Sunday, October 31, 2004

Wenn alles nicht, Radio an! § Mutter Erde

Hello dann wieder ihr computer still doesn't work but i'm running my songs on it's not that bad...Got some new songs too...finally found that song from l'auberge's this song by Sonia & Selina called Que Viva la Noche (that the night lives...) a song which is really danceable even if you don't understand spanish, it's not techno and it's not's like what you listen to when it's really bright and sunny and warm...or at a streetside pub on a warm summer night in fängt einfach an, if you all can get the song, einfach herunterladen! Even if you don't get the lyrics you'll certainly get into the party mode!

The music choice i get from internet radio is so much better than the radio here in Singapore. This is something which i believe i have repeated time and time again...but then again Class 95 on weekends is really good...just wished they played music from all over the world, not just the English-speaking world...the rise of English like this is quite unhealthy isn't it? Hab aber keine Lust, etwas total auf Deutsch zu schreiben...niemand wird's verstehen!

Yup so now music is my's like a universal thing...why then do i have so many CDs, still buying more and downloading mp3s at the same time? Because i listen to tons of music. I just listened to Rammstein and Within Temptation while it was gusting and raining outside. The music fits the mood perfectly, especially Within Temptation. I'm tempted to open the windows, put on my discman and listen to it full blast while a thunderstorm rages outside. Wieso? Weil alles so perfekt zueinander passen!

Of course it's not to say that friends and a social life aren't important. They are, too. Going out with kah yee...getting a mail from Sofia far far overseas...they're quite's one of your best friends here and another's a girl who hasn't forgotten you after 3 years. Although i gripe about losing my friends in Singapore, i guess there are those who really bother and put in effort to continue this bond.

Dafür bin ich dankbar.

Mutter Erde means, literally, mother Earth in i quote,

'The Earth is our mother, she gives and she takes

She puts us to sleep, in her light we'll awake...' -within temptation, Never-Ending Story

I don't know where these lyrics come from. Only one who believes in miracles and magic can write them...and to astounding effect! Thinking about it i finally realised how small we actually are...we're only little parts of a tale, characters in a neverending play...when they say that the world is our's really true isn't it?

And yet, our activities threaten the very world we live in. Nuclear weapons. Clashing idealogies. Terrorism. Poaching. Apartheid. School shootings. Hitler. Stalin. Pollution. Need more be said?

It's really sad how we've begun to destroy the greatest mother we have, mother earth. You don't have to read the books which foretell a horrible fate for Mankind, because all you have to do is open your eyes and look around. What are we doing and what have we done?

Sind Menschen so egoistisch? Sind wir uns zu wichtig?

Plötzlich will ich von hier Abreisen. Mit irgendjemandem nach einem Ort zu gehen, wo das Leben ganz ganz langsam läuft... Wo man all die Häßlichkeit der Welt verlassen kann, wo man endlich zur Ruh kommt. Leider gibt's so etwas nicht, aber wo etwas Häßliches ist, steckt auch etwas von Schönheit...schöne Leute, schöne Freunden, perfekte Landschaften, eine uralte Stadt mit ihre Geheimnisse, ihr Geist...das ist wie die Beziehing zwischen Schatten und Licht...Beide sind so unterschiedlich voneinander, jedoch so eng miteinander verbunden...

Wahrscheinlich nach Europa? Steh ich vor der Siegesäule in Berlin, oder vielleicht vorm Eiffel-Turm in Paris? Vielleicht am Piazza San Marco in Venedig, oder vorm Kölner Dom? Oder mit einer Freundin in Sankt Petersburg? Perfekte Momente, die nur zu schnell vorbeilaufen.

So hilf mir.

Location: Classified.
Time: Classified.
Activity: X-Ray 81mm mortar live firing.
Tube, ready...FIRE! Posted by Hello

Ich will jemanden umbringen! § Das Treffen

Na also, hallo ihr alle da draussen...just went out and got home and got really seriously pissed...i shall rant over the angry parts first...

So geht's:

When i was out with Kah Yee, my brother called to say that my cousins were at my place and like they always do they just wanted to play with my computer but then they couldn't get to the games because it wasn't an account with admin rights, according to one of them...So my brother asked for the password, i gave it to him and then they were tinkering with it - my mom heard them saying "Let me troubleshoot" here i am, home and i discover that all my programs are missing. Even bloody Windows Media Player.

The amazing thing is that i cannot even re-install them from the microsoft webbie even though i got myself an installer. Nothing seems to work not even System Restore. Damn frus sia!

Want to know why i got so pissed? Reasons are simple. Firstly, when i entrust my account password to someone i don't expect them to use it to meddle around and delete important stuff and make irreversible changes. So - a betrayal of faith. If you ever do that to me don't expect me to trust you much in the future. Secondly, how could he be so powerless to let those meddling fools just delete every single fuck thing indiscriminately? Use your brains la! Even though you all want to play don't let it overrule your rationality!

