how some dudes can now just happily disappear…And the FG lessons! They are simply the embodiment of boredom. I have never fallen asleep so readily! And never taken so many mints that I fear for my virility…jeez. That’s the problem with organisations, I guess… Whenever someone wants to implement change, and they set a deadline by which everyone must have already ‘upgraded’ of sorts…everyone procrastinates until the deadline draws close before working like maniacs. And this system has been around for like, 3 fucking years already?!Maybe someone should tell jimmy about this. Haw.The only thing which has been entertaining this week was CCT. It’s really quite fun! Haha… Learning how to grab someone’s head in a scissors lock and all that shite…aye it’s pretty fun indeed…beats break falls anyday, but it’s still fun…at least it’s physical stuff….Sigh. The monotony of things these days. I went for driving and I still make similar mistakes. Am I just dense, or am I just too intimidated by some instructors?! What the fuck man…something is wrong…But oh well…if you listen to Scooter…‘It’s weeeeeeeeeeekend!’

Probably what ceasefiring looks like after you snort drugs...haha...

Gundam toilet bowl!

One is an average human. The other is GODLIKE.
The Corrs - Heaven Knows
If life is a river and your heart is a boat
And just like a water baby, baby born to float
And if life is a wild wind that blows way on high
And your heart is Amelia dying to fly
Heaven knows no frontiers and I've seen heaven in your eyes
And if life is a bar room in which we must wait
'Round the man with his fingers on the ivory gates
Where we sing until dawn of our fears and our fates
And we stack all the dead men in self addressed crates
In your eyes faint as the singing of a lark
That somehow this black night
Feels warmer for the spark
Warmer for the spark
To hold us 'til the day
When fear will lose its grip
And heaven has its ways
Heaven knows no frontiers
And I've seen heaven in your eyes
If your life is a rough bed of brambles and nails
And your spirit's a slave to man's whips and man's jails
Where you thirst and you hunger for justice and right
And your heart is a pure flame of man's constant night
In your eyes faint as the singing of a lark
That somehow this black night
Feels warmer for the spark
Warmer for the spark
To hold us 'til the day when fear will lose its grip
And heaven has its ways
And heaven has its ways
When all will harmonise
And you know what's in our hearts
The dream will realise
Heaven knows no frontiers
And I've seen heaven in your eyes
Heaven knows no frontiers
And I've seen heaven in your eyes
Heaven knows no frontiers….And I’ve seen heaven in your eyes.

43rd FAOCC: Back in business!
Commissioning | Über schöne Leute und mich selbst
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...the maggots have commissioned. For them, myself, johnny, fats and spaceman burned a Saturday at OCS for them...walking around in our No.1 dress uniform looking pretty damn important, i must say...haha...well actually what we did was more like ushering...we were basically waiting at a carpark for big fucks to arrive so we could usher them to their seats in the grandstand...mine was some commando LTC! Haha...i thought he would be very garang and not be willing to talk much to a junior officer from some lousy support arm...but i was wrong!
He proved to be very approachable and talked a lot about South Africa (bah. Pee-Gee-Em.) with me...luckily i paid attention to CO's monologue during Mooncake Party Night! Haha...(but please. It's wrong to say how PGM is going to be the everything of 24 SA. I know you've been PGM BC and all, but still.) And he, well...stunned me when he disappeared after the cadets threw their peak caps...bleah. I was running up and down until he showed up with this major who happens to be Alpha Wing Comd...who also happens to sport a Navy SEAL badge on his Number 1...Goodness. Is that like GODLIKE or what?!
Anyway, i think i made quite a good usher, because i provided top-notch service! Haw. No lah. Just things which we should be doing, like send my guest's sword, beret and gloves and then reclaim it for him, etc...when he shook my hand, called me by name and returned my salute that night, i guess it was all worth it.
Still garang, after all. Bleah.
Anyway, xiaojun was in the house also...she turns up to support she's everyone's best brother, best friend...sigh...i'll always remember how she got everyone to come for my parade. Thank you.
I also got the opportunity to go down and congratulate my cadets on earning their commission. Well, they've earned it in a sense but we'll see how they live up to it. Some already had red eyes - touched? Or just plain tired? Either way. Good luck on Monday.
Dinner was...wrong...because i didn't know any of the guys at the table! Only made idle talk...sigh that was boring i know how my seniors felt at comms dinner...they should have like 3 FATA tables loh...then we don't mind going...and to think fats sat at an Infantry table. Hahaha. Maggotty you haha. is a picture i took with sherry and samantha at the airport the night they of the rare pictures which i get to take with peh pehs! hahaha. Don't kill me.
i can see you maggots salivating. Anyway, i only get to see them like only several times a year, und wir haben uns nach 3 Jahren noch nicht fotographieren it's crazy huh? Haha, this kinda like the first picture i have ever taken with my jie...well...unusual, no? Now...who will go and watch The Dukes of Hazzard with me?