Wenn alles nicht klappen...na, Radio an! § Mutter Erde
Hello dann wieder ihr alle...my computer still doesn't work but i'm running my songs on RealPlayer...so it's not that bad...Got some new songs too...finally found that song from l'auberge espagnole...it's this song by Sonia & Selina called Que Viva la Noche (that the night lives...) a song which is really danceable even if you don't understand spanish, it's not techno and it's not dance...it's like what you listen to when it's really bright and sunny and warm...or at a streetside pub on a warm summer night in Europe...man fängt einfach an, mitzutanzen...so if you all can get the song, einfach herunterladen! Even if you don't get the lyrics you'll certainly get into the party mode!
The music choice i get from internet radio is so much better than the radio here in Singapore. This is something which i believe i have repeated time and time again...but then again Class 95 on weekends is really good...just wished they played music from all over the world, not just the English-speaking world...the rise of English like this is quite unhealthy isn't it? Hab aber keine Lust, etwas total auf Deutsch zu schreiben...niemand wird's verstehen!
Yup so now music is my cure...it's like a universal thing...why then do i have so many CDs, still buying more and downloading mp3s at the same time? Because i listen to tons of music. I just listened to Rammstein and Within Temptation while it was gusting and raining outside. The music fits the mood perfectly, especially Within Temptation. I'm tempted to open the windows, put on my discman and listen to it full blast while a thunderstorm rages outside. Wieso? Weil alles so perfekt zueinander passen!
Of course it's not to say that friends and a social life aren't important. They are, too. Going out with kah yee...getting a mail from Sofia far far overseas...they're quite heart-warming...one's one of your best friends here and another's a girl who hasn't forgotten you after 3 years. Although i gripe about losing my friends in Singapore, i guess there are those who really bother and put in effort to continue this bond.
Dafür bin ich dankbar.
Mutter Erde means, literally, mother Earth in German...as i quote,
'The Earth is our mother, she gives and she takes
She puts us to sleep, in her light we'll awake...' -within temptation, Never-Ending Story
I don't know where these lyrics come from. Only one who believes in miracles and magic can write them...and to astounding effect! Thinking about it i finally realised how small we actually are...we're only little parts of a tale, characters in a neverending play...when they say that the world is our stage...it's really true isn't it?
And yet, our activities threaten the very world we live in. Nuclear weapons. Clashing idealogies. Terrorism. Poaching. Apartheid. School shootings. Hitler. Stalin. Pollution. Need more be said?
It's really sad how we've begun to destroy the greatest mother we have, mother earth. You don't have to read the books which foretell a horrible fate for Mankind, because all you have to do is open your eyes and look around. What are we doing and what have we done?
Sind Menschen so egoistisch? Sind wir uns zu wichtig?
Plötzlich will ich von hier Abreisen. Mit irgendjemandem nach einem Ort zu gehen, wo das Leben ganz ganz langsam läuft... Wo man all die Häßlichkeit der Welt verlassen kann, wo man endlich zur Ruh kommt. Leider gibt's so etwas nicht, aber wo etwas Häßliches ist, steckt auch etwas von Schönheit...schöne Leute, schöne Freunden, perfekte Landschaften, eine uralte Stadt mit ihre Geheimnisse, ihr Geist...das ist wie die Beziehing zwischen Schatten und Licht...Beide sind so unterschiedlich voneinander, jedoch so eng miteinander verbunden...
Wahrscheinlich nach Europa? Steh ich vor der Siegesäule in Berlin, oder vielleicht vorm Eiffel-Turm in Paris? Vielleicht am Piazza San Marco in Venedig, oder vorm Kölner Dom? Oder mit einer Freundin in Sankt Petersburg? Perfekte Momente, die nur zu schnell vorbeilaufen.
So hilf mir.
Ich will jemanden umbringen! § Das Treffen
Na also, hallo ihr alle da draussen...just went out and got home and got really seriously pissed...i shall rant over the angry parts first...
So geht's:
When i was out with Kah Yee, my brother called to say that my cousins were at my place and like they always do they just wanted to play with my computer but then they couldn't get to the games because it wasn't an account with admin rights, according to one of them...So my brother asked for the password, i gave it to him and then they were tinkering with it - my mom heard them saying "Let me troubleshoot"...so here i am, home and i discover that all my programs are missing. Even bloody Windows Media Player.
The amazing thing is that i cannot even re-install them from the microsoft webbie even though i got myself an installer. Nothing seems to work not even System Restore. Damn frus sia!
Want to know why i got so pissed? Reasons are simple. Firstly, when i entrust my account password to someone i don't expect them to use it to meddle around and delete important stuff and make irreversible changes. So - a betrayal of faith. If you ever do that to me don't expect me to trust you much in the future. Secondly, how could he be so powerless to let those meddling fools just delete every single fuck thing indiscriminately? Use your brains la! Even though you all want to play don't let it overrule your rationality!