Now the shit has hit the fan and everyone's gonna get it. I don't care if i come across as rude or crazy but i can and will do it. Either they sort it out or i will sort them out...Troubleshoot? The next time i see them i will bloody shoot them. Watch it.

Let's move on to better things, today i finally met Kah Yee...haha...the bubbly girl who brings laughter and light to me sometimes...yeah...a friend who i should be seeing more often but i hardly was nice talking to her and seeing her again...standing on the bridge between the Esplanade and Fullerton enjoying the night scene and the breeze, running for your dad's car, and all that and that much more...i don't wanna tell everyone too much, save that i really had a great time! Let's do it again, alright?

Bis dann...

Saturday, October 30, 2004


Hallo ihr alle da draussen...This week's my first in FATA and to all those Liaison pricks who are reading this: We are NOT slack. Hypocrisy rules these days man especially when people with the slackest timetables walk up to you and say "FATA slack! FATA slack!" Aber Schlägerei zu machen wird nichts ändern...Leider, nicht? Na also. Kicked off the week with FAMS (Field Artillery Meteorological Station) which is basically gathering meteorological data so we can feed corrections to the guns to fire accurately.

Sounds simple? Well it isn't, really. Wait until deployment drills come and then that's's like this. It involves camouflaging 3 vehicles within 8 minutes so that obviously requires a lot of teamwork and spirit. We made it the first few times before things started going wrong...Shack factor...because there was only 8 of us doing 9-10 men's work...which means we had no rest, just running SOC, having a 1.5 minute break, then running SOC again...sigh...So tiring! -zzzz-...Weather sorta saved us from continuing late into the night, but that means that if we don't buck up then we're really going to suffer during EX EAGLE next week. Just after 2LT Gao talked to us and pepped us to perform better and when we were actually wanting to go and do what we could...then came the storm. Even Lauster told us to do what we could...I think as cadets we're afforded too much respect, i mean, it's not bad and all, but i myself am really trying to avoid crawling on their heads...Sigh...

Within Temptation has produced their 3rd studio album called The Silent Force...heard it's Mother Earth, and then some...which means not just the goth element but also the genre-spanning music, beautiful dreamy tunes and absolutely great lyrics! All of you should listen to them, even if you don't like loud loud music because they've got some pretty good tracks there too! Too bad that you can't get them in Singapore and i only got Mother Earth here for 50 bucks...which i found was quite shitty anyway so i'm hoping i can send The Silent Force to Sam...I think i'm going crazy because i'm always hunting for music...i simply have to stop spending on music because i'm saving up for another ball end of the year...i went bowling with Reuben yestiddy and was quite disgusted with my performance, but then again maybe it's the wooden lanes which i haven't gotten used to.

Ausreden. No one needs that.

Anyway coming back to music-craving...I have to stop spending because when Sam returns from Germany in Feb, she's gonna be bringing me enough music for a very long time...Not that the CDs i have now are shitty...they're all really good...because i have simply given up listening to what American music has to offer...and my advice to those out there is simply hör einfach auf, das ist kein wirkliche Musik...which is kinda sad because Europe has so much to offer but no one here discovers it. That's why perhaps i've been boycotting Perfect 10 and Power 98 for like eons...and that's why i strongly feel that Inter FM should play more musik instead of those classicals followed by Nachrichten auf irgendeine's quite silly, really. Wait til i come back from Germany...maybe start a pirate station and get discovered...heehee...

Okay I shall write more tomorra, but until then here is a song from Laith Al-Deen called Das weiss ich...Wenn ihr Deutsch könnt, na das ist echt echt schön, nicht?

Laith Al-Deen - das weiss ich

der nebel weicht, befreit meinen blick
Ich wünsche mir so sehr die nacht zurück
was sie versteckt, macht mir das atmen schwer

es schien so klar, doch scheinen trügt
sind wir in gefahr? und ist unser sieg
genauso nah wie unendlich weit entfernt?

versuch mich zu erinnern an diesen ersten tag
erst mal gespürt, was lang verborgen lag
unser erstes morgenlicht, unser land in sicht

daß sich die erde um sich selbst dreht
ja das weiß ichdoch ob ihr schwindlig wird dabei
das weiß ich nicht
daß wir geschaffen sind füreinander
ja das weiß ich
ob wir das irgendwann kapieren
das weiß ich nicht

ein wort zuviel und die welt steht still
schaut mit schwerem blick, weil sie wissen will
wo denn all die leichtigkeit geblieben ist

und während ich ertrinke, das ist die ironie
kann ich sie wieder spüren, die magie
die dich umgibt und zu jeder zeit
die dämonen aus unserer welt vertreibt

daß sich die erde um sich selbst dreht
ja das weiß ich
doch ob ihr schwindlig wird dabei
das weiß ich nicht
daß wir geschaffen sind füreinander
ja das weiß ichob wir das irgendwann kapieren
das weiß ich nich

Saturday, October 23, 2004

SAFARI | Confinement! | Wenn alles zusammenbrechen... | Das Treffen

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...sigh, it's already Saturday evening and i'm writing this now...early amn't i? Hecks, that's because i'm serving a little something called confinement tomorra...i shall explain why later but now i'm getting severely pissed off so let me rant a bit okay? Tomorra i have to reach camp by 0700 hours to report for confinement. Everyone else is booking in by bloody 2245. Wieviele Stunden sind denn inzwischen? Ungefähr 15, ja? Und du hast Recht! 15 Stunden!! Was kann man mit 15 Stunden schaffen? Muss ich euch nicht erzählen, stimmt? Scheisse! Find's du nicht? Find ich doch! Mensch...Will jetzt nur jemanden umbringen...Jetzt muss ich 6 Uhr morgens aufstehen...6 Uhr morgens, kannste es dir vorstellen? Es ist doch SONNTAG! Um Gottes willen, hilf doch uns!

How did it happen? Siehe unten: The entry on MILO. Remember we wandered into a sticky swamp during EX NIGHTWALK and got ourselves mired down? So we arrived late and we thought it was nothing because we were honestly stuck and not that we didn't put in effort...They said we'd be confined if we were late due to lack of effort...To me, lack of effort isn't bashing in the undergrowth for 4 hours trying to get your bearings. That, to the pricks (powers) that be, is effort. So we got confined, signed the book on Monday...much to the surprise of the whole course because like so many details got caught but NOT confined...So is there still any fairness? It seems that you ought to be punished for not using the main axes, avoiding capture and observation, making a honest wrong turn, floundering helplessly in the swamp until first light, but not for slacking on the main axes and getting caught. Heard the Liaison instructors actually closed one eye to some details.

Bollocks. Bloody wanking fuckers.

So now let's move on to better things, because Kate Ryan's Libertine is playing on Jump Radio on my RealOne Player. How was SAFARI?

EX SAFARI: Cadets, you are now assuming command of your guns again. You will, over a course of 3 days and 2 nights, deploy at various areas like Pasir Laba Camp, Temple Hill, Murai, Tengah, and Simpang. There are 8 sets of appointment holders which will rotate when your time is come.

SAFARI was simply that. Imagine hooking a 13-ton gun to a tonner and then driving on the main roads/expressways to your various deployment grounds. Also a good opportunity to observe impolite impatient road users trapped between the trailers. Go on and hit us, assholes. You'll pay, not us. It was slack if you were gun crew. Surprise, surprise, i actually embedded the gun without killing myself! Haha. Geschafft! Apart from that, basically when you were waiting for a mission you could be asleep. Yeah...quite slackish but if you were at the CP things were kinda different because you had to handle calculations, communications, command at the same time. Being a GPO isn't easy. I know. I've been there.

Yet we all got very very little sleep...An average of about 2-2.5 hours per day? What's interesting is that with little sleep you actually can function better than if you had a full 7 hours...the day after SAFARI we had a full night's rest and were just so tired, aching and lethargic. It's true...Then at the end we got our blue berets...A pity that it's the wrong shade of's more like deep ultramarine...if it was sky blue it would be nice but then again those are UN colours. Eep.

Reuben got admitted to hospital again because of some problem with his digestive tract now. I don't know what to say to him. Maybe he should OOC. If got so many problems...can only wish him good luck lor. Then Kelvin wants to go OCS also so he can get a scholarship. Guys...aiming for the stars is good...but then i really donno if i should advice you to carry on or advice you to back off. One is doing it only for the scholarship whereas the other is clinging on desperately like a cliffhanger without any rope. I shall shut up and just tell them to wake up smell the coffee and if you want to go on then please...

Met up with Nicole today. Went to watch Sky Captain and the World of's not half bad so go watch it if you like the movie...a healthy blend of past and future...even though everything including the robots are so...retro-esque...anyway she's healthy and alive but stressed...i really feel for her and all out there who are dying because of uni...Good luck,'re gonna need it...

Tar, if you read this, she also asked how you were. Sadly, i'm as out of touch with you as she is...let's all meet up, shall we? Or maybe you could go to the Arts fac to eat one day...y'know...Überraschung, ja?

Ohh...mei's also going away to shoot in CRESCENDO le. Hey mei actually kor also going there to shoot la but my gun can shoot 30 km you only shooting 10m range. And i going in December. zzzz. Good luck k mei...then i'll bring u out one day...