Now the shit has hit the fan and everyone's gonna get it. I don't care if i come across as rude or crazy but i can and will do it. Either they sort it out or i will sort them out...Troubleshoot? The next time i see them i will bloody shoot them. Watch it.
Let's move on to better things, today i finally met Kah Yee...haha...the bubbly girl who brings laughter and light to me sometimes...yeah...a friend who i should be seeing more often but i hardly see...it was nice talking to her and seeing her again...standing on the bridge between the Esplanade and Fullerton enjoying the night scene and the breeze, running for your dad's car, and all that and that much more...i don't wanna tell everyone too much, save that i really had a great time! Let's do it again, alright?
Bis dann...
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...This week's my first in FATA and to all those Liaison pricks who are reading this: We are NOT slack. Hypocrisy rules these days man especially when people with the slackest timetables walk up to you and say "FATA slack! FATA slack!" Aber Schlägerei zu machen wird nichts ändern...Leider, nicht? Na also. Kicked off the week with FAMS (Field Artillery Meteorological Station) which is basically gathering meteorological data so we can feed corrections to the guns to fire accurately.
Sounds simple? Well it isn't, really. Wait until deployment drills come and then that's jialat...Well...it's like this. It involves camouflaging 3 vehicles within 8 minutes so that obviously requires a lot of teamwork and spirit. We made it the first few times before things started going wrong...Shack factor...because there was only 8 of us doing 9-10 men's work...which means we had no rest, just rotations...like running SOC, having a 1.5 minute break, then running SOC again...sigh...So tiring! -zzzz-...Weather sorta saved us from continuing late into the night, but that means that if we don't buck up then we're really going to suffer during EX EAGLE next week. Just after 2LT Gao talked to us and pepped us to perform better and when we were actually wanting to go and do what we could...then came the storm. Even Lauster told us to do what we could...I think as cadets we're afforded too much respect, i mean, it's not bad and all, but i myself am really trying to avoid crawling on their heads...Sigh...
Within Temptation has produced their 3rd studio album called The Silent Force...heard it's Mother Earth, and then some...which means not just the goth element but also the genre-spanning music, beautiful dreamy tunes and absolutely great lyrics! All of you should listen to them, even if you don't like loud loud music because they've got some pretty good tracks there too! Too bad that you can't get them in Singapore and i only got Mother Earth here for 50 bucks...which i found was quite shitty anyway so i'm hoping i can send The Silent Force to Sam...I think i'm going crazy because i'm always hunting for music...i simply have to stop spending on music because i'm saving up for another ball end of the year...i went bowling with Reuben yestiddy and was quite disgusted with my performance, but then again maybe it's the wooden lanes which i haven't gotten used to.
Ausreden. No one needs that.
Anyway coming back to music-craving...I have to stop spending because when Sam returns from Germany in Feb, she's gonna be bringing me enough music for a very long time...Not that the CDs i have now are shitty...they're all really good...because i have simply given up listening to what American music has to offer...and my advice to those out there is simply hör einfach auf, das ist kein wirkliche Musik...which is kinda sad because Europe has so much to offer but no one here discovers it. That's why perhaps i've been boycotting Perfect 10 and Power 98 for like eons...and that's why i strongly feel that Inter FM should play more musik instead of those classicals followed by Nachrichten auf irgendeine Fremdsprache...it's quite silly, really. Wait til i come back from Germany...maybe start a pirate station and get discovered...heehee...
Okay I shall write more tomorra, but until then here is a song from
Laith Al-Deen called
Das weiss ich...Wenn ihr Deutsch könnt, na das ist echt echt schön, nicht?
Laith Al-Deen - das weiss ich
der nebel weicht, befreit meinen blick
Ich wünsche mir so sehr die nacht zurück
was sie versteckt, macht mir das atmen schwer
es schien so klar, doch scheinen trügt
sind wir in gefahr? und ist unser sieg
genauso nah wie unendlich weit entfernt?
versuch mich zu erinnern an diesen ersten tag
erst mal gespürt, was lang verborgen lag
unser erstes morgenlicht, unser land in sicht
daß sich die erde um sich selbst dreht
ja das weiß ichdoch ob ihr schwindlig wird dabei
das weiß ich nicht
daß wir geschaffen sind füreinander
ja das weiß ich
ob wir das irgendwann kapieren
das weiß ich nicht
ein wort zuviel und die welt steht still
schaut mit schwerem blick, weil sie wissen will
wo denn all die leichtigkeit geblieben ist
und während ich ertrinke, das ist die ironie
kann ich sie wieder spüren, die magie
die dich umgibt und zu jeder zeit
die dämonen aus unserer welt vertreibt
daß sich die erde um sich selbst dreht
ja das weiß ich
doch ob ihr schwindlig wird dabei
das weiß ich nicht
daß wir geschaffen sind füreinander
ja das weiß ichob wir das irgendwann kapieren
das weiß ich nich