Funny how i miss all my friends all of a sudden...Empty Rooms (Set Me Free) by Jam & Spoon feat. Rea Garvey is playing in my head now. I want to say that i love all of you but will you hear me? Is the world really too busy? It was nice talking to nick, even if we were freezing in the cinema or over lunch where we traded little bits of life, me in the military and she an der Uni...Brings things into perspective...So please don't overwork yourselves gals ah, bring your JC mentality over. Not that it's a bad thing but killing yourselves over work is...take a break. Read a book...(No time, right?) or do something you haven't done in a long time. Meet your friends. Geh ins Kino. Ess Gelato! Do what's right...okay?

Peace to all.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

EX MILO/NIGHTWALK - Zwischenzeitsbericht | Erklärung

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...wie geht's? some extremely good fortune we wrapped up EX MILO III within 2 days instead of the original 3...Good fortune or what? Blessed by hot really hot and sunny weather and clear blue skies all around...Anyway. Let's start from basics.

EX NIGHTWALK: You are a forward observer and are to infiltrate into the enemy area to your observation post (OP.) Avoid all enemy contact. Avoid observation by any enemy vehicles or observation posts. Your team has 6 hours to accomplish your mission. Good luck.

Na, it was quite okay at first because we made really good progress and really stayed off the main axes. I was leading the NAV first because i was more or less quite confident but then again in the dark you only have your guts to rely on to make decisions, to turn right or left, or to deduce if you're on the right track at all or not. Turns out we weren't. We walked a track which we believed headed due North until the track died off. Then John and Dennis decided to recce forward into the undergrowth...

...they came back etwa 15 Minuten sp
äter, um zu berichten, dass der Weg, der vor uns lag, doch zu benützen haben wir sie geglaubt und los ging's...too bad eventually i guess because about an hour of bashing in the dark we found ourselves in a bloody swamp...Sag ich, dank dem Regen ist es so geworden...It actually was more like an abandoned old brigade level command post (since when were swamps absolutely rectangular/well-ordered?) and there were comms trenches here and there. Anyway, i digress and so back to topic. So we were in a swamp at 4 am not knowing where to we had to radio for help and wait for extraction. Tried so many ways to bash but we were surrounded by water, quicksand, mud and more. In the end we managed to extract to our original point of insertion and wait for the vehicle to pick us up, arriving at the OP around 0900.

So much for that. But it was cool especially the beginning when we still had to move along the main axes. How an approaching convoy forced us to leap into the woods and hide - the cold steel of the M16 pressed against your cheek, pointed to the road - hearing the rumble of the vehicles - keeping your eyes wide open, the only islands of white in a background of green and black - the adrenaline making your fully awake despite the unearthly hour. That's kinda fun. I think Kelvin would have loved this kind of life.

Too bad. He's going to pass out as an Armoured Infantry Specialist in a couple weeks' time.

Now we come to the next exercise....Brief goes as such.

EX MILO I: Day mortar ranging. Using either vector or area target ranging, observe and guide your 81mm mortar to the target.

Simple enough? Think again! It's not that easy! In the FOT it's damn simple, i swear, just because everything's more or less ideal. You call for fire and everything happens according to your corrections. But live firing's a whole new experience. The bombs will land just about anywhere and you really have to be really on your toes to spot correctly. For example, my vector ranging was horribly off to the left...which means my ranging itself was kinda off. Sigh. Can't range that for nuts.

EX MILO II: Das Test.

So i ended up doing area target ranging for the test. But i was given a new target to call fire on...thought everything'd go well when the first Willy Pete round impacted just short of the target. But the HE rounds were totally off, mostly unable to be observed...what to do? Suck thumb la. Tried to correct as best as i could but to no avail. Then Hd Liaison, MAJ Yeo turned up and gave all sorts of corrections to observe where the rounds landed. Just too bad that he too couldn't observe well. So much for a new target. So i was given a fictitous situation to use and performed my mission verbally. Sianz. Couldn't even see my Estab. Neut. eradicate the target.

Did i mention that MAJ Yeo was the one who talked to us when we were lost in NIGHTWALK? Yup he was the one who radioed us, kept our morale up and did what he thought was best for us to extract ourselves from that sticky hell. But in the end we stuck to our own plan. Haha. A map's no good when you're not see the swamp isn't there on the map at all, y'know...

EX MILO III: Precision/MPI Registration.

Well. Registration mission, which i myself forgot how to carry out the calculations for...sigh...sat there observing the rounds for a PR mission. Kept getting reminded to use my Mk II eyeballs instead of the laser rangefinder because i only had to judge if the rounds were long or short. Hrrmph.

Oh we also went down to the mortar baseplate for a basic introduction to the 81mm mortar and its workings. It's really quite an interesting weapon and also a joy to fire...even though i can't see how the laying of the mortar actually works...

To fire it? So geht's:

1. Grab 1xbomb and remove the safety ring/additional unwanted charges.
2. Bring bomb to mouth of tube, place bomb into tube until yellow line.
3. Upon 'fire!' drop bomb into tube and crouch down.

Ganz einfach, nicht?

Anyway now's the rest time between MILO and SAFARI which begins on tuesday...which i shall have an update for on Friday or Saturday...i'll also know my posting by then...although i feel that i'm horribly incompetent as a forward observer, Liaison seems fun especially as FSCC staff...planning tactics and operations now that'd be fun...Donno what to choose as now. Sigh. At a cross-roads. Ein Ruf nach Hilfe wird nicht beantwortet...

Still confused about last entry's riddle? Well...if you really want to treasure what's happened, then don't consign your memories to nothingness. Memories bring about a wonder because they're in the past - think about them. Some may bring you anger or bitterness but then again all of them bring you a sense of nostalgia above all, no matter what you felt. Your memory, on the other hand, remembers. Not in a dreamy way as memories portray themselves, but remember everything in absolute, clear detail. When everything becomes so then can you make it ideal, or how can nostalgia then work its magic? That's the secret to being happy. Having a poor memory, but rich memories.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Glückliche Menschen haben... | Reise, Reise | Verrückt rumlaufen | Theorien des Lebens

Na also, hallo ihr alle da draussen! Today i went out with the class (reduced to 7 pple only) to go watch Wimbledon...y'all oughta go watch it because it's really a very nice movie...although it seems a bit too perfect, but the camera angles for the matches played were cool...findet ihr nicht? It's one of those movies you go to when you want to feel happier i guess...because movies like that give you some sense of warmth in the cold, cold world. I mean...seeing people like that make you happy too. Es geht nicht nur um Schadenfreude in dieser Welt...Another useful term.

Schadenfreude: The happiness at seeing that jackass finally make a bad bad mistake and suffer the penalty. But then there's that secret little part of you which hopes desperately that that same fate never befalls you.

Anyway. Generally, a feel-good movie which you oughtta go watch if things get too much and you want a break from it all and enter a dream world. Why not?

Got Rammstein's newest album, Reise, Reise...It's the Rammstein style of music, loud metal and lyrics which dig at the base parts of your soul. Sometimes. For example, Mein Teil, which is basically a song about cannibalism (or so i think...the beginning says, 'Suche gut gebauten 18-30jährigen zum Schlachten' yup i guess you all know.) But the best songs are the songs which actually have to do with reisen(German: travel) - Amerika, Moskau...the others, well some are pretty good although really really loud them all...Stein um Stein is quite a disturbing piece which goes on about locking someone in without any means of escape...maybe locking your inner demons in? No idea.

My take? If you're into German metal, you so have to get this.

Anyway, i got home and discovered that i had to run like crazy because i had to get 2 right-sized spanners...the ones me poppa had were simply too large...sigh. Luckily i got to the hardware shop before it closed man...with a couple minutes to spare! *Aufatmen*...Vielleicht soll ich Sonntags nicht rausgehen, ausser Bowling zu gehen oder? Weil dann musst man doch so
verrückt rumlaufen...Aber na ja man kann nix tun, wenn es sich um die Klasse handelt...weil ich mich fast ständig darum bei ihnen beschwere...Soll jetzt verstehen dass sie fast nie Samstags frei sind...Dass unsere Leben zu unterschiedlich voneinander sind...Vielleicht so...

Have this theory of life. What theory? Me and Shane were debating it last night. About subjective views. It's quite a profound truth, that whatever we choose to do we choose also to blank out parts we don't want, or parts which don't fit so well. Don't we? It even applies to religion. Also has to do with what's on Phy's livejournal too. People told her that she's going to Hell because she isn't Christian. If only they understood that they would have to undergo that same amount of suffering and inner reflection to find God...They've forgotten that although Christ suffered on the Cross for humanity, we still must bear our share of suffering to see him. It's not about renouncing your sins before a padre, because ultimately you'll commit them again if you keep going scot-free for that. People would rather see God as an omnipotent being than hanging on the Cross, even though they are one and the same. Just as we never want to be shown the flaws in our decisions, even lashing out vigourously in their defence. Think about it, ihr alle...and i'll be back in 12 days.

And so i leave you with a quote from Thomas Brussig, as he closes Am
kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee: Glückliche Menschen haben ein schlechtes Gedächtnis und reiche Erinnerungen. What it means is that happy people have a poor memory, but enriching memories. And that's NOT nonsense. I'll explain when i write again.

Don't YOU want to inherit the Universe? Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 09, 2004

MILO und SAFARI | Einsamkeit (aber es hilft gegen schlimmes Deutsch!) | Ein guter Führer zu sein

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...Schon ne Woche, oder? Next week i don't get to book out...sadly...because i have two exercises coming up, namely, MILO and SAFARI. What're they?

MILO is basically this FO (Forward Observer) exercise where we have to call for fire...from this mortar battery. Hope i don't flunk...but then i never wanted to be an observer...but wherever you go cadets always get the flak. So...if i screw up i should end up getting royally screwed. Forgotten all my VP already. Muss Wiederholung machen! It's also at Pasir Laba. Hopefully if Delta goes on exercise they'll chance upon me. *shrug*

Well, SAFARI is this Arty roadshow all around Singapore where we will be hooked up to the tonner and drive all around Singapore to different deployment grounds all over Singapore. If you're lucky you'll see me drive by with my gun in tow. Don't count on it, though. Still scared of embedding the gun and the drills...the drills! Goodness. That's simply killer la. Action Front! Then deploy deploy deploy...bleurgh.

Anyway, was supposed to meet Kah Yee today but then got cancelled again...Last minute, too...quite sianz la because pple always cancelling wif me last least Nicole confirmed cannot on Wed and Princess Heidi of the leper Kolonie on Thurs...I think i'm trying too hard. But as they say, you never know without trying huh? Miss my friends...But i shouldn't complain so much, i guess. Like nick said, everyone's social circle is collapsing...

Warum? Weil man einfach zu beschäftigt wird...findet ihr nicht?
Es ist Scheiss, aber...was kann man denn tun? Einfach nichts. Bin schon dafür glücklich, dass man noch versucht...aber es gibt auch nicht so viele Leute, die jetzt noch so hoffnungsvoll bleiben...Ausser den Jungs natürlich...Ist doch cool, ein paar zu kennen :) Ihr wisst wer ihr seid!

Okay lah enough German. I digressed kinda so now back to topic. So it meant that i spent a whole morning and afternoon bumming around in town! Bought a copy of Die Zeit, this German weekly...which is absolutely extravagant at 14 bloody bucks but hey at least there are 7 parts and you can really practice German while keeping yourself informed...Spent 2 hours over the papers. Never spent 2 hours poring over newspapers before. But it's a good experience. Haha...And i still haven't finished all the articles!

Then I went for lunch and then back to the books to read more on Gravity and Grace. What she says in her diaries under the chapter of The Ring of Gyges is that whenever we act, we can always blank out the bad parts of whatever we do. What's worse is that we hate people who are reminding us of that connection! How true. I am guilty of it myself. It's a natural human response, i suppose...who wants to be proven they are wrong, that whatever they've been doing is fundamentally flawed? Wouldn't YOU lash out in anger?

Loneliness does have its perks. A Saturday never seemed so long. As i write it's only 2330. Amazing, isn't it? Haven't been home so early on a Saturday night in AGES. It's a good feeling. To be able to read the papers in town listening to Laith Al-Deen. To mull over the questions and quirks of life with Sarah Brightman and Jam + Spoon keeping you company. And then penning everything you thought of down. Strange, isn't it, how important solace is? But it really is. Although I complain endlessly about the lack of companionship, sometimes i don't need it at all.

Now it's about good leadership...My syndicate has been doing quite well of late...they still leave their things lying around but maybe it's because i've been a poor role model myself. My shoes are all around in the mornings and i only keep them when it's time to move out. I wonder how i can inspire my men in the future like Jeanne d'Arc did. Sigh.

My bowling is getting better...went bowling last night with John and Kelvin...Ave's stagnating but i think things'll get slowly better. I just want my toe to become okay again. I don't know why it's been playing up especially jialat these days. It's not that I can't bowl. Not that bad yet. Sigh...I really don't know what to do with it's swollen but what can i do? Excuse boots also got to wait.

After SAFARI, i shall get up and go and find out just what's wrong with it. Hopefully it's just a mild infection, and they can do something to remove it. I don't think i want to cut my nail out again. If again they might as well destroy the nail bed because it's causing so much trouble always. Even if i've cut it right! Annoying sia...

Anyway, that's it from me. Bis dann...

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Sarah Brightman - Arabian Nights

Part 1: Scimitar Moon
Don't you forget the echo's of time
Won't you regret the losing of minds
In my dreams I'm searching across the desert sands for you
Scimitar moon is guiding me close to your side

Part 2: Voyage
Wilderness to wilderness
I travelled from afar
On the soft wind of the the Nadq came fragrance of Araar
Splendour of a thousand suns shone glory in my path
No love more pure and rage more fierce
Could still my beating heart

Part 3: Promise
So should I return to trace the shadows of my chases
My steps will echo there from sand to stone
I will never let my eyelids close on empty spaces
My dreams will fill the void with tales unknown
Know the mighty infinite obscures the far horizon
The whispered road I take will never bend
And will the wind return my story to its promise
Or will my story chase me to the end

Part 4: Hamesha {Every time}
Yay hava mairay dilber
K mairay pyar k geet sunana
{Oh wind, carry my love song to my boyfriend with you}
Tu hay mairay manzel
Or pyar mairah musafer
{My duty in life is to find you, even if I live my life traveling for you}
Mairay reshmi zulfay
Teri zanzeer
{My cowlick will turn into chains and will tie you up to me}

Part 5: Alone
Melodies unspoken flowing from the lotus of my heart
Ending where we start
Promises unbroken promising a never-ending fire of love beyond desire
Ending where we start

What did i say about magic?

Am Ende steht immer ein neuer Anfang...

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...It's the end of the a new week beckons...

Spent the day slacking. Can you imagine that? I can actually. Idyllic life suddenly has this appeal, and even staying at home and letting your parents nag at you becomes something you appreciate. You don't quarrel with your siblings anymore. Haha...the best part is that you're absolutely free to do whatever you want. Cool isn't it? okay la most of you who are studying don't really get it. But NS guys who chance upon this do i figure...

It's quite distressing how i can't bowl for nuts anymore. If i play 10 games good scores normally come in the last few games. Inconsistency is ruling my game until the last few games...oh well. Friday night i'm going bowling with Kelvin and should be fun because Kelvin looks up to him...hahaha...seriously i think bowling with John has done wonders to my game...aching for a new ball now. Hahaha...

Average: 130.

Anyway, i hope things look up the next week, Saturday is fully booked (i hope she's free enough to meet me) and the LEPer thing works because i haven't seen the Prinzessinen for like ages! And i hope i have a good game on Friday night. Although i think i'll get thrashed, bowling with the two of them is always a learning experience.

Also got an album from Sarah Brightman. The Harem World Tour - Live from Las Vegas...she produces really very good music even if you question my tastes...Music which really tells a story without you knowing the lyrics.

I really am buying too much music for my good, non?

Bis dann, ihr alle...

Phoenix Nebula. A sign of rebirth? Or the darkness blocking the light in its full majesty... Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Wonach ich mich noch sehne | Ne plein d'amour pas | Sogennante 'grösse Kanone' - part deux | Schlimmes Deutsch

So here i am back again...da bin ich's wieder...just went out to meet Reuben for lunch and some talk cock (Alpha-Sierra-Tango 57/04 OCC briefing, more like) and then to the library to carry on with Simone Weil's Gravity and Grace and then going to watch The Terminal. Amazing, how 4 weeks have passed and how next week's payday. Haven't blown my allowance yet, so i guess things are looking quite rosy =) for now that is but yeah...have to start budgeting if not i'll be horribly poor and become unable to finance my Depth Charge/Red Alert Plus/X Factor + 2-ball bag, comms ball, No.1 uniform and much much more.

Also paying for some CD's i'm ordering from germany. Luckily i'm sending them to Sam first...weil bei ihr ist es doch kostenlose Lieferung! haha...i-so-smart.

Anyway. Carrying on with where my words failed me. I can't find the words to tell you. I want to tell you that i've gotten over it, but maybe i haven't really. I do however have come to terms with it and am dealing with it. I'm sorry, but i can't carry on with you like this. Ohne dich klappt nichts, that's how important you really are to me, because you listen without judging and are always ready to give advice. Sometimes i just feel that you're not leading the life you want to lead. You wish to fly. I wish that you could too...but welcome to the real world, i guess...I just want you to be happy, and with things now, i hope you truly are. I know that my world is now more or less a dystopia. If not for my friends, i would probably have been trapped in limbo...

I really donno what to write to you. Seriously. I have no material to begin with, apart from letters i keep missing to bring home...perhaps i shall find them in my Commander's bag one day, all yellowed and faded...reminders of days long past? Because you are to me more than just simple words. Was Du zu wissen brauchst ist aber, dass ich bei dir bin! Jetzt, hier, immer. Glaub an mir...Okay? If you feel you've made a mistake, don't waste time thinking it out or reasoning with yourself whether it's right or not, because in the end nothing gets done. Sad but true. But then, i can tell you what to do, but...ce n'est ma vie pas, coquine...Comprends? All i can wish you is good luck, i guess.


Then again hearing how everyone is complaining about how a bitch life is...i can just ask one question...pourquoi? When everyone is just so dissatisfied with their lives, when everyone is just so jaded...Could we just make time for each other to sit down and catch up with each other? Could we just know consciously that someone is there for you no matter how desperate things become? Can we bring about un saison de bon temps? How dystopic things simply are! When everyone's leading their own lives, becoming so so busy that they neglect everyone around them...and yet they feel the loneliness and the emptiness within.

What i believe in is that it's your lives so please, live it like you will. Happiness is for you to find...i can be perfectly happy sitting in a library thinking about what Simone Weil tells me in her diary. I can be happy watching the world go by. Sometimes i wish time would freeze, like this afternoon...i was waiting for the bus, listening to Never-Ending Story by Within Temptation...the roads were totally empty. I wish i could keep that moment forever. The warm tropical breeze, trees swaying mildly in the breeze, azure blue skies with a glowing gemstone set in the middle of the cool blue, absolute silence.

I wish i could keep that.

Coming to poor German...i've been reading Am
kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee - a coming-of-age story behind the Iron Curtain...genauer gesagt, hinter der Mauer...a love story, a life story all in one. Ferpect, but i understood only the gist. All the little things i couldn't get it. My German is really rotting away now. I can still speak it, I still understand what Laith Al-Deen tells me in his songs, i still understand that es gibt ein 10-Kilometer Stau zwischen ... und ..., but in the book? I only understand this much. About 80%, i still get most of it, but i'm quite disappointed at how bad my German has become. Versuch noch, die Hand vom Wörterbuch wegzuhalten...So, darlings, please wish me luck.

I will go to the Goethe-Institut after commissioning and patch up my leaky German. And learn French, too. Doppel-Sprache, Doppel-Scheiss?

Sogennante 'Grösse Kanone' | Je ne suis plein d'amour pas! | Wonach ich mich sehne

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...Es ist endlich Wochenende, nicht? An especially good weekend too because we spent all of yesterday slacking in bunk (really! in Arty!) doing area cleaning and listen to tons of good music. Even finished reading Helen Stevenson's Instructions for Visitors, an enchanting tale about rural French life...THIS, friends, should be what life is about! Sehn ich mich danach aber das schaff ich wohl nie...Can we urbanites really find peace in this idyllic little village? We simply have to do the tourist thing. Take lots of photos...So that you can brag about them to your friends when you go back. Isn't it true? But even though the tale is enchanting and a beautiful memoir about life there, it shows that nothing really is perfect. Wie ihr Liebesleben wieder schiefgeht...if only her lover could have woken up, it would have been a perfect love story. Go read won't regret it!

Anyway, the second part of the topic is grösse Kanone...which means big shots or something like that in German but then i don't know anymore because my German has been degenerating so bad...i shall have to go for Nachhilfe soon...But what with me being posted to Artillery, i thought i should use this topic in big guns? My 155mm FH-88 field howitzer. Not exactly mine. I mean, my detachment's. Last week we were trained in gun an 8-man crew is supposed to work together to make this big momma this weapon which throws 45-kilogramm HE shells 30 kilometers. Gun drills are simple. So simple that it's excuse brain haha...means you don't really have to use your brain just follow what your DETCOMD tells you to do.

But everyone has their roles. Seeing the detachment in action during for example an Action Front is like watching poetry in motion. If they're good. IF is the operative word here.

Anyway...we learnt a lot...Driving, Breech Assembly, Action Front, Cease Fire, Hooking and Un-hooking from a tonner, Laying to COA, camouflaging et cetera...don't have to say more right? Driving's been fun. Everyone wants to sit in the driver's seat, me included, but i am so totally insecure when it comes to embedding the gun. The first time i did it i didn't set the gears to neutral, nor did i let up on revving the engine, sending me and John in the layer's seat on a wild bucking ride. Sigh...Since then i have been avoiding the driver's seat during Action Front. The rest? Should be okay. Just tend to let stress rule my head when i handle the equipment. Maybe it's all the horror stories we've been told by Uncle Mo and his team.

The best part is that the horror stories are true.

Coming back to topic, our detachment has also had great instructors in the form of Sergeants Robin and James. They're good in that they mixed in really well in us and taught us patiently, instead of just picking on all our mistakes only. Stattdessen versuchten sie, uns alles beizubringen, und gleichzeitig Spass zu haben! I really learned a lot under them...too bad that they've posted out to 23 SA...haha. If i get posted there i'll meet them again...lolx. Mal schauen, was das Schicksal für uns geplant hat... Inzwischen muss ich noch meine Probleme bekämpfen... ob ich das irgendwann schaffen, dann sag ich euch Bescheid...i only hope i don't kill myself and my friends in between. The name of this blog says Coeur de Lion - Lionheart. Sadly, my will to fight has seemed to be ever-diminishing and my insecurities whenever i handle weapon systems just take control.

What we need is more practice. You can't expect me to go and deal with every piece of equipment with that same cocksuredness like i handle my M16. Only 3 more days before gun phase ends. After that we'll be handling the guns again during SAFARI and BATTLE KING. I only hope that nothing goes wrong then. Die Zeit ist sozusagen um!

This post also deals with the phrase above...the root is Je suis plein d'amour...which means that one is full of love (for someone or simply for life) could say it for someone or say it at a particularly magical place where everything seems so beautiful that the boundary between reality and dreamtime becomes blurred...Too bad that i'm not that at all. Life has been a bumpy ride, what with me getting scared sh*tless because of my screwed-up embedding, as well as buring myself out between gun drills, life runs, and all that whatnot. Friday was a much-needed rest cure, if you must say so...But i still find myself in a conflict.

I can't explain it...maybe i'm simply still hurting too much from her abscence. It's like whenever she's online i can't find the words to tell her...I'll explain later tonight. Mir fehlen die W
örter sogar jetzt! Sigh.